The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

Thank goodness the spaghetti squash seeds were fast to germ. Everything else in this planter is gone:


Hmmm...... tear down of last years' model or cheap construction crew on this years?


Darn chipmunk damage. Did you start your cracked corn feeding yet?

I would guess shoddy construction. I usually see supporting branches as well as the branch to hang from. I suspect the hornets forgot to build where they had lower supports...... not knowledge, just an opinion :)
The Lemon has thinned its own fruit, most have dried, shrivelled and fallen from the plant, but at least 2 are breaking all local records and beginning to take on a lemon shape, well they are in my mind :laughtwo:


(Canna, it was a 'Patio Sicilian Lemon', marketing name?)

Colour on the kitchen windowsill, not sure what the succulent is but it is well overdue for up potting

Heirloom, man... Beautiful... taken my words outta my mouth. Couldn't match those photos with my limited adjectives..
Looks like a little kookaburra... I just did a search, I only said that as a joke.. But kookaburras have been seen in Yorkshire, don't know if that's close... They eat meat. You'll know it by its laugh..
Yorkshire is almost as far from me as you can get without being in another country but I forget how small England is. :laughtwo:

Not far from here there is a wild Mob of Wallabies, they escaped from a private collection and liked it, there were lots of reports on TV and the papers of strange sightings in the 70's until they were properly identified:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Hi Dennise :circle-of-love:
Today's Baby Mammals

I know they terrorize gardens... but they are so cute !

Chipmunk, Red Squirrel, and Gray Squirrel babies together on the deck



Baby Groundhog (two black eyes and nose in center of photo below the rock border)


The Mrs, reports that about 1/2 hour after this photo, baby groundhog had browsed along the path to the patch of clover in the bottom of the photo. Lying on it's side chewing on clover flowers... Until I reved the car in the front of the house and dropped the clutch - followed quickly by baby groundhog scampering along the paths to safety.

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