"The Beast" gets serious!

Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Okay, time for an update.

The temps are looking very good now. Last weekend was nice and cool and it seems to have cooled everything down nicely. Temps the morning were canopy at 72 and res at 66, both perfect for good production. They rise rather quickly once the sun comes up, but they have been topping out at about 85, still acceptable.

The plants in the foreground are the AK/Cherry Lime, they are very sativa like in growth, very light and airy, and fast growing, they are over 20" tall right now, but the White Russian and Durban Poison are both more indica like, rather short and bushy. I've topped the hell out of the AK/CL but they are still going like crazy, almost can't stop them. Looks like super cropping on the horizon.

I topped the WR and DP last Saturday, the WR just the top main bud, but the DP's already had several side shoots that were very large so I topped three from several and 4 from one. They are bushing out perfectly, exactly what I would like to see. The DP have a main branch that is rather laid back with many lower shoots coming up. The WR are almost like little christmas trees, but since I topped them the side branches are coming up good and they are looking more like menorahs. Now that's a pretty ecumenical description there isn't it!

I did the first foliar feeding this morning, too early to see anything yet, but they are looking healthy.

First, a couple group shots:


White Russian:


Durban Poison:



I've got a comparison pic for you to look at, I'll post it separately.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

looking good fry, check out the new high times when you can, theirs a pretty amazing article on commercial grows in Colorado. I was at borders last night and saw it....wow
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I am off to cut some more. I will come back and check pics in a bit. I wanted to turn puter on so I didn't have to worry about my finger swipe not working from the resin on my fingers.

Good luck with the rest of that harvest, it sounds like you're getting quite a bit from that WW, have fun!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

looking good fry, check out the new high times when you can, theirs a pretty amazing article on commercial grows in Colorado. I was at borders last night and saw it....wow

I heard about an issue a couple months ago about the "mountains of pot" in Colorado. Yes, everybody and his brother is growing, not much else to do around here these days, but I'm finding most of it is such a low quality that mine definitely falls into another class.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Thanks man, the other thread actually has two grows in it, the first I was rather disappointed, the plants looked great but they were so cramped in there I didn't get much yield. The second half of that thread is my second grow, I built another cabinet doubling my space, grew one less plant and just about quadrupled my yield, they had the room they needed to grow.

Thanks man, I've had some nice grows, but this one looks to be the classic! Pics coming right up.

I wish I could post some pics of my bubble grow. After I used the Vinegar, garlic, cayenne pepper concoction on them (3 days in a row,..heavy) it looks like they are in a hospice and I must be in the "special olympics" grow room. If they had an award of the month for the Most Pathetic I'd be a shoe in!

My dirt grow (indoors) however is budding up nicely. My outside grow is phenomenal.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Those dogs are a bitch to handle as you now know. There are a few others like that. Ridgebacks come to mind.

I had such a good four hours yesterday with Buddy the pitbull. I got all licked up and my dogs played with him. He is smart as hell. My friend is training him. I am not sure she knows how to but the effort will pay off. He is already a badness climbing stairs and trying to get out of her fence. One of her big dogs is still scared of him but that will change. The other one plays with him which is great. I love when they smack you with there paws. That is too cute.

Well that's great you had a chance to play Buddy yesterday, he's awful lucky to have found your friend and yourself! We all need our friends, I'm sure he's awful glad he found you.

I was pretty busy last night with dogs myself. My neighbors dog just had emergency surgery. He was acting strange Saturday night, she found him, brought him in and the next morning he was very lethargic so she took him to the vet, turns out he had a growth on his spleen, either cancer or a hematoma, but the hematoma just means he'll last longer, it's the beginning of the end.

They removed his spleen, she should find out if it's cancer real soon, hopefully today, I forget what they told her. This is exactly what happened to my Ginger, the Anatolian, only I elected not to do the surgery, they told me it would only add 6 months maybe a year to her life. I couldn't se putting her through the indignity.

But the amazing thing was the reaction from my pups. They both go running over when they see her pull up, they love Aldo too. But it was amazing the way they reacted when she lifted Aldo out of the car. He could walk, barely, both Harley and Sadie walked up to him very gently, this is not normal, usually it's Let's Play! But this time they knew something was wrong, they both very gently sniffed around, hey they're still dogs!, gave him a few licks and gave him the space. They're good buddies. We saw Aldo this morning, he's looking pretty good!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Nice pics of nice plants FPF
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Thanks for the grow update, they look great. You are definitely going to be the goto guy in Denver!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Excellent looking plants fry. Wish I was in denver. I just wana learn! Wow is all I can say. I can't wait to see the buds on the AKCL. Mmm sounds delicioso! Lol
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Wholly canolie, those plants are unreal. You want to change what you are doing why?

Feel bad for the doggies. Aren't doggies smart when another is sick they are so gentle.

I think I had a lot of popcorn buds not much yield. We will see in a week or so. I will try to cure it slower this time. I did rehydrate last time with a stem. I will cut the main stem when I can find a hatchet and chuck it in the freezer. I am sure I will need it.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Excellent looking plants fry. Wish I was in denver. I just wana learn! Wow is all I can say. I can't wait to see the buds on the AKCL. Mmm sounds delicioso! Lol

I'm really curious about those buds too, they are supposed to be a real light green color, and with the AK in them they are supposed to get pretty massive, but I'll believe that when I see it. These AK/CL are so light and airy I'm betting the buds will be similar.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Wholly canolie, those plants are unreal. You want to change what you are doing why?

Feel bad for the doggies. Aren't doggies smart when another is sick they are so gentle.

I think I had a lot of popcorn buds not much yield. We will see in a week or so. I will try to cure it slower this time. I did rehydrate last time with a stem. I will cut the main stem when I can find a hatchet and chuck it in the freezer. I am sure I will need it.

I'm trying to supplement what I've been doing. Some of the leaves don't look as healthy as they could and with the heat I've lost a lot of growth. I feel I should have been here two weeks ago. I'm hoping to flower soon, definitely before the end of the month, and hopefully by the end of next week.

The AK/CL could probably go to flower right now, they are over 20" tall. But the WR and DP are only about 12", way too short to flower, in my estimation. I's like them to be 18" - 20" before I start flowering. And if I can get some good growth I'll be on my revised schedule.

And keep lots of those stems, I've used mine several times. I'll let it go too far and have to re-hydrate. Then I let that one go too far and I'll have to do it again. My biggest fear is the buds moulding in the jars, that's why I let them get too dry. I'll figure it out eventually.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I have read about the taste and stuff from over drying but have not seen anyone say that it degrades the potency. I would rather have to dry then issues if that is the case. My are getting very dry in the jars as well. I guess they don't seal fully. Any seepage of air here will dry them.

My buds look like lettuce. The smalls ones are a very light green.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I have read about the taste and stuff from over drying but have not seen anyone say that it degrades the potency. I would rather have to dry then issues if that is the case. My are getting very dry in the jars as well. I guess they don't seal fully. Any seepage of air here will dry them.

My buds look like lettuce. The smalls ones are a very light green.

They smoke fine too. Unless you want to save them to smoke, I'd use them for kief or hash or edibles or... Many uses. Fortunately I had enough buds to not worry about the real small stuff, that went into my bud leaf bag for kief.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I'm really curious about those buds too, they are supposed to be a real light green color, and with the AK in them they are supposed to get pretty massive, but I'll believe that when I see it. These AK/CL are so light and airy I'm betting the buds will be similar.

I dunno Fry, The Rhino I'm growing has a VERY sativa pheno. very thin airy sparse looking plants, but in the last few weeks those buds really fatten up and become dense. I bet your strain will be similar becasue of the AK influence like your saying. It's funny, cause' it just looks odd to see such a weak looking plant bust out the big nugs. lol I'm rooting for that scenario anywho.!
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