"The Beast" gets serious!

Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Wow... beautiful!!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Those babes have really taken off Fry. I can't wait to see how they look with buds.... gonna' be a nice sight!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

ok here is my tincture write up, it is the main way i treat my girlfriends migraines and has really helped her with them.

To make a effective tincture start with the highest proof alcohol you can get - everclear is best, but 50% vodka is ok(I tried everclear and it hurts my stomach) - don't use flavored alcohols that will inhibit the effectiveness of the alcohol as a solvent. the key to a good tincture is the ratio of herb to solvent - the lower the ratio the higher the strength. so to start we can use a ratio of 1:4, one part herb to 4 parts alcohol. The best tincture I make are all ground bud, but you can use stems, shake, leafs etc. or a little of everything, dry the herb well so there is no moisture, and then grind it to a coarse powder and stuff it in a jar (I use dark glass myself, any jar will do), and pour four times the volume of alcohol over top, i.e. one ounce herb would require four ounce alcohol. But you can use any amount from a 1/8 ounce on up. Cover and seal with a tight-fitting lid, and let steep for a week in a dark cabinet (1 week is fine, but you can let it sit longer to strengthen it up even more, 1 week the girlfriend likes because she gets the pain relief but not stoned, to make it stronger use only bud and let sit for a month), shaking it everyday or even twice a day. Then after a week strain the contents through cheesecloth in to another container and squeeze as much of the juice out of the ball of herb in the cheesecloth. you can use your hands to squeeze but you'll get a lot of tincture on your hands and you will lose some tincture in the herb b/c the pressure is insufficient, so press it if you can and wear gloves. Then strain all the liquid through a mesh strainer (coffee filter, fine strainer, more cheesecloth etc.) to remove any lingering herbaceous materials, and then put the tincture into a jar. Measure the current level of liquid on the jar with a marker, and then again to a level that is half the current volume - then set the jar aside, covering the surface with cheesecloth to avoid bugs, dust etc from falling into it, and let the alcohol slowly evaporate to the second mark you made on the jar (I put it back in the cabinet, it can take a few days to a week). now you have about a 1:2 tincture that will be far more potent than any other method - you can let it evaporate even further, down to a 1:1 which will be even stronger, but the tincture will become thick and resinous, and will probably stick to your teeth and mouth. Now if you wish you can add a little honey to help with the taste. I am currently doing much more complicated tinctures to treat my girlfriend's migraines. I am adding feverfew and peppermint and working on adding a little caffeine also. After I'm done making it I put it in the frig. with the lid on it and she used a few drops under her tongue when needed. I also put some in a small dropper bottle and she carries that one in her purse if she needs it while we are out. That's how I make my tinctures and have had very good luck with it being beneficial for my girl friends pains.

I hope this has been helpful
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Okay, one more for perspective. I was checking out a couple things after coming home from happy hour and discovered this perspective I hadn't noticed before, it's pretty cool don't you think?

Okay, from left to right, AK/Cherry Lime, middle White Russian, right, Durban Poison.

I think they are kicking ass. Let's see what happens.



Yes this is what I have been talking about. Love to view the hard WIP (work in progress) Well actually it should be GIP (Grow in progress) :rofl: Its looking great though FPF:goodjob: once you put in that screen Its going to be crazy. Since I want to join the Air force reserves Denver might be my Retirement state one day. For sure your going to be the main man once them buds are harvested and you show them to the dispensaries. Can wait for some bud porn :):popcorn:
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

My only concern with screens/netting is how the heck will you harvest. I'm thinking you'll have to cut the netting apart or just harvest what's on top, take the screen down and havest the res.. Looks like I learn something!

Wonderful pics of a wonderful grow.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

My only concern with screens/netting is how the heck will you harvest. I'm thinking you'll have to cut the netting apart or just harvest what's on top, take the screen down and havest the res.. Looks like I learn something!

Wonderful pics of a wonderful grow.

The netting is cheap enough and the holes are pretty large, 7" x 7" so I don't think it will be much of a problem. I'll just cut it if it's in the way, I'm not planning to get two grows with this net, wouldn't mind if I did, but not planning on it.

It was funny, but yesterday I was at my buddy's house, the guy doing the commercial grows. He's the one I got the tubes from. He used to run his nets vertically over his plants, I told him I was going with horizontal to use for moving the buds around for light. He had his net up, it's run horizontally now too. I guess I do have some good ideas from time to time!

And thanks for the props, they are appreciated!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

ok here is my tincture write up, it is the main way i treat my girlfriends migraines and has really helped her with them.

I hope this has been helpful

Excellent post bro, extremely informative! I'm going to make myself some tincture soon. This sounds very easy to do, I've got lots of bud leaves with tons of trichs just waiting for a good use.

Plus I love the thought you can do it anywhere, in a restaurant, on an airplane, anywhere! They'll never know what you're up to. Good stuff man.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Yes this is what I have been talking about. Love to view the hard WIP (work in progress) Well actually it should be GIP (Grow in progress) :rofl: Its looking great though FPF:goodjob: once you put in that screen Its going to be crazy. Since I want to join the Air force reserves Denver might be my Retirement state one day. For sure your going to be the main man once them buds are harvested and you show them to the dispensaries. Can wait for some bud porn :):popcorn:

I can't wait to start flower either! Hopefully not too much longer, the heat situation is under control so flowering should be soon!

Time to go for another foliar feed. It's hard to tell if it had any effect on them yet, but it doesn't appear to have hurt anything.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Excellent post bro, extremely informative! I'm going to make myself some tincture soon. This sounds very easy to do, I've got lots of bud leaves with tons of trichs just waiting for a good use.

Plus I love the thought you can do it anywhere, in a restaurant, on an airplane, anywhere! They'll never know what you're up to. Good stuff man.

my pleasure fry
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Fry, I have a question on the Azamax. When do you start dosing for BP and when do you think it would be good in soil. Should they have some size before dosing?

This is only my second grow using it so I'm not an old hand with it. Proverbs just told me to use it from the start, I waited a couple weeks, they were probably 6" to 8" tall, I don't think it makes a lot of difference, but I wouldn't until they have some size to them.

I put it into the res to fully infuse the plant with it. But you can spray it directly on the leaves. That's the way my buddy did it and it worked great. I just don't like the spray going everywhere. Because even now, a week after taking the stuff out I can still feel it, it's almost like I'm getting stung by nettle when I touch the plants, I reall feel it on the inside of my forearm, it's some toxic stuff but it says you can apply it right up to harvest.

I don't know what to say about soil, you may want to go with the spray there. Hopefully someone else can help me out with that part.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

We are thinking along the same line. It says to apply it 2-3 times (at 10-14 days intervals) for hydro/aero. I'm thinking that foliar is the way I'll be going. I can do both the BP and soil at the same time that way. I may work with one plant of each and see if any problems show up. Gotta do that stuff when I'm new to a product.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Skin, We'd all love a good receipe for tincture, is that made with Vodka ? Alien8, so you already have done the puck hash ?, and you sound like your getting pretty good at this home grown hobby too !! You guys are all freaking me out with all this bug talk I' guess I've been lucky here so far , just that powdery mildue crap ruinied my last 4 plants !! I was too worried about smoking any of it so I just screened it for hash ,not great but it does the job !! :peace: Fry, Don't let them ladies fall over before there done !!

The bugs did zero damage to the plants and were easily killed with ah ah poison. I just didn't like them flying around so had to get the bucket out of my house. It is sitting in the yard right now waiting to be cleaned for next grow. I have a lot of cleaning to do sine the plants were moved from garage to house when they went to flowering. Flowering plants to me need more work so put them closer. In veg I barely looked at them.

Ok skin I am in will make your tinture as soon as leaves are dry. Bud is drying slower then the last one which is good. Maybe I have them in the closet this time which most likely isn't as cool and is a bit more humid then my son's room was. I wish my closet was same as the rest of the house would have had less issues with the grow.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm kick little kid out have whole room to grow...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lmao.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

We are thinking along the same line. It says to apply it 2-3 times (at 10-14 days intervals) for hydro/aero. I'm thinking that foliar is the way I'll be going. I can do both the BP and soil at the same time that way. I may work with one plant of each and see if any problems show up. Gotta do that stuff when I'm new to a product.

I think the only reason to do it two or more times is if you're infested. Since I'm just doing a preventative I'll just do the one dose.

The second dose is to kill any eggs that were laid, they take 7 days to hatch, that's why I figure one dose is plenty for now.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

The bugs did zero damage to the plants and were easily killed with ah ah poison. I just didn't like them flying around so had to get the bucket out of my house. It is sitting in the yard right now waiting to be cleaned for next grow. I have a lot of cleaning to do sine the plants were moved from garage to house when they went to flowering. Flowering plants to me need more work so put them closer. In veg I barely looked at them.

Ok skin I am in will make your tinture as soon as leaves are dry. Bud is drying slower then the last one which is good. Maybe I have them in the closet this time which most likely isn't as cool and is a bit more humid then my son's room was. I wish my closet was same as the rest of the house would have had less issues with the grow.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm kick little kid out have whole room to grow...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lmao.

Imagine how many plants you would have! lol
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Skin I finally read the recipe and I am excited. That seems very easy. No pots and pans needed makes it even better. I have a few questions.
Why vodka? Can you use say scotch...just a thought would taste better.
You said to put ground stuff in jar and then add vodka. Do you weight the ground stuff? What do you grind it with?

I love the bottle with dropper idea. Does it smell like people would know what was in it? What dose would you need to medicate? How long does it take to hit you?

I am excited about making this more then the gooey to cook with. I love the idea of not having to eat to get the meds. I would rather smoke outside but not possible. I did when I first moved here with a bullet/bat in my car before getting out but I was told it is a big no no here. For me that was easy and fast. A mess load of hits when I parked and then I was out of the car. Guess a medicine dropper is the next best thing.
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