The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Hey Heir is it as hot up on the pass as it is here and I have a question just out of curiosity... You said after the accident they took you to N.... did they take you to V Hospital...:confused: Just curious... I did a clinical rotation there years ago and what an awesome place... Happy Father's day BTW......:circle-of-love:
Cherries are ripening :thumb:

I was cleaning and scrubbing the inside of my truck of mouse damage from storage, and I happened to see something move on my shoulder. This is an adult Crane Fly, which is commonly mistaken as a Mosquito Hawk.
They do not eat mosquitoes, as a matter of fact, the adults do not eat at all. Their only purpose as adults is to mate and lay eggs.
The larvae feed off grass roots and other vegetative roots.



Yours looks very much like a Trip-L Crop vining tomato. Yes, the leaves aren't very tomato like. I happen to have 4 of them, this one just off my porch in a pot, so I was a able to hobble out and get a pic this morning.

Yours may not be Trip-L, but it is a tomato. Give it support beyond a tomato cage (which are no good for tomatoes, but great for peppers).



Thank you Heirloom! I have some pieces of cattle fencing I will put in there to get them support.

So glad to identify these, now I know what to expect.

Happy Fathers Day to you and all the guys out there!

Found some pretties in the house plant area today. I have no idea the names of these plants. I bought them because they were pretty. Lol




Canna Montana, I just love the variety of colours :thanks: The main plant in the first picture is a Money Plant, every successful Chinese take away has one in these parts of the World and the second picture is of what we call a Christmas or Easter cactus, depends when it blooms, it should give a stunning display. I really appreciate seeing 'ordinary houseplants' from a part of the World I'm not familiar with:thumb:

Oh WOW, I went to paste a response and there is more The Pinks or Carnations have to be one of favourite garden flowers:thanks:

Ditto on the Money plant, more often known as Jade Plant - Back when I lived in San Francisco they grew outside as 4-7ft tall bushes after being in the ground for 30 years or so.
:passitleft: High Guys ... I had to chase the Pom across the property today and after I finished having a heart attack in the front yard I noticed this really cool looking plant that I had never noticed before and I have never seen one like it before either...:straightface: Does anybody know what this is..:confused:... The leaves are so thick they look like velvet... It's really quite a kewl looking plant....:circle-of-love:
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