The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons


Haha Ok I got some stuff I wanna share. First are some photos I took while I was in Maine visiting, What do you think type of caterpillar is that? The background is my red-shirt, It landed on my shoulder and my friend said "Don't Move", we got a pic plucked that sucker off.
Also you can see the lizard picture I took, pretty good for an iphone and no tripod huh?!? :) And that fungus was cool!

And some pics I grabbed off the net :)

So THAT'S how people get that bright neon colored hair, it grows that way from the brain!


That caterpillar and the lizard are awesome. Your iphone does just fine from my view! It's amazing the different colors, structures, and sizes of caterpillars there are in the world. I wonder what kind of butterfly or moth....or whatever it will turn into?

And I see you found my dog "Rex", he's looking a bit boney there...but we'll get him fixed up. :rofl:

And, going into space might not be so scary after all .....with a bag of "feel goods" to go with ya.

That is a Vapourer Moth, more than likely, but it is some type of asp which are all generally pretty toxic if they nip you. Flesh melting type stuff. That lizard is a Sceloporus undulatus; commonly called a Fence lizard.

Ever see the slide show I made for this photographer? All taken in TX storms and night skies.

You're not screwed, just let them'll be surprised how much weight they will put on.

They need time. Be Patient :Namaste:

The trichomes aren't the sole factor here, a lot of it also has to do with allowing the buds to fill in and become densely stacked floral clusters.
They are packed with floral clusters, if by flowers you mean the stamens. Pot really doesn't have flowers...well it does, but it is the bracts you are really developing. The flowers are really insignificant. Not meaning insignificant to the potency or health of the plant, the flowers just don't have much ornament in the world of plants. I guess all herbs are plants, but not all plants are herbs. Cannabis is a true herb in every sense of the definition.

thanks for always being so encouraging, Les. I'm a bit of a pain, I know!
They are definitely flowering plants that have male and female respective organs.

I am definitely not referring to stamens which are male, pollen containing organs.

I am referring to the female flowers, which are the calyxes with protruding pistils.

What happens when a bud forms is those female flowers (calyx clusters) stack and explode with growth.

We want the un-pollinated female flower. The fact that terpenes and cannabinoids are produced as a defense mechanism is just an added bonus. What an amazingly adaptive plant.

Capeesh? :) :volcano-smiley:
Yes, of course. I meant pistols. I was looking right at them, too! Doh.

I know they flower, but the parts people think are the flowers are not. Like Poinsettias. Those red and colorful bracts are not the plants' flowers, the smaller inner parts are the flower parts. Insignificant. The they are bred and bred to death every year to have colors...and they are desperately trying to develop a true blue bract. That has been going on since the 60s.
Different plants are bred for different things.

For instance. The wild mustard (brassica oleracea) was selectively bred.

Cabbage bred for its terminal buds.
Cauliflower for its floral clusters.
Brussel sprouts for lateral buds
Kale for foliage
Kohlrabi for stem
Broccoli for stems and flowers

Anyway, there is definitely a degree of semantics in botany. :volcano-smiley:
Well canna, you know what we all use! :circle-of-love:

Extreme-Q by Arizer!


I don't remember the website where someone recently bought one for 135 including shipping. Do either of you, or Peege know or remember who that was or the site it was on?

As for botany; I am definitely not a botanist. I know basic botany, but it was not something I studied in depth because I was not going to be a taxonomist and truthfully, I wanted to get out of University! My whole education was based on greenhouse management. I had to have a degree in horticulture for that, but I learned what I learned out in the greenhouse, not in the lab or theater.

Canna, I was just in the best, deep, soaking tub full of bubbles and things good...with a book I bought for a dollar, "The Help."
I saw the movie before I knew it was a book. I'm not a reader of current fiction. Anyway, I smoked a nice joint of MM in there and now I'm going to relax and wish for everyone else to be happy and relaxed in their life.

Peege, wherever you are, I hope all is well with your son and I look to hear from you soon. We are (I'm sure I can speak for everybody) pulling for your son.
Things are remarkably good with Junior. He's getting settled nicely. He worked with a friendly outgoing red haired girl this summer who is in school here. They get along well, and she is a good student. I'm fixing them super tonight. Asada marinated chicken, sautéed cabbage, brown rice, salsa fresca with tomatoes and chile from the garden, warm tortillas, vanilla ice cream with fresh raspberries.

I don't remember where the sale on the vaporizer was...

Glad you have been chilling, Victoria (see my post in your journal.)

I just started a new round of grad classes this week and have been busy getting Junior settled, so I'm crazy busy!
Yeah, I have a cheap-o unit at the moment. Someday I WILL get a decent one. LOL

Oh, the Gnats were not happy about that SNS 217 spray. I saw 3 of them immediately fly out of the plants when I sprayed it.


Yeah, I feel you on that. The SNS products have always done me right and are a joy to use. Hope it takes care of your issue quick :Namaste:

I don't remember the website where someone recently bought one for 135 including shipping. Do either of you, or Peege know or remember who that was or the site it was on?

As for botany; I am definitely not a botanist. I know basic botany, but it was not something I studied in depth because I was not going to be a taxonomist and truthfully, I wanted to get out of University! My whole education was based on greenhouse management. I had to have a degree in horticulture for that, but I learned what I learned out in the greenhouse, not in the lab or theater.

Canna, I was just in the best, deep, soaking tub full of bubbles and things good...with a book I bought for a dollar, "The Help."
I saw the movie before I knew it was a book. I'm not a reader of current fiction. Anyway, I smoked a nice joint of MM in there and now I'm going to relax and wish for everyone else to be happy and relaxed in their life.

Peege, wherever you are, I hope all is well with your son and I look to hear from you soon. We are (I'm sure I can speak for everybody) pulling for your son.

I have no idea, you would have to do some shopping around. I have been using my EQ by Arizer like an industrial machine day and night for 3+ years so I'm outta the loop :rofl:

Things are remarkably good with Junior. He's getting settled nicely. He worked with a friendly outgoing red haired girl this summer who is in school here. They get along well, and she is a good student. I'm fixing them super tonight. Asada marinated chicken, sautéed cabbage, brown rice, salsa fresca with tomatoes and chile from the garden, warm tortillas, vanilla ice cream with fresh raspberries.

I don't remember where the sale on the vaporizer was...

Glad you have been chilling, Victoria (see my post in your journal.)

I just started a new round of grad classes this week and have been busy getting Junior settled, so I'm crazy busy!

That's so great to hear brother! :cheer:
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