"The Beast" gets serious!

Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Look at this one:


That's all based on the same type of aero system I'm using, similar but smaller. If you want to look into diy check into Answers system, it's a stinkbud system. But they are pretty small scale. A max. of 12" between plants, I've got 18". My system is much more robust than this one. It's a step up from the single Deep Water Culture res, but I'd still classify it as pretty small. An 8 sf footprint doing 12 plants, I've got 18 plants in a 50' footprint, I'll guarantee I get more per plant, much more.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Okay, I've got to make this quick. Those following the Deep Water Culture home thread know I've been asked to come back to the dispensary that I dropped the samples off at the other day. As he put it you "dropped off something beautiful" and he wants to discuss it. I'm hoping to sign a contract with him whereas he takes all of the meds. I produce. Colorado law now requires dispensaries to produce 70% of all of their meds, I want to contract with them to be one of their suppliers producing a portion of what they need.

Okay, so res change day. Pretty interesting. I did the previous change last Friday, filled the res and the filer res. Monday they had only used a small portion of water, but has that changed this past week. I checked on them last night before going to bed, I found the lower (main) res almost empty and the upper, filler res, was empty, they have really begun to drink! I had noticed some of the new leaves weren't quite as green as they were Wednesday, now I know. I had used nutes in the lower res, but none in the upper. Well, as the lower empties the upper replenishes, but with straight water the nutes were decreasing every day whether or not the plants were eating. So by last night they were down to almost nothing.

I have to admit, I didn't put any in the upper being cheap, they hadn't used any water to speak of previously so I didn't use any up top not wanting to just toss them out at this change. Well, today is different, I put nutes in both the upper and lower. Now I have to figure out a way to have nutes in the upper, but still be able to measure the usage, how much they ate, in the lower. I'll have to cogitate on that one!

So, today I drained both res', I filled both last night and refilled both. I put 200 ml of both the Sensi A&B and 20 ml of Super Thrive. The bottom is sitting at about 650 ppm (1050-400 in the water) and 700 (1100-400) in the upper. I'm betting that by the time I get home this afternoon they plants will have regained all their green I thought they were missing last night. A bit of an error, but at least I caught it in time.

Okay everyone, time to head to the dispensary to discuss growing marijuana. They had a pipe there that I just may pick up, I'm feeling a bit rich at the moment.

Have a great one everyone, I'll report back when I know something.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I wish I could build. I will eventually have to pay fry to come to my house and rebuild it and make me a new fantastic system.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

You know guys, I probably shouldn't be bragging this stuff up until somehing real happens, sometimes I feel like alot of smoke has been blown my way. But I want you guys to hear what's going on, and hopefully some out there will learn something about getting this type of thing together. You try to get info on the inner workings on the street and you get stone walled. Hopefully
some of you will pick up enough info to help you get a leg up if you should so desire.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Look at this one:


Its a kit for $399.00
Introducing the Stealth Hydro Aero-12 aeroponic growing system, our take on aeroponics that is both wallet and user friendly.

Super nice and I like the FPF kit idea.
You guys are rocking.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

He got offered a job that can blossom into great stuff using his work as an architect. What could be better then that.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Ya, finally got around to reading it on the Deep Water Culture Home thread.

Way to go FPF! I like your idea of holding out just a little bit, give 'em a teaser and keep 'em wanting more. Don't want them thinking they can take you for granted.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Hey Fry, did I miss something? What happened after you went to the dispensary?

He got offered a job that can blossom into great stuff using his work as an architect. What could be better then that.

Ya, finally got around to reading it on the Deep Water Culture Home thread.

Way to go FPF! I like your idea of holding out just a little bit, give 'em a teaser and keep 'em wanting more. Don't want them thinking they can take you for granted.

Actually, no job offer, were getting to know each other. This has great possibilities, but you never know.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Its all good FPF. The dispensary thing may not blossom right away but they know who you are and its a foundation. As an architect you can appreciate a good foundation. Are spider mites Red? If not what type of insect is very tiny and very red?
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Its all good FPF. The dispensary thing may not blossom right away but they know who you are and its a foundation. As an architect you can appreciate a good foundation. Are spider mites Red? If not what type of insect is very tiny and very red?

My understanding is there are several strains, and I believe red is one. You'd best get moving. Spray, neem oil is what most will tell you to use, I know MC uses that. My hydro guy uses the Azamax and that's what I just applied to my plants last week as a preventative.

Roseman has a bug thread, go check it out asap.
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

I'm a two fisted bug killer these days. Neem and the Azamax just came in.

Spidermites are a lot of colors but the most common is red. You should find them under the leaves. That's where they do their damage and also where they lay there eggs. Might have to hit them repeatedly. It says that miticides do a good job on the adults but not necessarily on the eggs. Eggs under the leaf are transparent and you need to catch the light just right to see them.

I'm pretty much done with the harvest. Have one more to go (biggest one) and then some clean-up. Looking good so far. Got some scissor hash fired up now. I think I need to eat something so I can straighten up enough to continue! Wheeeeeee!
Re: "The Beast" FryingPanFlyer gets serious!

Today's update. I did some topping and did a foliar application of a product to help ward off powdery mildew and some root problems.

So, the topping. I've been topping the AK/CL for a few days now, they are growing like weeds, real open vegetation, lots of space between nodes. I don't really like this growth pattern, but the proof will be in the final product. But today was the first time I've topped the White Russian and the Durban Poison. The WR just got the very tallest top trimmed. They have some real nice side branches that are coming up, some from all the way at the bottom. There should be many, many tops coming on those babes.

But now the DP are really turning into some specimens. They are not growing straight up, they lean to one side and there are several main branches coming up as if they were lst'd, each has at least three what I'd call main branches, and this before ever topping. So on most I topped three branches, a couple two but on one I cut 5 tops. These just may be some very special plants. They don't seem to be running away growth-wise, they are putting out nice branches on closely spaced nodes. They are looking beautiful!

Now, the preventative, the Dutch Masters Saturator and Zone additives. When my hydro guy got powdery mildew he used these products to kill the mildew. The Saturator is a product used for foliar feeding of the plants, it's used to carry the nutes right into the leaf by spraying directly onto the leaves. The Zone is used to help the roots take up more nutes also. Typically you would pour the Zone into your res to help the plants take up nutes, but used as a spray with saturator it will infuse your plant. These products have I believe microbes that will work to keep your roots healthy.

Again, I'm just using this product as a preventative, along with the Azamax I'm feeling pretty secure that I am doing what I can to avoid plant problems both from bugs and disease. Just trying to cover my bases.
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