The Beauty Of The Changing Seasons

I've been home for a couple days now. Have family coming and going, as well as home care. I'm set up in my living room. I can see out one window pretty good as well as the sliding glass door fairly well. So I can see colors from flowers and stuff. But seeing up close wild life is nice.

I'm having trouble focusing, as well as trouble understanding things. Math was nearly always in my head unless it was a complex equation. Right now I have problems with basic addition, especially when it comes to time. Just before the accident I had purchased and just started reading "Teaming with Microbes". I looked at it earlier and felt like a 2nd grader looking at Latin. My eggs are pretty scrambled. It's frustrating. Words escape me now. I read and re read things I type and try hard to make it understandable, having a hard time finding those words. Hope the brain comes back, because the body isn't going to be much use.

Wow, I just remembered Radogast and what he was going through. After a rest I need to go find out the status of the house/move.

Heirloom, it must feel good to be home for sure.
I think the brain activity will improve over time, as you start giving it some things to do. It took a hard hit, and was down for awhile. Going to take some time to learn to crawl, then walk, then run. I have my best thoughts going out to you that it will continue to get better with time. I can't imagine going through what you're going through, so I can't say that I feel your pain. No one could. Every person and every situation is different.

Hopefully they have some kind of therapy plan to help the brain come back to it's normal thinking process? I don't know much about head injuries, so I cannot say what any of that might be.

Keep on the positive road, it helps tremendously with healing. Remember that there are things you cannot change, and try to do the best with what you have. The body is a remarkable thing, you will learn to adjust. It maybe doesn't seem that way now, but as you heal and learn to adapt, you will get there!

It would be great if you had a bird feeder or something outside the window you will be at most. It's soothing to watch them. I think it would do wonders for you.

My offer stands, if you need anything at matter how big or small please let us know and we will do our best to help you.


What's your favorite summertime thing in nature? Let's see if we can get some pictures for you here, just to help cheer ya up!
For any of you who weren't aware, Heirloom has suffered very severe injuries and trauma from an accident.
Please stop by his journal and give a Brother some much needed hugs, well wishes and prayers!

Heirloom's A Little Bit Of Everything - 2016 Journal
on my way right now, I did not know he was in a accident, I really hate when I get so wrapped up in what is going on in my own life that I do not take the time to find out more about others within our community. Kind of makes me feel like a heel, though I will be working on improving in that department

I've been home for a couple days now. Have family coming and going, as well as home care. I'm set up in my living room. I can see out one window pretty good as well as the sliding glass door fairly well. So I can see colors from flowers and stuff. But seeing up close wild life is nice.

I'm having trouble focusing, as well as trouble understanding things. Math was nearly always in my head unless it was a complex equation. Right now I have problems with basic addition, especially when it comes to time. Just before the accident I had purchased and just started reading "Teaming with Microbes". I looked at it earlier and felt like a 2nd grader looking at Latin. My eggs are pretty scrambled. It's frustrating. Words escape me now. I read and re read things I type and try hard to make it understandable, having a hard time finding those words. Hope the brain comes back, because the body isn't going to be much use.

Wow, I just remembered Radogast and what he was going through. After a rest I need to go find out the status of the house/move.

Sorry to hear about your accident Heirloom,
I would have to agree with Cannafan, a bird feeder next to your window would be a great way for you to relax and enjoy a little nature without having to get out and about. You will be in my prayers, recover quickly my friend:hug::circle-of-love:
Heirloom, I was gutted to hear about your accident and I am deeply sorry for your hurt and loss, you have no idea. Sending deeply meditative healing thoughts and prayers your way from now and on in to the future....don't try to do too much too soon...what I do know for sure is that it takes time to heal and attitude plays a tremendously huge part in the process....I pray that you have the strength to think positively about your personal healing in both the physical and mental capacities....and don't beat yourself up if you have some very blue and down days; you are human and no on can stand in for heart goes out and just bleeds.....

I saw on the news last nite a little girl who was given a doll for her birthday that had a prosthetic leg just like her....she was very young, maybe 5-6 and she cried....I was on the floor in tears as well...wishing all the best for you, take it slow and god speed :circle-of-love:
I'll see about a feeder, it's a good idea.

I definitely have days/times when I'm pretty low. I've never been one to ask for or need help. Now I have no choice. I find it humiliating and degrading.

No one should beat themselves up for not staying on top of everyone else here. It's not possible. Too much goes on. People come and go all the time, hard to know when it's something serious.

Thank you for thoughts and prayers!
I'll see about a feeder, it's a good idea.

I definitely have days/times when I'm pretty low. I've never been one to ask for or need help. Now I have no choice. I find it humiliating and degrading.

No one should beat themselves up for not staying on top of everyone else here. It's not possible. Too much goes on. People come and go all the time, hard to know when it's something serious.

Thank you for thoughts and prayers!

The whole family enjoys our birdfeeders. Especially the cat. You might consider a feeding platform just outside the window.

My wife's father spent a few months feeding squirrels at the window from his chair after his Korean War injury. He ended up being his state's foremost advocate for disabled veterans and a major force for the design and implementation of the (ADA) Americans with Disability Act. Not what I would have done, but I am not dripping in blarney either :)
I seem to be just following you around Heir... I want to help so much but I don't know how... I love ya my friend...:circle-of-love:

No worries D, I'm just wandering the halls aimlessly. Maybe I'm just getting in your way!


The whole family enjoys our birdfeeders. Especially the cat. You might consider a feeding platform just outside the window.

My wife's father spent a few months feeding squirrels at the window from his chair after his Korean War injury. He ended up being his state's foremost advocate for disabled veterans and a major force for the design and implementation of the (ADA) Americans with Disability Act. Not what I would have done, but I am not dripping in blarney either :)


I asked for a seed type feeder and a humming bird feeder. Should be here today. The kitten will enjoy it too, I'm sure.

How are things going for you? Whats the latest on the house situation?
Great that you're getting the feeders Heirloom!

Radogast did buy another house and he did good! I'll let him tell the details. :circle-of-love:

Our new home is a square house build in the 1890s in a nice neighborhood a few blocks from a mid-sized downtown.

The 1100 sq ft stone walled basement is divided into 5 rooms by thick brick walls - some with doors, with a new water heater and Air Conditioning.

The first floor is 1100 sq ft with a full width front porch, leaded glass windows and a wedding photo beautiful center staircase, old built-ins, new kitchen.

The second floor has 2 bedroom suites, a 3rd bedroom, a large bathroom (made out of the 4th bedroom) and a laundry room (made out of old bathroom.) The second floor has new carpet throughout. Both bedroom suites have step through double hung windows (no door tax) onto the full house width 2nd floor balcony.

The attic is an open 1100 sq feet with 4 windowed dormers and wood floors, a new roof and a Palladian Window overlooking a tree lined street.

There are a few turned spindles in the gingerbread that need repair, cabinet doors that have spent 30 years in the basement, etc. but it is move-in ready.

All this for less than half the price of all 3 of my previous homes.

We are soooooo happy to be buying this house. Moving in about a month. Last harvest in old house this week.

Thanks for asking Heirloom. :)
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