"The Beast" gets serious!

Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Fry if those nuts don't take you it is there loss. You can go and bring your building and growing knowledge elsewhere. Can you become a dispensary and be your own boss?
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Fry if those nuts don't take you it is there loss. You can go and bring your building and growing knowledge elsewhere. Can you become a dispensary and be your own boss?

Good call lady, that's an option for sure. I have been thinking of that definitely. Funny you should mention it, but I'm sitting here is Basalt having lunch and ran into two friends, we're getting together tomorrow so they can sign me up as their caregiver! Woohoo! That's big.

I ran into them two weeks ago, gave them a sample and they just raved! Couldn't believe it, never seen pot so good. I think I have a future in this business!

But yes, my own dispensary is definitely an option, and soon.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

That makes me real happy. Wish I could help you but think the weather were you are would just about kill me.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Forgot to mention I work for free. I hate getting paid it clouds stuff. My favorite jobs growing up were volunteer jobs.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Forgot to mention I work for free. I hate getting paid it clouds stuff. My favorite jobs growing up were volunteer jobs.

Hey Lady, I'll definitely keep the offer in mind! I appreciate it.

You know it can really be interesting when you make a hobby your job, as they say, find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life.

Many years ago I started flying ultra-lights, tube and rag, weighed under 254 lbs. We used to get these planes upside down, we used to call that "pucker factor", I'll let your imagination handle the explanation of that one. The crazier the maneuver, the higher the pucker factor.

But the more I flew the better I got to know the guys. Eventually I started hanging out and doing some work for the company. I'd teach lessons, take the planes up for flight test after getting work done. I lived flying for about 18 months, it was one of the best times of my life. It was immediately after my first divorce, it was time to begin a new life and it worked extremely well.

Life is what you make of it sometimes.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I had a friend who used to fly at Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn. One of the few old runways that can still handle a 747. Paul Newman recently commissioned to make a race track. That made some of us locals mad cause we used to use the runways to learn to drive and well speed. It was great for me when I got crippled to see if I have any way I can push my legs from my hips to drive. I was able a little and did that till my hand controls where put in. Ins doesn't cover it cause they think it is a luxury to drive. Not sure how to get groceries and go places with my son without a car but whatever. Oh did I get off the issue. Yes used to love to watch the planes fly, helicopters, and even a track for small race cars. We did see the real helicopters flying almost near the fake stuff cause the police flew out of Fbf as well.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Sounds like everything is progressing really good for you Fry, on all fronts! :woohoo:

It's good to have options and not have your hand forced.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Alright, here's a good one. Those who've been keeping up know I'm looking to grow for one or more dispensaries to help them provide the new state requirement of 70% of their own production. I'm looking to sign a contract to help one or more dispensaries meet this new rule.

So, I've been talking to several, they've been impressed. They like my samples and want a quantity to see how it goes over with their coop members. They want a qp each strain, hopefully more if I can give it to them. I'm running low, I want to stay with my people who've been supporting me so I tell the disp. I can only afford an ounce each, the rest is spoken for. I'll drop it off this weekend.

This morning I weigh out the two ounces, it's much of what I have left, about a qp, meaning I won't be able to provide any more to my old people. I get them weighed out in separate bags, now these are some awesome buds, my buddies haven't seen the best of the best yet. And then I realize, here I am selling them to a dispensary and I won't even know who's getting these buds. I've got some amazing buds here and to be honest I want to know who will be getting these. I want to be able to ask them the next time I run into them in the bar, how was it?

So fuck it, I put emptied the bags back into the jars. I'm saving this shit for my buddies. To hell with the dispensaries. I can get along with the laws at the level I'm growing right now, I signed two more patients today. I can make this work at this level for now. I'll talk to them when I've got a bigger quantity, for now I'm sticking with my bros, they'll take care of me the next time I'm in trouble, time for them to savor the fruits of my labors too!

Peace everyone! It really does make a difference! The dispensaries are already drooling over my next grow!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I love a person who stands on principle. You sir are one of the few. My hat off to you.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I love a person who stands on principle. You sir are one of the few. My hat off to you.

That's my soul you're talking about, if I don't have my soul I don't have anything.

Thank you, your respect mean's more to me than a million dollars. I can make a million dollars, I have to earn respect.

Whoa, now there's a saying from a high hippy! You can make a million dollars, but you have to earn respect. Damn, that's a good one! I'll have to write that one down.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Problem is will you remember to write it down? I don't meet many people who live on principle like I do. So when I do I am impressed.

I refused to apply for a job because the person hiring dogged most of us. I didn't care if I got moved to a new building I was still going to get a paycheck. I stood on principle. Most others cowed down and applied for the job like they were going to lose something. Then they had to smile in that bosses face ug. In my opinion they did self respect. Story is long but I think you get the drift.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

:bravo: FPF, you are Top Shelf Brother!

Funny thing was, I recognized the bud I was putting into the bag. It had three huge fingers coming from the top, I remember the damn thing, it was beautiful! For me to just sell it to a dispensary for any Joe Blow to buy, well, hell no. I wanted to make sure whomever got this bud was going to appreciate it. It's some damn good shit, and I want to see the smile on their faces when they light it up!

Fuck no, I've got myself invested, I want to see the smiles, this is some good shit.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Alright, here's a good one. Those who've been keeping up know I'm looking to grow for one or more dispensaries to help them provide the new state requirement of 70% of their own production. I'm looking to sign a contract to help one or more dispensaries meet this new rule.

So, I've been talking to several, they've been impressed. They like my samples and want a quantity to see how it goes over with their coop members. They want a qp each strain, hopefully more if I can give it to them. I'm running low, I want to stay with my people who've been supporting me so I tell the disp. I can only afford an ounce each, the rest is spoken for. I'll drop it off this weekend.

This morning I weigh out the two ounces, it's much of what I have left, about a qp, meaning I won't be able to provide any more to my old people. I get them weighed out in separate bags, now these are some awesome buds, my buddies haven't seen the best of the best yet. And then I realize, here I am selling them to a dispensary and I won't even know who's getting these buds. I've got some amazing buds here and to be honest I want to know who will be getting these. I want to be able to ask them the next time I run into them in the bar, how was it?

So fuck it, I put emptied the bags back into the jars. I'm saving this shit for my buddies. To hell with the dispensaries. I can get along with the laws at the level I'm growing right now, I signed two more patients today. I can make this work at this level for now. I'll talk to them when I've got a bigger quantity, for now I'm sticking with my bros, they'll take care of me the next time I'm in trouble, time for them to savor the fruits of my labors too!

Peace everyone! It really does make a difference! The dispensaries are already drooling over my next grow!

Good move FPF. Too bad the opportunity struck when you were in a trough. The Beast has the potential to take you up to a crest but from the sounds of things you need to have the disensary rent you some space and finance another Beast or Beast II. I know it will be bigger and better. Is the dispensary open to suggestion?
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Keep doing what your doing Fry. You and I both know the dispensaries are interested and will still be there on your next harvest.
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