The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

I went out to turn the sprinklers on and decided to get a pic of the hostas blooming, not nearly as colorful as Lesters' Lillies...but I love the pastel style color of these:


I miss growing Hostas. They simply won't grow here unless we water every day and that is not in the cards in this state right now.

They do sell them, but are on the DO NOT PLANT list by the city. The deer love them too! And we have herds and herds everywhere. Not by my house, but in town, actually.
Hi GF,

Believe it or not, almost every photo on this thread has been taken with a Samsung Galaxy S5 phone. I use a rigged up tripod fixture to hold the phone. I think I posted that a few pages back. I carry a monopod with me to help steady my shots too.
The phone camera is 16 Megapixels, which is more than any of the standard digital cameras I have here. There are lots of special effects available on the camera software too, but I don't really use them at all.

Hi Cannafan. I've been enjoying all your pictures even though I don't post about them. Wow, using a phone camera! I have the hardest time nowadays holding a camera still enough to get sharp pictures of plants, buds, etc., which is another reason your pictures are so impressive to me.
Hi Cannafan. I've been enjoying all your pictures even though I don't post about them. Wow, using a phone camera! I have the hardest time nowadays holding a camera still enough to get sharp pictures of plants, buds, etc., which is another reason your pictures are so impressive to me.

Hi Brightlight, and thank you. :)

I know what you mean on holding a camera steady, I have an awful time with it in the morning because of the caffeine in my coffee. LOL

It really does help to rubber band your camera, or tape it to something sturdy like a tripod or monopod. Then just gently push the button for the camera, don't tap at it. Tapping causes camera shake. If you don't have a monopod you can make one easily from a sturdy straight tree branch.

For still shots inside I have used bean bags to set the camera on, in the absence of a tripod, and then move the subject to the camera instead of trying to move the camera.
Hope that helps at least a little.

Happy Freeweed day!

It also helps to have a (what) 12MP camera! My camera on the phone has 3MP.

I really need to buy a good camera. I want one which does both digital and film because I love photographing using TriX film. I love that grainy look for some things.

I love your composition. That is what I always notice first. That, is the art in photography.
It also helps to have a (what) 12MP camera! My camera on the phone has 3MP.

I really need to buy a good camera. I want one which does both digital and film because I love photographing using TriX film. I love that grainy look for some things.

I love your composition. That is what I always notice first. That, is the art in photography.

Hi GardenFaerie,

I love the TriX!

My phone camera is 16MP. I just sold a Canon t3i, that was 18MP at work the other day. Oooohhh, I wanted that camera. LOL

I just went on a quick search for combination digital/film cameras, and unless you have ten grand+ to spend on a Hasselblad with swappable film/digital seems there is really nothing else out there. The only other choice I saw was to buy a film camera and digital of the same brand, like Canon or Nikon, and get an array of lenses that will interchange.
I thought about doing that Canna. I prefer Nikon to Canon, but Canon really does have a nice line. Like everything else, I have to do some reading first. I always take a really long time when making purchases. We have an agreement in our marriage. We don't spend over 100 dollars without discussing it first. We've never had one fight over money in 21 years. I do have to buy an LED panel very soon, so that, and a few other things so a camera may have to be a Christmas thing.
Took this picture on our hiking trail today. I'm 99% sure it is the western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis), the genus of spiny lizards. He wasn't scared of us at all, he might have been scared of those rattle snakes though!
Yep, that's a fence lizard. We have tons and tons of them. My husband seems to be a lizard whisperer. I have a bunch of photos with babies which just hatched out almost in his hand! I think they may be on my OT journal. If not, I can post them later, so cute.
In between changing the grow room around......again....I found another violet and decided to play with the color a bit:



The next one looks like an olive in the center of the flower:



Look closely, do you see a lion's face in this picture?


And I'm not sure how many of you caught that itsy bitsy spider way back on the first or second page, but I blew it up a little more so you can see the pattern on it:

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