The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

That sounds like an interesting read Heirloom. I'll look for that book. :thumb:

I have a surveillance system here that overlooks the back where the gardens are, if anything big comes around I can usually catch it on that.
These chipmunks are brave souls, they do their digging while I'm standing on the back porch looking right at em'. Apparently they know there's a screen between them, myself and the cat with her mouth watering at them. :laugh:

Time to thin the heard and relocate again after what I've seen today. The have-a-heart trap is ready.
I am totally enjoying the baby mammals this week.

This weekend a bobcat wandered through the yard.

Yesterday was our first every bunny on the island - a baby. A critter for us to enjoy watching and for the future owners to deal with.

Today was a baby chipmunk and a baby red squirrel. Lots of mapping and curiousity in their movements. They scare themselves and bounce around like tigger. At one point the baby chipmunk and baby red squirrel were chasing each other :rofl: Heart warmingly cute.

(The pictures were too blurry to share.)
The First Padron flower of the year is now fully open


There are buds on the first 3 nodes and forming on the 4th


Busy busy busy on the bird feeders, all the parents feeding their young like crazy, too quick for my camera
Same boat as you guys. The ducks are too fast on the pond, and Momma Robin is always up in the nest with bugs in her mouth. I'm not interrupting food. LOL

It is soooo cold here. The rest of the country is in a heat wave and we're like the north pole here. Had to run the furnace two mornings in a row! How is the temp where you are Heirloom?
This is supposed to end today, I sure hope so. I want to be outside as much as I can before I start my job next week!

Purty flower AJ! How does it smell?

I can't tell Canna, the camera is on maximum zoom and the plant is at the back of the NFT tank and the flower is very small, they can pollinate themselves so need to attract bugs, all I can smell is the tomato plants

Should have kept records, not sure how they are doing compared to previous years, this will be a note for next year

Best of luck next week Canna

Coming to the end of the first really hot spell this year, it makes everything such hard work and the ground is very dry :smokin:
Same boat as you guys. The ducks are too fast on the pond, and Momma Robin is always up in the nest with bugs in her mouth. I'm not interrupting food. LOL

It is soooo cold here. The rest of the country is in a heat wave and we're like the north pole here. Had to run the furnace two mornings in a row! How is the temp where you are Heirloom?
This is supposed to end today, I sure hope so. I want to be outside as much as I can before I start my job next week!

Purty flower AJ! How does it smell?


This just sunk in this morning. MOTM win AND a new job? Congratz!
That kitten is adorable Heirloom! Bright eyed and looking to play.
Love the piglets too.

You've got a beautiful place there, and your garden is so far ahead of mine! As soon as these chipmunks are thinned out I'm going to try to plant some more of the acorn squash. I just love squash! And do you cook up the squash blossoms? They are yummly. :)

I made it to the Robin's nest this morning because Momma wasn't there, and darn if those babies haven't flown the nest already. It was empty. Oh well.....
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