Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

:rofl: OMG..... reading through here can be a challenge, trying to stay off the floor. Lol!

Rev Tead, I'm looking over the Dynamite. I'm pleased that it's organic, but the analysis is a far cry from Osmo.


Osmo is a 15 - 9 - 12. Is this something I should be concerned about? I also paused when I realized it says in bold print, "Feeds for 3 months", which could be a problem with a plant that will take over 4 months to finish. Osmo plus feeds for up to 6 months.


What are your thoughts? I haven't cracked it open yet, so I could trade it in on Osmo. Just wanted to chew it over with you first.


So, I did some digging at Dynamite's website. Sure wish I had done that before.
It seems we want "All Purpose Select" Dynamite instead of "Mater Magic".
I've only seen "Mater Magic" locally.
I suggest an exchange.
Wow. That's so cool. Makes me miss living in places like Asia where everything spills out on the street, where all the best food is, and there aren't any rules. What are they doing with all those crawfish anyway? Personal use?
Hang on... it was a watering day...


And walks thru some various individuals...

Rooted clones freshly moved to their final homes. UDs, BDs, PCs. I gotta start drinkin more Coke. Oh... and yeah... that's a crawfish tray.

Freshly clipped clones in 1g of Osmo in the top 3".

BD, 2 OGKs on either side. The plant in back is a weirdo freebie. Nicole Kush x I forget.

I tried the fill flash on this shot. OGK on left... maybe. PC on right OBVIOUSLY. I forget what that is up front.

The crazy Blue Dream Dirty Girl. I clipped more clones from her and sent her into the bloom room... simply cause I just can't bring myself to kill off such a pretty girl.

2 re-veg girls. Critical+2.0 left and KaliAK right. The Crit+ is getting there quicly. I should be cutting clones from her within 2 weeks.

2xSSDC in the same 3 gallon bucket. Haulin ass!

A spikey UD



Parting UD budporn.
Wow. That's so cool. Makes me miss living in places like Asia where everything spills out on the street, where all the best food is, and there aren't any rules. What are they doing with all those crawfish anyway? Personal use?

Yea... it's a party in someone's inner courtyard. Probably a little band playin. Friends and family kind of affair. It's such a cool scene.
I love crawdads.. Just can't bring myself to suck the guts outta it.. I love the tails.. You know people suck the brains outta squirrle head too.. Man that makes me sick.. But I love wild game period.. You looking hella busy.. Them are aweful big plants to reveg.. I always leave 3-4 small bud sites on it.. Saves on space in your case.. But don't fix if ain't broke... GL and Keepem Green
Some of the Neville's stuff was a little hard on the ears but Aaron Nevilles voice was incredible, plus I liked his outfit.

The plant in back is a weirdo freebie. Nicole Kush x I forget.
Morrocan maybe?

Plants are looking better than ever. :thumb: Watch out with all those strains or it's going to be hard work to stay lazy.

So, I did some digging at Dynamite's website. Sure wish I had done that before.
It seems we want "All Purpose Select" Dynamite instead of "Mater Magic".
I've only seen "Mater Magic" locally.
I suggest an exchange.

Thank you. I'll do that tomorrow. :battingeyelashes:
Some of the Neville's stuff was a little hard on the ears but Aaron Nevilles voice was incredible, plus I liked his outfit.

Morrocan maybe?

Damn you... makin me go look at the label. The bowl is between the 'puter and the garden.... I may make it.


I remember trying to look it up and not finding much data on it. Odd freebie.
Looking good in there Teadimus. I am interested to see how your HiBrix girl does. Whatever is in that orange bucket is good looking!

Autos! Crazy things. Never grown 'em before.

The HiBrix has no chance. It's completely root bound and has no HiBrix bits available to it. I feed it some DynaGro the other day... a light feeding. I was just using her as a clone source and her duties have been well fulfilled.
Few things in this world are less fun than working in a New Orleans attic in August. Oh no.... fiberglass+dust+sweat+sauna= unhappy Tead.
I'd love to use my attic space for such joy...

after a while i just pretended i didn't have an attic. if reality broke through and i needed something that was up there i just waited until september to get it. or did without.
after a while i just pretended i didn't have an attic. if reality broke through and i needed something that was up there i just waited until september to get it. or did without.

Unfortunately, when one is in the biz of running rentals, one finds oneself there way too often. I always try to put it off until the cool weather hits... but there are many moons between May and November.
Are you going to see if the other Dynamite is available? I kind of doubt it... the only one I see at my local sources is the round Mater stuff.
If not... Osmo+ is a great choice and I'm better armed to assist you there.

I'll be picking up Osmo +. The Mater Magic was the only Dynamite they had in stock. I was also thinking that you have the experience with Osmo, and none of us has yet played with Dynamite. Maybe a future run that would be a good choice, to see if there's any appreciable difference.

Your line of clones are darling. I'm still working out the rhythm of both the perpetual and the maintenance of the soil. With Doc's Kit each pot that comes down has to be processed and cooked for another month before the soil can be used again. That probably means I need to cook another batch of soil to keep the perpetual chugging along smoothly, but then it means I have more bins of soil to manage in a limited space.

When I tried thinking it through yesterday it just made my head hurt. :straightface: I'll try again today. I have to get a handle on it or I'll be screwed somewhere along the way.
I'll be picking up Osmo +. The Mater Magic was the only Dynamite they had in stock. I was also thinking that you have the experience with Osmo, and none of us has yet played with Dynamite. Maybe a future run that would be a good choice, to see if there's any appreciable difference.

Your line of clones are darling. I'm still working out the rhythm of both the perpetual and the maintenance of the soil. With Doc's Kit each pot that comes down has to be processed and cooked for another month before the soil can be used again. That probably means I need to cook another batch of soil to keep the perpetual chugging along smoothly, but then it means I have more bins of soil to manage in a limited space.

When I tried thinking it through yesterday it just made my head hurt. :straightface: I'll try again today. I have to get a handle on it or I'll be screwed somewhere along the way.


I have an empty spot in my tent, because I wasn't vegging my girls large enough to be ready, because I didn't have enough soil ready.
There is always going to soil cooking in a perpetual - somehing I didn't really understand until my first harvest.

Working back from my flower room, the number I am working with right now is 10. 10 large fabric pots worth of soil: 4 in flower, 4(or 2) in veg, 2(or 4) cooking.

There are also several seedling pots in veg, but the soil comes out of the cooking soil and goes into the the large veg pots along with cooked soil, so I just count them as part of the cooking soil.

According to this plan, I need storage for just as much soil cooking as I have soil in the flower area. I also mix and amend soil after every harvest. I started out thinking of a perpetual grow using equal sized veg and flower areas. I now have to add in an equal sized soil area.

Right now, I'm trying to squeeze the soil cooking area into the veg and flower area. I don't know if the plan will work yet, but it's good to have a plan :)
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