Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

Sweet! :high-five:

Thanks Doob. :passitleft:
Awesome man! Congrats on the new lights, I’m sure you’re going to impress with them.

No doubt. I've been light/heat challenged for so long that I forget what a good plant looks like.
I've got 2 sets of the 600w units running.... veg and bloom. The bloom one is running around 75% and the Veg around 50%. I'll have them cranking full blast soon enough.

Nice light set up. I've been wondering when you were going to try some QB out. They seem ideal for your environment.

They sure do. With the power supply outside the tent, I'm pumping more watts with less heat. The QBs seem the coolest option available... much cooler than the other forms of LED.

Whoa, what kind of lights are those? You can tell I don't get out much. Did you purchase or win those?

Money... cash money.... green leafy stuff in plastic format. Saved a ton by purchasing direct from China. Got 600w setups for right at $500 each.
Quantum boards are the newest form of LED lighting. They consist of large panels with diodes directly on the board. The heat signature is less and the lighting area is very even. My panels are 72" long and 8" wide. Each panel has 400 individual diodes mounted across the surface. Each panel handles a little over 300w. Each 600w kit consists of 2 panels and 1 power supply. The LED panels are mounted directly to a heat sink.
Super jelly o your qb's man(SEXY!). I am eyeing up some of them myself. Just need to raise the scratch. Probably by the end of the fall. Either a higher watt 3000k or 2 smaller 2700 and 3500 ones. Wonder if they have any that you can dial between spectrums? Seems like it would be doable. Im gonna have to search that. If they dont... Is that something one of you lot that have connects with the sponsors can ask about? I can dial wattage, can i dial spectrum? Be great to start out at 5000k and slowly dial it down to 3000 or 2700k over the grow.
Im glad you're able to get some newer tech into your swamp, Tead. After watching you deal for so long with those extremes of environment its nice to see you with all that light and without the temps. WINNING! lol
Super jelly o your qb's man(SEXY!).

You're allowed. If you really wanna be jel, I picked up 8 sets of them. Jel away.

Wonder if they have any that you can dial between spectrums?

I didn't really see functional setups that did this. You can get any flavor mix and match diodes that you want on them, but not a dial other than a dimmer.

I'll have to do some research , I too have heat issues (small tent ). Thanks for the info...... :peace:

I've been running 2 sets for a couple of days now. Not at full blast, but love their heat signatures. They do get significantly warmer as you approach 100%, so maybe one should get stronger ones and run them a bit lower during the warm times of the year.
Just doing a fast drive-by.. Hope things are going well for ya.. So how much longer before ya'll get started on setting up? GL and Keepem Green
You're allowed. If you really wanna be jel, I picked up 8 sets of them. Jel away.

I didn't really see functional setups that did this. You can get any flavor mix and match diodes that you want on them, but not a dial other than a dimmer.

I've been running 2 sets for a couple of days now. Not at full blast, but love their heat signatures. They do get significantly warmer as you approach 100%, so maybe one should get stronger ones and run them a bit lower during the warm times of the year.

They’re never supposed to be up to 100% if you want longevity. I keep mine no higher than about 80%. They’re wicked effective.
I went and google'd those quantum boards... Good grief, how do you guys afford these things! I might be able to get one, if I sold my car. haha

I gotta find a good LED that's more in the 200 dollar range, but it doesn't seem like they exist. Heat problems are no joke, I'm pretty much restricted to growing in winter now.
Youll love the QBs @Tead

I won't use anything else

I'm starting to see why you say this.
In my garden, I was doing about 6gal/fertigation every 2 days. The new lights have jumped that up to 10gal. Uptake alone... temps are down. Incredible.

So how much longer before ya'll get started on setting up?

Unfortunately, an uncooperative tenant has delayed things for a few more weeks, but I had hoped to start construction this weekend. Meh!

They’re never supposed to be up to 100% if you want longevity. I keep mine no higher than about 80%. They’re wicked effective.

I did some math. The boards are capable of 755w. The drivers will push 600w. Tead likes that safety buffer... one of the bonuses of the light configuration I noticed before purchase.

I went and google'd those quantum boards... Good grief, how do you guys afford these things! I might be able to get one, if I sold my car. haha

I gotta find a good LED that's more in the 200 dollar range, but it doesn't seem like they exist. Heat problems are no joke, I'm pretty much restricted to growing in winter now.

Well... I got my 600w sets for 400ea. Not such a bad deal when I take into account the increased production and the decreased AC use.

Dam bro look at you gettn the qb's fired up and going i see. Well congrats on those buddy they look amazing i so wana get myself a set. I cant remember if it was u i was talkn with this about but did u get those off Alibaba?

Yup... Ms. Kitty from a company called "Mei Jiu" thru Alibaba. Google "FoGro"... I got the FoTop Plus 800 H-2 units in 3000k.
Sorry to hear there's a delay in the plans, but then all things in their right time. :battingeyelashes:
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