"The Beast" gets serious!

Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Fry you are the real deal my brother. If you need the dispensary then give them a taste. If not leave them hungry but happy. Life is a big wheel and it always turns around. I believe in Karma and I know you do too. You will definitely reap what you sow. You have great things in front of you. I am with you all the way. Peace my brother. :peace:
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Big props FPF for sticking with your people over the businesses. I'm the same way, but now I need to get another patient or 2 also. Hmph. It's a bitch for me since I don
t really know too many peeps here. I guess that someone will come around soon enough.

Hey man, is that dispensary that you go to in town there, or in Glenwood springs? Some friends of mine own a dispensary in the Springs, so I was wondering if maybe it was them. Hmm.....that would be funny. The small world that it is, that would not surprise me.

keep up the great work man! and again +++reps for sticking with your peeps.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Good move FPF. Too bad the opportunity struck when you were in a trough. The Beast has the potential to take you up to a crest but from the sounds of things you need to have the disensary rent you some space and finance another Beast or Beast II. I know it will be bigger and better. Is the dispensary open to suggestion?

I could actually put another Beast in my garage, I'll have to see what's up when this grow nears finish, I may build another and put it in here with the first, or look for a bigger, commercial space. I'll have to see about that one.

The law is still a bit fluid yet, it hasn't gone into effect yet and I'll guarantee there will be lawsuits that will change the law further. There is a lot to be worked out yet.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Fry you are the real deal my brother. If you need the dispensary then give them a taste. If not leave them hungry but happy. Life is a big wheel and it always turns around. I believe in Karma and I know you do too. You will definitely reap what you sow. You have great things in front of you. I am with you all the way. Peace my brother. :peace:

I've already given them the samples and they loved them. I think they'll have to wait until this next batch finishes up. My friends are smoking these!

Thanks for the kind words bro, I'm just having a bit of a time waiting for that karma to catch up, but it'll happen, patience right?
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Big props FPF for sticking with your people over the businesses. I'm the same way, but now I need to get another patient or 2 also. Hmph. It's a bitch for me since I don
t really know too many peeps here. I guess that someone will come around soon enough.

Hey man, is that dispensary that you go to in town there, or in Glenwood springs? Some friends of mine own a dispensary in the Springs, so I was wondering if maybe it was them. Hmm.....that would be funny. The small world that it is, that would not surprise me.

keep up the great work man! and again +++reps for sticking with your peeps.

Hey Jas, always a pleasure.

Actually there are several dispensaries close by, but the last I went to was in Rifle, about as far as I've gone to date! Which disp. in Glenwood? I've stopped in several, of course I'm not buying these days so the only reason for me to stop in is for business. It would be best for me to sign on with one disp, but I don't think it's in the cards right now.

I ran into the guy that I first named my caregiver when this whole thing busted loose, mmj that is. I met up with him at the hydro shop, I told him what I was doing but he's not very interested in my stuff. He's pretty young and thinks all hydro tastes bad. He's about 26 or 27 so he knows just about everything there is to know. I told him about my project for the hell of it, I knew he wasn't going to be interested. It's not my job to teach him the business.

So, yes, who're your friends, I may know them, and if not maybe I should go and introduce myself, you are a good reference aren't you? lol

Later bro, thanks for dropping by.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Ah where do you keep your cars. I will never leave my car outside again after the pack rats ate my wires.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Hey Jas, always a pleasure.

Actually there are several dispensaries close by, but the last I went to was in Rifle, about as far as I've gone to date! Which disp. in Glenwood? I've stopped in several, of course I'm not buying these days so the only reason for me to stop in is for business. It would be best for me to sign on with one disp, but I don't think it's in the cards right now.

I ran into the guy that I first named my caregiver when this whole thing busted loose, mmj that is. I met up with him at the hydro shop, I told him what I was doing but he's not very interested in my stuff. He's pretty young and thinks all hydro tastes bad. He's about 26 or 27 so he knows just about everything there is to know. I told him about my project for the hell of it, I knew he wasn't going to be interested. It's not my job to teach him the business.

So, yes, who're your friends, I may know them, and if not maybe I should go and introduce myself, you are a good reference aren't you? lol

Later bro, thanks for dropping by.

lol, wow sounds like your really all over the place getting connections! good for you man. I have yet to take any samples in to a disp yet myself. I'm thinking about it too though. I do have a nice little fanbase here in my area, so no need really.
You know I don't talk to them (my friends with the glenwood disp) very much anymore cause of the move, I havent even asked them about the Biz name. I'll have the missus call and find out, and maybe some other info too. She's a mutual friend, and the Missus might be aggrivated if I just start calling her(the friend) all of a sudden. You know how that is. lol But I'll get then name of their place, and find out whats up over there. I know that they are confident that the new laws wont put them down like so many others might be. No bueno. anyways, I'll let you know via PM sometime.

...Oh, yea. I know plenty of knowitalls that think like that. Hydro sucks, soil rocks....etc... Whatever, Hydro rocks, soil sucks........Whatever.. lol

I can tell you one thing FOR SURE!! (not you as in YOU FPF, but people like that) you want flavor in hydro stop using GH FLORA or some totally chemical fertilizers. use some organics every once in a while, if not exclusively, and Molassas and Fulvic Acids will bring out TONS of flavor! I hate when people are so closed minded, but now adays, I just smile and wave, nod and go "Yup.", "Oh, ofcourse.", "Absolutely." much like your saying, I just don't have time, patients, or reason to convince them anymore. Fuck it. :grinjoint:

lol,,, ....thats how I feel though.:cheer:
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

If they know it all, then let them do it on their own. I hate smart a$$ punks. Their loss.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Ah where do you keep your cars. I will never leave my car outside again after the pack rats ate my wires.

I've got pack rat hunters on duty at all times! lol, I swear, both Harley and Sadie really go after little rodents, Harley caught a ground squirrel this morning! He's a trip, he'll go after anything moving, rarely gets anything, I guess it's the thrill of the chase that keeps him going. He'll get a magpie some day, or die trying! And even Sadie caught herself a Vole a couple weeks ago. She was so proud, she comes trotting up to me with this tail hanging out of her mouth, what the heck? I made her drop it and the poor thing was just laying there. She thought it was great fun!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

lol, wow sounds like your really all over the place getting connections! good for you man. I have yet to take any samples in to a disp yet myself. I'm thinking about it too though. I do have a nice little fanbase here in my area, so no need really.
You know I don't talk to them (my friends with the glenwood disp) very much anymore cause of the move, I havent even asked them about the Biz name. I'll have the missus call and find out, and maybe some other info too. She's a mutual friend, and the Missus might be aggrivated if I just start calling her(the friend) all of a sudden. You know how that is. lol But I'll get then name of their place, and find out whats up over there. I know that they are confident that the new laws wont put them down like so many others might be. No bueno. anyways, I'll let you know via PM sometime.

...Oh, yea. I know plenty of knowitalls that think like that. Hydro sucks, soil rocks....etc... Whatever, Hydro rocks, soil sucks........Whatever.. lol

I can tell you one thing FOR SURE!! (not you as in YOU FPF, but people like that) you want flavor in hydro stop using GH FLORA or some totally chemical fertilizers. use some organics every once in a while, if not exclusively, and Molassas and Fulvic Acids will bring out TONS of flavor! I hate when people are so closed minded, but now adays, I just smile and wave, nod and go "Yup.", "Oh, ofcourse.", "Absolutely." much like your saying, I just don't have time, patients, or reason to convince them anymore. Fuck it. :grinjoint:

lol,,, ....thats how I feel though.:cheer:

Hey JL, yup, getting my name out there, it's a pretty funny business to break into, takes time.

I see what you mean about calling the old friend, sounds like you're making the smart move having the wife call, I'm in no hurry and I certainly don't want to cause any trouble.

I really think the thing about hydro not tasting good is people using way too much and then not using the sugars during flower. Mine couldn't be much smoother and I keep the nute usage down, I really feel that is a major problem.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Fry, love the story about the pups! My male shepard that died earlier this year, when he was 2 or 3 years old, he could run fast enough and jump high enough to catch sparrows that were crazy enough to land in the back yard.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

My dogs catch bugs in mid air but I hope they don't catch anything poisonous it scares me. The little dog Kaos tried to catch a jack rabbit the thing could have stepped on her lol. It was huge. They better not bring me back vermin ewwwwwwwww.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Fry, love the story about the pups! My male shepard that died earlier this year, when he was 2 or 3 years old, he could run fast enough and jump high enough to catch sparrows that were crazy enough to land in the back yard.

You're kidding, he actually caught them like that, pretty cool man.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

My dogs catch bugs in mid air but I hope they don't catch anything poisonous it scares me. The little dog Kaos tried to catch a jack rabbit the thing could have stepped on her lol. It was huge. They better not bring me back vermin ewwwwwwwww.

My girlfriend absolutely hates mice, is actually scared of them. The first time she saw Harley catch a mouse he was her hero from then on, she calls Haley "the best dog in the whole universe!". But it is up to me to get rid of the dead ones.

You know, poisonous stuff when I head to the desert is always a worry for me. I'm afraid they will catch a scorpion or something like that. I don't have to worry up here, but there are a lot of very deadly things in the desert.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

My exterminator fixed my car yesterday and he had dinner here as well with his wife. I was telling his wife he sucks as an exterminator cause look at all the bugs flying. Of course I knew he can't do anything about that but had to bust his chops. We were outside and I saw what I thought was a gecko, it was dark, so I didn't kill it. It ended up it was a big roach of some kind so I made him look for it lol. He was so kind he did but he didn't find it. I think you all know how I fell about bugs and rodents.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

My exterminator fixed my car yesterday and he had dinner here as well with his wife. I was telling his wife he sucks as an exterminator cause look at all the bugs flying. Of course I knew he can't do anything about that but had to bust his chops. We were outside and I saw what I thought was a gecko, it was dark, so I didn't kill it. It ended up it was a big roach of some kind so I made him look for it lol. He was so kind he did but he didn't find it. I think you all know how I fell about bugs and rodents.

Keep him working there, he's not done yet! Obviously.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

FryingPanFlyer;1092*** said:
You're kidding, he actually caught them like that, pretty cool man.

To be totally forthcoming, he only was successful twice. But he did it!
We pretty much always have 2 dogs at the same time, our female is 9 yrs old and will probably be getting a new friend soon. She likes to go after bummble bees, goofy.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

To be totally forthcoming, he only was successful twice. But he did it!
We pretty much always have 2 dogs at the same time, our female is 9 yrs old and will probably be getting a new friend soon. She likes to go after bummble bees, goofy.

I'm a two dog home too, they say a human is a poor substitution for another dog! It was cool when it was just Harley and I, but I could see he needed a friend, so when my son asked me to watch Sadie I said sure. I had been saving a space for Sadie figuring it was only a matter of time before he asked ,e to take her. I was surprised when he wanted her back! Sorry kid, she and Harley are best of friends now, no way am I breaking them up, not to mention she has stolen my heart! I love that little sweetheart.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

My doggie catches bees too. Doggies are nuts sometimes. My dog was thrilled when I got the rescue. The rescue I think was abused to it took a bit of time for me to do some training and get them used to each other but now they play real rough. The rescue is dumb but I was able to train her to jump on a chair then my bed and back the same way. I trained her to do a bunch of other stuff too but no tricks like sit or stuff like that. She will do leave it which to me is the most important command. I often leave a steak or other food on my bed since it is too hard for me to move it if I need something. My dogs know better then to touch it. I was in the pet store earlier and my service dog was at sniff level with the bones she looked and didn't touch. I love her. I reached and got her one and she was happy. I bought 4 pounds for the babies.
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