THC Bomb & WW/Skunk - CFL Hood/Veg HPS/Flower

Oh you got the pill bottle size. I know what you mean by the powder displacing the actual available space. I have the 4oz tub.

>>> I make tea by the gallon, so 1/5 of a teaspoon is what the recipe calls for.

I hope I'm stoned, but I thought the bottle read 1/2 scoop per 5 gallons of water? (1 scoop=5ml....1/ .5ml/gal no?)
I mix the tea according to Capn's recipe. Upon reviewing Heisenberg's post of his recipe to another forum, he also uses 1/4-1/2 "scoop". I will need to do more research and Q&A to find if I am mixing it wrong, but the Capn's recipe clearly calls for 1 TSP per 5 gallons of water, hence the 1/5 TSP per 1 gallon.
I propose that the grow community refrain from using generalized words when discussing anything involving a measurement. A scoop is that thing in the Iced Tea mix, right? Just so happens that it is 2 TBLS. I have a plethora of mixing spoons, each can be construed as a "scoop". Imagine I handed you a sneaker and told you your wall studs would be about every 1.5 sneakers. You'd end up with holes all ovr the place. Words like scoop and part confuse me b/c I only know what they mean to me, not what they mean to you.
Sorry about the use of the word Scoop, but I was only going by what the directions on the back of the Great White mentioned. It says what that company perceives as a scoop which is 1 TSP.

I normally do not use such vague words, but in the case of parts, it is much easier to think of them as proportions to each other. The actual value of the part is determined by what PPM range you are shooting for and the amount of water you initially mix with. As you know these two factors differ with everyone. I really just found it easier to adapt the Capn's 'Parts' into my own feeding.

Sorry once again for the vagueness, I'll take better note next time in fully explaining myself ;)
I mix the tea according to Capn's recipe. Upon reviewing Heisenberg's post of his recipe to another forum, he also uses 1/4-1/2 "scoop". I will need to do more research and Q&A to find if I am mixing it wrong, but the Capn's recipe clearly calls for 1 TSP per 5 gallons of water, hence the 1/5 TSP per 1 gallon.

I follow a slightly different Tea Recipe than the Capn. So disregard all my measurements :laughtwo:
This most recent res change has taught me that "parts are easier to manage, but it's still a vague word that frustrated the hell out of me for a couple weeks. I now understand that after adding the amendments first, then trying to dial in your PPM range by using the schedule was nearly impossible. So to add in the nutes in small doses to bring the PPM up to where I want it, I've found it easier to understand the schedule in terms of "parts" so as to add the proper proportion. So basically, with this last change, for me a 'part" just so happened to be 1ml, and on a 3-2-1, I added 3 ml grow, 2ml micro, 1ml bloom, then repeated twice more to get me where I wanna be. So the 3-2-1 turned into 9ml, 6ml, 3ml or 3 parts, 2 parts, 1 part.
A couple more nights to stretch just a bit more, then I'm gonna top her just above the first 5 fingered leaf to prep to get the shit fluxed out of her. Oh yeah, I'm gonna flux her realll good. I will attempt to root the cutting in rock wool, then send it straight into flower to determine the gender. I'm thinking to put the rooted cutting into a mix of Ocean Forest, perlite and Ancient Forest with also a dash of Great White. Even if I am able to bring the flowering clone to term, it would make a good gift to a stoner.

Yeah buddy!! What, did you think you was gonna be the only jiggalo getting his flux on?

LA, are you concerned about branch spacing on yours? I was thinking you might need to stagger your branches (like bending every other tine on a fork), to give each branch room for it's leaves to catch some good light.
Obama Care has created a ripple effect in the benefits sector that is having a heavy impact in my life. I truly hope to be called back into work soon so I can get back to building my arsenal and replenishing the 3 part, and if nothing gives soon, I will likely lose the grow.

Hi Sky, sorry to hear about your bad experience with Obama Care and your lack of employment. I hope things start to turn around for you very soon can you can continue your grow! You are certainly getting better and better at all this hydroponics stuff, but that sure sounds like an awful lot of work just to grow a weed!!! I finally got my coco grow into the flowering chamber and I have 4 more weeks until my first harvest. I cant wait to try it out! I wish you the best of luck!
I am trying to form a career out of a hobby. My state is on the verge of beginning the legalizing process and in 3 years, we hope to be fully recreational. I hope to have accumulated enough supplies to have a chance at forming a very small business either as a dispensary, or supplier thereto. My current profession, though no longer immediately dangerous still is laborious, involves getting soaking wet outdoors irregardless of weather temps and overall, it's just not a rewarding enjoyable occupation. I want to grow b/c it's fun, gives me lots of smoke, profitable and extremely challenging.
I mix the tea according to Capn's recipe. Upon reviewing Heisenberg's post of his recipe to another forum, he also uses 1/4-1/2 "scoop". I will need to do more research and Q&A to find if I am mixing it wrong, but the Capn's recipe clearly calls for 1 TSP per 5 gallons of water, hence the 1/5 TSP per 1 gallon.

A teaspoon may be a little more than you need, but it doesn't hurt. If you are trying to conserve, 1/2 teaspoon per 5 gallons will still produce an army. And, if you want to save even more money, you can get the myco-grow from fungi dot com: MycoGrow? For Vegetables--1 oz -

You can use it as a substitute for the great white, or use a little of each. Again, I take no credit for finding the mycogrow. Heisenberg found this gem.

This most recent res change has taught me that "parts are easier to manage, but it's still a vague word that frustrated the hell out of me for a couple weeks. I now understand that after adding the amendments first, then trying to dial in your PPM range by using the schedule was nearly impossible. So to add in the nutes in small doses to bring the PPM up to where I want it, I've found it easier to understand the schedule in terms of "parts" so as to add the proper proportion. So basically, with this last change, for me a 'part" just so happened to be 1ml, and on a 3-2-1, I added 3 ml grow, 2ml micro, 1ml bloom, then repeated twice more to get me where I wanna be. So the 3-2-1 turned into 9ml, 6ml, 3ml or 3 parts, 2 parts, 1 part.

Glad to hear you got a recipe figured out. It's not easy to use that little of quantities. Eye dropper needed.
I have a 3ml syringe that works perfectly and measures down to 1/10th of a ml. Since you got parts and AG got scoops, I will redefine a ml as "some drops". That should really make my journal that much more enjoyable and challenging to the next guy. Jk! Hey Capn', being as though I'm using your recipe @ 1/5 scale, would you add the following recipe as an entry to your Tea blog?

1 gallon distilled or RO water
5 ml Aqua Shield
6.5 TBS Ancient Forest
0.54 grams Mycorrhizae
3 ml Molasses

Aerate for 36 hours, apply only to roots and medium, refrigerate doses for mid week application, discard the rest. Tea is only viable for a 36 hour window after maturity.
I have a 3ml syringe that works perfectly and measures down to 1/10th of a ml. Since you got parts and AG got scoops, I will redefine a ml as "some drops". That should really make my journal that much more enjoyable and challenging to the next guy. Jk! Hey Capn', being as though I'm using your recipe @ 1/5 scale, would you add the following recipe as an entry to your Tea blog?

1 gallon distilled or RO water
5 ml Aqua Shield
6.5 TBS Ancient Forest
0.54 grams Mycorrhizae
3 ml Molasses

Aerate for 36 hours, apply only to roots and medium, refrigerate doses for mid week application, discard the rest. Tea is only viable for a 36 hour window after maturity.

Good idea. Show me some results, and define "mycorrhizae", and I'll add it to the post.
Mycorrhizae -

Results - I have to defer to your Live or Sterile write up as I am using your recipe, only 1/5 of the size for financial reasons. Since I got to looking, I noticed your tea recipe and the recipe given in your Live and Sterile thread give different measures of especially the Great White Mycorrhizae. Is there a reason?

I've found a thread by Heisenberg on another forum that includes his recipe, and it more aligns with the recipe given in your Live or Sterile thread. The Tea recipe thread calls for different measures,and this is the recipe I've been using. Please at least tell me both are safe and beneficial in some way.
Mycorrhizae -

Results - I have to defer to your Live or Sterile write up as I am using your recipe, only 1/5 of the size for financial reasons. Since I got to looking, I noticed your tea recipe and the recipe given in your Live and Sterile thread give different measures of especially the Great White Mycorrhizae. Is there a reason?

I've found a thread by Heisenberg on another forum that includes his recipe, and it more aligns with the recipe given in your Live or Sterile thread. The Tea recipe thread calls for different measures,and this is the recipe I've been using. Please at least tell me both are safe and beneficial in some way.

I meant to ask, what BRAND of mycos are you using... but it sounds like you are using great white.

You're right, in that article, I write 1/2 scoop, and in the blog I say a teaspoon. Candidly, I was thinking a teaspoon was the same size as the scoop, but now I compare, and a teaspoon is much bigger.

And when I say "scoop", I'm talking about a little blue scoop, I THINK I got it with the great white? Or maybe it came in my ZHO bag? Heck, I can't remember, I got the $60 jar, and it has lasted me close to two years now! I will correct my blog. The good news is.... you can't over-do any of the ingredients, within reason, (except the molasses). Is a teaspoon better than a full scoop? Probably not significantly better.

That said, if you're only making a gallon at a time, I would still use about 1/8th teaspoon. It sounds like it's working for you either way. Are your roots nice and white inside that party cup?
I haven't looked at the roots yet. When she first sprouted and the roots were jumping from cube to cube, they were blast white, but then I began to get algae on the cubes so I covered the top with hydroton and haven't seen the roots since. I will be taking pics when I transplant of course. I don't want to even pull the root ball out till I'm confident I'll need a transplant b/c I poked small holes in the side of the cup (mini air pot) and those indentations could snag the cubes on the way out and way back in if not root bound. My plan is to check by gently squeezing the cup to see if I can see down the inside. Once I know all the cubes are attached, I will TP into a pot that I won't poke holes in (1 gallon).

I thought a "scoop" was a TBSP?

I have a bottle of GW, and a sample pack of Sweet Mycos Tea.

I am currently using 1/5 of a teaspoon per gallon of great white. Should I adjust further?

I also think I'll take the cutting tomorrow and top just above the 3rd node. I gotta first make a decent small clone dome from a soda bottle and whatever else i can find.
Also forgot to ask... I don't know what is making your PH so low in your tea. My RO water starts at 6.6 and after I add the tea ingredients it goes to 6.2. I add a few ml of florablend to get it to 6.

Measure the PH of the water you are using, then measure it after adding each ingredient (and waiting 10 mins). Let me know.
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