"The Beast" gets serious!

Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

You are ah extra special silly today hehe. Emphasis on special.

I blame the hash! Short bus just pulled up Time to go!

Well, it sounds like we're all having fun now, think I'll join in!

Well, lots done, vacuumed the house, special attention to the guest bedroom, a few things to stash in there. Guest bath is cleaned, I've got plenty done! Time for a bowl.

I don't usually smoke this early in the day, always hoping someone will call with that perfect job you know. But the heck with it, I feel like getting high! I love this new pipe I just got.

But hey, getting a little serious. I've got this Dutch Master Saturator that my hydro guy suggested along with the DM Zone to control powdery mildew. Reading the literature the Saturator is used during foliar feeding to get the nutes deep into the leaf. The instructions say to mix nutes to your desired ppm level for a quart of food and then add 60 ml of the Saturator.

It was funny mixing nutes for a quart, I use 200 ml of each to get 750 ppm, today I used 3 ml each and hit 1100 ppm, but it's easy enough to dilute.

But, the question is, are there any things for me to watch for? I'm only going with 750 ppm so it's pretty tame. Is it okay to spray directly as the instructions say to do? It should be very straight forward, but I want to check and see what the potential problems would be.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Another note about the grow. Here I am in week 5, but I'll call it about week 3 of veg, well maybe 2 1/2, two of the plants were put in just 10 days ago. Well I'm feeding at about 750 ppm. But with my res system where I have the one that is being used all the time and the second above to fill the lower as it is used.

Well, I was wondering how to test the nutes and how much they were using with the second topping off res. The first fill I used straight water so of course when it fills the lower it will dilute the mixture making my testing wrong. So the second time I added nutes to the upper res, but this just did the opposite, it kept the nutes high making measurements inaccurate. Plus with the nutes after three days the upper res smelled something terrible so I drained it and re-filled with straight water.

So, to measure I turned off the valve from the upper for the day yesterday. This way the res is not being diluted and I'll get a good measurement. Guess what, Here I am, the plants are growing vigorously and the ppm went up! Just a fraction to possibly 770, but the point is they are using them just not much of them. I'm not going to shove any more in there until I see they are eating a lot more. My theory of watching the ppm and only feeding what they need continues.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Me not know but if your grows are so good why mess with success.

My friend/cleaning lady tried to throw out my leaves that I looked at earlier...hehe I said no I need to smoke them when they dry.

I don't have the energy to harvest maybe later. I have to go to the store real quick and the post office to get my son post cards. Do you think he will send me one lol?

Glad you got your cleaning done. If you need to store some stash here that would be fine with me. I am not sure it will be here when you get back:rofl:
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Oh btw I realized a huge mistake I made with this grow. It all stemmed around heat issues. I have my plants in a wardrobe cabinet. I left the door open the whole grow due to heat. That kept my heat down but I realized last night with one of our new members questions that I am an ass. I had enough lights for the small space but with the doors open the light was getting lost in the whole room. That is why my plants took so long.

I am putting this post in main thread as well so someone can learn from my huge mistake.

On a good note, I figured it out and it won't happen again. Learning it what it is all about. This is my dense side. Why couldn't I have figured that out a month ago. I am not sure it would have mattered since the heat would have been ridiculous with the doors closed but I had more lights I could have hung outside the cabinet.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Fry there must be a way to get good measurements. Check some of the ebb and flow threads I bet they know how to do it.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Me not know but if your grows are so good why mess with success.

My friend/cleaning lady tried to throw out my leaves that I looked at earlier...hehe I said no I need to smoke them when they dry.

I don't have the energy to harvest maybe later. I have to go to the store real quick and the post office to get my son post cards. Do you think he will send me one lol?

Glad you got your cleaning done. If you need to store some stash here that would be fine with me. I am not sure it will be here when you get back:rofl:

Cleaning is not done, but I am for the day. They won't be here until Friday and I just feel like smoking a one right now.

Oh that's right, almost forgot he wanted me to make a tee time. Gotta run.

P.S. I'll get back to you on hiding my stash, have to think about that one! lol
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Another note about the grow. Here I am in week 5, but I'll call it about week 3 of veg, well maybe 2 1/2, two of the plants were put in just 10 days ago. Well I'm feeding at about 750 ppm. But with my res system where I have the one that is being used all the time and the second above to fill the lower as it is used.

Well, I was wondering how to test the nutes and how much they were using with the second topping off res. The first fill I used straight water so of course when it fills the lower it will dilute the mixture making my testing wrong. So the second time I added nutes to the upper res, but this just did the opposite, it kept the nutes high making measurements inaccurate. Plus with the nutes after three days the upper res smelled something terrible so I drained it and re-filled with straight water.

So, to measure I turned off the valve from the upper for the day yesterday. This way the res is not being diluted and I'll get a good measurement. Guess what, Here I am, the plants are growing vigorously and the ppm went up! Just a fraction to possibly 770, but the point is they are using them just not much of them. I'm not going to shove any more in there until I see they are eating a lot more. My theory of watching the ppm and only feeding what they need continues.

No theory Bro, that's how it's done, you have to watch the ppm's in the tank and as you add, maybe? do your bottom tank as normally done and when you do the top mix the same or go to one end of the scale or the other but lower the ph in the top Res to the 5's if your bottom tank is in the 6's it's adding in, the top should be lower before it hits the bottom to even it out, and if you put 2 pumps in the tanks at each end different side you'll create a whirlpool to keep the water moving air bubbles needed too! of course tempertures in the tanks need to be good too! how's it sound?
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

That's my soul you're talking about, if I don't have my soul I don't have anything.

Thank you, your respect mean's more to me than a million dollars. I can make a million dollars, I have to earn respect.

Whoa, now there's a saying from a high hippy! You can make a million dollars, but you have to earn respect. Damn, that's a good one! I'll have to write that one down.

Sheeesh, this thread is as bad as OMM's! Moves 5 or 6 pages a day. :popcorn: Just dropping a hello and trying to catch up. :reading420magazine:
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Sheeesh, this thread is as bad as OMM's! Moves 5 or 6 pages a day. :popcorn: Just dropping a hello and trying to catch up. :reading420magazine:

We're a talkative bunch for sure, and sometimes it's actually informative!

But really, we have covered some pretty good subjects. Thanks for dropping in bro! Good luck catching up, it goes in spurts.

Take care man.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

No theory Bro, that's how it's done, you have to watch the ppm's in the tank and as you add, maybe? do your bottom tank as normally done and when you do the top mix the same or go to one end of the scale or the other but lower the ph in the top Res to the 5's if your bottom tank is in the 6's it's adding in, the top should be lower before it hits the bottom to even it out, and if you put 2 pumps in the tanks at each end different side you'll create a whirlpool to keep the water moving air bubbles needed too! of course tempertures in the tanks need to be good too! how's it sound?

The problem though was the upper res was stinking to high heaven! I kind of freaked when I smelled that and since they aren't eating that much anyway I felt going with straight water would work out.

I'm thinking of supplementing the res feeding with a foliar feed. I'm just a little shy about feeding this way. I've mixed up the nutes pretty weak, about 700 ppm. I just need to go and spray.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

She is funny, she'll twist herself around and over on her back. She's on her back now, front paws in the air, hind legs spread, shameless woman! I have one wall in my living room where she will walk along leaning against the wall, all I can guess is she is scratching. But she has a real oily coat and now my wall is dirty!

Mine does the exact same thing, lol, shameless with those legs spread, lol, but she uses the couch instead of a wall! She really gets her head and ear into it, and moans too! :rofl:
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Mine does the exact same thing, lol, shameless with those legs spread, lol, but she uses the couch instead of a wall! She really gets her head and ear into it, and moans too! :rofl:

I almost forgot, my old pup Ginger used to do that too, she loved the end cushion of the couch, I finally had to get the whole thing cleaned, she had real oily fur, she was an Anatolian Shepherd, amazing dog, but what a pain in the ass! This bitch would screw with anything, males, females, anything, she was the alpha bitch and if you don't like it you'd best get ready for trouble, she made it very obvious who was in charge! She weighed 105 lbs. and was tough.

I'll never have another, she was amazing but not a good pet, she never took her eyes off me. I never worried about bears when I had her, she chased many off. Damn bear would have been awful bummed if she would have caught them.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

How did the foliar feeding turn out fry??

Actually, I just sprayed them this morning. The only feed back I got was from alien8 asking why I would try something different so I thought about it a little more and finally did it this morning.

But so far, 4 hours later, everything looks fine, I doubt I hurt anything.

Listen, it's about time for more pics, back in a few.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Checked out your first grow,....nice!

Thanks man, the other thread actually has two grows in it, the first I was rather disappointed, the plants looked great but they were so cramped in there I didn't get much yield. The second half of that thread is my second grow, I built another cabinet doubling my space, grew one less plant and just about quadrupled my yield, they had the room they needed to grow.

Thanks man, I've had some nice grows, but this one looks to be the classic! Pics coming right up.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Those dogs are a bitch to handle as you now know. There are a few others like that. Ridgebacks come to mind.

I had such a good four hours yesterday with Buddy the pitbull. I got all licked up and my dogs played with him. He is smart as hell. My friend is training him. I am not sure she knows how to but the effort will pay off. He is already a badness climbing stairs and trying to get out of her fence. One of her big dogs is still scared of him but that will change. The other one plays with him which is great. I love when they smack you with there paws. That is too cute.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I am off to cut some more. I will come back and check pics in a bit. I wanted to turn puter on so I didn't have to worry about my finger swipe not working from the resin on my fingers.
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