The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Canna, don't bother under the lights. While the volatile oils in cannabis develop under lights, lavender will not produce. It's been tried. You can try English lavender because it fairs better in a bit more cool/damp, but won't really thrive if the soil stays moist. It is not a reliable perennial much further north than USDA Zone 8. I can survive, but not reliable as a perennial.

I cannot tell you how many plants would come back to us in the garden center because of over watering and they didn't water, that was the rainfall. Your best bet is to plant it in a dedicated, raised bed with a lot of sand and compost to aerate the soil. Do NOT water it, however, when you initially plant it, totally saturate the entire root ball in liquid seaweed. Let it really get wet in that little container. Tease the roots gently and plant it in damp soil and mulch it with white rocks, limestone is perfect if you have it. They also like relatively high pH soil.

If you want to try it again with any seriousness, do give it a dedicated, raised bed. About 12" would be a good depth for perfect drainage. Then, watch them. If you see the root ball drying out, water it, but only enough to get it through. It wants to struggle; that is how the essential oils develop.

You can do it. It's a lot of prep. Avoid French and Spanish lavender.
It is a crappy deal unless you have Amazon Prime for free shipping. Even then it is not a great price. I recently picked up a 25# bag locally for $34.00 + tax - 5x as much for less than double the cramazon price. A 5 pounder is still a pretty good supply. It is more thrifty than bottled liquid nutes at the cramazon price and is healthy whole food for plants.

Thanks so much for tips on the Lavender!

I got a call from the doc's office today, I've heard of hidden cameras and have used them a time or two...or three thousand in my lifetime, but a camera that you swallow?
They are doing what is called a Capsule endoscopy first. You swallow a pill that has a camera in it. It goes through the system and takes thousands of pictures that gets sent to a receiver unit that you wear. This is how they look into the small intestines.
Absolutely amazing! The wonders of medical procedures, eh?

LOL, Victoria....that was my FIRST question on the phone. Cuz that is NOT happening. She said it is "disposable" and not to be retrieved because the receiver has all of the data they need.

PeeJay, no chit! It's about time after fighting through so many other providers with their generic "try this" crapola, this guy knows his stuff.

Well, I didn't get a chance for pics yesterday. We've had some pretty cold weather here the last couple days and it's been rainy. Hope to have some better weather on the weekend to get out and about. Still need to hit that bike trail before season ends, there's always wildlife opportunities on that trail, it now goes through 3 or 4 counties.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Yup Canna, two major data collection tests on the horizon. What a great thing.

Get out on the bike trail! The clock is ticking. It won't be long before we'll need a beauty of Autumn and Winter journal. I love the way the quality and angle of the light changes this time of year.
The turkeys are awesome. My son is doing really well so far, Canna. His only complaint at this point is the meds make food taste different and bland, which is a bummer...

We've been getting him moved the last two days. His old place was fully furnished, so he doesn't own a stick of furniture. Srcubbed the old apt yesterday and hauled everything down here. Been patrolling garage sales, chasing stuff on Craigslist, Home Improvement Mega World, Costso, Office max, even the much hated Wet-Fart since 7:30 this morning. I'm pooped!
Well, so much for a nice day on the bike trail. I just finished up making 32 breakfast sandwiches. Be careful when you make something special for the family....they WILL want more. Mom says, "Can you make a few of those up for us if I pay for the food?"...."Sure, I said..and how many do you want?" "Well how about 16 sausage and 16 Ham, then I can freeze some" she says. "WHAT??" I said.
And she got me with the last line "Well your Dad just loves them". My heart melted and off to the store I went. LOL

I did manage some pics in the yard though, first up is what I think is a Morning Glory? How it got here, I have no idea.



The bugs....they're always watching. I just love the pattern on this dude:



And a cute little spider that is carrying his own water bottle:


Some miscellaneous flowers catching a bowl of water:

The turkeys are awesome. My son is doing really well so far, Canna. His only complaint at this point is the meds make food taste different and bland, which is a bummer...

We've been getting him moved the last two days. His old place was fully furnished, so he doesn't own a stick of furniture. Srcubbed the old apt yesterday and hauled everything down here. Been patrolling garage sales, chasing stuff on Craigslist, Home Improvement Mega World, Costso, Office max, even the much hated Wet-Fart since 7:30 this morning. I'm pooped!

So glad to hear it's going okay, and you are going to be a whole lot less stressed and will feel much relieved knowing he's closer now!

Get some rest!

First of all, those photos, that spider with the droplet, wow! Even I'm falling in love with Canna now! hahaha

And I am thrilled to hear about your son, Peege! That is such amazing news. Here's to this medication having a very long life! Just great to hear.
Do you know what type of grape it is? I hail from Oklahoma but live in Europe, in the Province of Burgenland, in Austria. I am surrounded by vineyards and have helped during harvest and with bottling, since my brother in law is a wine farmer. Today, at 62, I am more into eating grapes than drinking them, unless it is grape juice.
Do you know what type of grape it is? I hail from Oklahoma but live in Europe, in the Province of Burgenland, in Austria. I am surrounded by vineyards and have helped during harvest and with bottling, since my brother in law is a wine farmer. Today, at 62, I am more into eating grapes than drinking them, unless it is grape juice.

:ciao: Billwhit,
I don't have a clue what kind of grapes they are. I know they stay green, that's about it. LOL

I rescued a couple of vines that were being dug up and thrown out by a builder. Took about 3 years before I saw a grape develop, hopefully next year will be fruity if I can keep the bugs and birds off them.

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