The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

My walk this morning was cool and comfy. This time I had bug spray.

I managed a couple of pics on the way to the woods:



So off to the woods I went. I got all the way to the back of the property and heard a horn in the direction of the house. Then I heard a log splitter start. Dang! The guy who is loaning me his splitter showed up with no notice (my Dad's splitter wasn't beafy enough for what I had left). So the rest of the morning was shot tossing wood and splitting.

I headed out to the store later, and managed some wildflower pics along the roadside though:



All of you have beautiful photos! You all win. My camera crapped out. I don't have the zoom or macro function any more. I actually heard it pop and break when I was using the zoom. Piece of junk, anyway. Now I'm in the market for an inexpensive digital with great macro ability. i'll wait for my big camera.
Nice trio Canna!

Ok here are my 3 photos that I took today. Can't wait to sit out there in the chair and watch the plants rustle in the wind. I love nature :circle-of-love:

Methuselah coming out of his hole in the morning...(on top of him you can see foliage from 3 different plants, one is the Juniper, one is the Ivy, and one is the Jasmine )

Red Onion Flower

Flowering Mint

Not super exotic or anything but I don't think people get to see onion flowers very often :yummy: The mint sure is a great companion plant to have, especially when it flowers. Those mint flowers are growing off a mint plant that is like a regular weed growing on its own accord. I sure do love "regular weeds" :hookah:

:ciao: Have a good Evening my friends! :hug:

PS All pics taken with camera phone :)
All of you have beautiful photos! You all win. My camera crapped out. I don't have the zoom or macro function any more. I actually heard it pop and break when I was using the zoom. Piece of junk, anyway. Now I'm in the market for an inexpensive digital with great macro ability. i'll wait for my big camera.

Hi gardenfaerie. Pls. keep me in mind if you find an inexpensive camera with good macro. My Canon elph has macro but it seems to have a mind of its own as it goes back and forth between regular and macro. Not reliable.
Hi gardenfaerie. Pls. keep me in mind if you find an inexpensive camera with good macro. My Canon elph has macro but it seems to have a mind of its own as it goes back and forth between regular and macro. Not reliable.

I have to agree there, my digital camera has an "auto macro" and I absolutely hate it, pretty much useless for me. Next one I get there will be a separate user choice macro setting or button. The older digital has it, but it's only an 8MP camera. I miss that feature.

Beautiful shots Lester! That onion flower is really awesome, love the lighting. Makes it look like a moonlit shot.

I have mint growing wild here too, but I've never seen them flower. Hmmmm...maybe a different variety? They sure do smell nice though, and taste great in cooking too.


I would love to borrow Methuselah for a few days, I'll bet that would put a huge scare into this snapper in my pond. He would probably leave the county for good.

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