>>>Happy Fried'day to all you potheads!
>>>I have been researching possible causes of the crazy pH swings that have been occurring in my res and as best I can tell, it is likely do to the high pH value of rock wool coupled with the fact that I did not treat the cubes properly before I transplanted into them.
I promise you it's not the rockwool.
>>>I only prepped enough cubes to cover half of the root ball leaving many roots exposed to open air. I quickly added a few more handfuls of cubes to the treating jug and pHed the water, waited about 5 minutes, adjusted, shook the jug, then corrected and drained.
I do that all the time. I never have enough, so I just dunk a few more and use em. I'm mainly dunking them so they don't irritate my hands.
>>>I have 2 plans to possibly remedy this. First is to adjust the pH of this res.
Good idea. Just go slow.
>>>The plan is to catch it when the timer kicks the pump on for a minute and set it to keep running for 15 minutes, checking pH in the middle of this run and adjusting accordingly.
Not necessary, just recirculate for 15 mins and then check and adjust the res.
>>>My second possible plan is to get me another of the cheap 3 gallon totes and run the drain line to it. This will separate my feed from my return. Res A would be the feed, Res B would be the return.
Not necessary, just recirculate for 15 mins and then check and adjust the res.
Plan A. Approved.
Plan B. Rejected. ha ha ha
>>>If push come to shove, these new nutes will be used and I will still try to stick to the flower schedule The Capn has laid out for GH. I will adjust accordingly if/when need be.
I think the rock nutes would attract a lot of attention to this thread, but I understand being gun shy as we don't know the nutes very well yet. I can't understand what the "super charge" does. If you want to stick with GH, when you're getting low on one of the three parts, tell me what it is and I'll send you more.
>>>The 2 PC fans I won't be able to use right away, but I do have immediate plans for them and as soon as I get the AC/DC converter, they both will be used for my current and future cabinets.
Be sure to get 1AMP, 12V converters: 12V 1A AC DC Power Supply Adapters 4 CCTV Security Camera 1000mA
I have a .75 amp. It runs one, but gets too hot.
I'm looking forward to seeing this girl take off.