The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Have any of you tried to grow the carnivorous "Drosera", or commonly called "Sundew" plants? Just curious if you have any hints or tips on them. They have many varieties and can be grown under fluorescent lights.


Canna, you took this picture!?!?!?

I'll play, but my weekend is Sunday-Monday this week. Does that work?

Also, this contest has a "come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly" feel to it. It's hard to compete with Canna's skills. :rofl:

How many photos per participant? Just one?

Aw now, my photos are not the greatest either PeeJay. And it's not just the photo, it's the subject matter too. Someone could get a once in a lifetime shot of a one eyed pink lapper-billed blue jay. ;-) I think we should be able to post at least 3 photos of different things. What do you all think? That way everyone gets a chance.

Let's do voting on Tuesday?
Just to add some color to the page, here is a patch of our ice plant flowers for ya. They open in the heat of the day and close back up again for the night. It's cool to see them open and close for awhile. (I didn't take this picture today, it's just a repost from my garden photos)

Hey Canna I remember from the beginning you had a plant from the Aus. trip that you weren't sure what it was. Not sure.

Anyway I have some of the same stuff in the backyard, we got a huge tree called Bottlebrush Callistemon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


And here are the Pussywillow flowers
I know exactly what those are Lester! We used to have them around here. I think they are about 2-3 inches on the flowers? The ones AU are about 6" long and more, but they do look similar.

I miss the pussy-willows here. They used to be everywhere in the ditches and along the sides of the roads when we were kids. Years ago they started spraying chemicals to keep the weeds down on the roadways. That destroyed all of the willows and other beautiful wild plants. Lady slippers, which are a protected flower here, were also destroyed with chemical weed control. They are rare to see around here anymore.

I have a pic of one that grows on my property every year. I should find that and post it.


And awesome pics btw!!
Wow, what is wrong with the world when you have to kill everything in your way? Geez, that roadside weed bed is someone's home.

I know GF, the ditches with all of the weeds provided homes to lots of critters. Mallards had a place to hide their nests and still have the water close for the babies. We had huge snakes called "Blue racers" that were so numerous that it was commonplace to see them dead on the roadway from getting hit by cars when they came out of the ditches. These were "good" snakes because they killed venomous snakes like the rattlers, which kept them under control.

I haven't seen a blue racer around these parts in 30 years or more. The chemical spray is used in the ditches as well as any power line easements, such as on my property. Since the chemicals came in my wildflowers like the lady slippers have all but disappeared forever in those areas.
I know about the Lady Slippers, especially the pink natives. So, so very sad. I don't know what to say. I get so choked up about nature and wildlife. It really does a number on me.

I worry about wildlife during fireworks, and thunder and loud bangs, fires, floods...we had rushing water across the property last night when a storm rolled in and dumped 6 inches in less than an hour in my garden. The pool got filled to the top. I forgot to get a photo of that. I'm updating my journal now...

But yes, it tears my heart out...oil spills, melting Greenland...etc.
That's what came to mind...whatever you decide. Of course my camera broke yesterday, so I'm a bit handicapped and today I am setting up my new grow closet. It is all empty now and there is junk everywhere in the house from that stupid closet.

I have to run our for new mylar. I know white is very reflective, but I want to cover the walls up with something so when I spray it doesn't get on the walls.
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