Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

Oh please... it's just a thread baby.... not like you're digging for door keys in my front pocket. An evil Tead just loves to find an excuse to make his sweetie dig in his pockets.....

:laughtwo: You sound just like Dale. Lol!

Oh nice.... I hadn't peeked at your house lately... but I seem to recall that rumble building over there. I think I meant to chime in but got distracted by a shiny object and a bowl of OGK.

So... Osomocote+ has the trace nutes in it while the standard Osmocote doesn't. You might consider another product called Dynamite. Very similar but suffers less ppm fluctuation with heat.

I've been picking up the Vigoro stuff in large bags from my local Home Depot. The Miracle Grow stuff is too fine and has some nutes in it as well. Your hempy hole will probably be in the 1/4" range, so really any size will work... it's just that you get more perlite in your runoff with the finer stuff... tho even that will end as the medium settles. I guess you could finds some too course.... I've seen 1"+ sized perlite... but any of the regular growing stuff will be fine.

Have you got semi solid plans in place regarding the hempy grow, or are you still forming ideas from the mist?
Osmo is a great choice for a super-easy grow. The only thing I do is adjust PH and add CalMag... and I don't "know" that I need take those simple steps... gotta do a test grow.

I've been waiting patiently on the crawfish, you mentioned that last year. :) I saw your post at my place, thanks for that.

And :thanks: here too! I have the Osmocote+ ordered, and I'll stick with the perlite I have here. It's not real coarse, but I put some fine screen around the inside bottom of the pot to hold in any smaller particles. The pots will be in a tub of sorts, so I won't get perlite all over the place.
I'm still forming ideas, and I love the Osmo+ with adjusting PH and using the Cal/Mag. Easy peasy. With my work schedule....that's a necessity right now. :laugh:
I have one Auto seedling in a hempy pot now, and there will be 2 or 3 more in the next week.

Thanks again...and Hi Sue...and everyone else.

I'll be around to watch your grow Tead.

Some thoughts on a rainy morning... 2.36 inches last night... tho the sun seems to be trying.

The waves in the sea of green have really been hitting hard and fast lately. Such a good thing. The dry box is full and may need an up-sizing. The same can always be said of the bloom an veg areas. The new lighting has made such an incredible difference. I went from a 400w HPS to 750w HPS+2 Mars 300s. That's from 38w/sqft to somewhere around 100w/sqft.

The weather has warmed and dampened. This really makes my cloning situation soooooo much easier. In this weather, I can do uncovered clones in perlite really easily... and the recent round of cloning has really pointed this out for me. Cloning can really turn to crap for me in the humidity fluctuations that occur in winter. I need to get a better handle on it next year... but I did fairly well this year.

I keep pondering changes in the grow area. There's a good bit of space that I'm not taking advantage of. Now that I have the 2L flow going and good lighting in place, I can really take advantage of more bloom space... which would drive the need for a larger veg space.... dammit.
Perhaps a new space for veg is needed. I could dedicate the tent to babies, build a veg space, and upgrade the bloom area.
Of course, this may drive the need for a 3rd power circuit... and running everything on 2 extension cords is damn dicey already.... dammit.
Maybe I could build out a better insulated and sealed area, thus driving those power needs down some.
It's all a balancing act with one twig causing issues everywhere. Frustrating.
Step one in any of these configurations would really be the need for more power. The only way I can functionally do this is with a dedicated run to the panel of 3 lines.... 2 110's and a 220 with a way to run those 3 lines off of the generator. Of course, my panel has little room.... maybe none... dammit.
The situation is just generally killin me and causes me to do some crazy dances.
I've been waiting patiently on the crawfish, you mentioned that last year. :) I saw your post at my place, thanks for that.

And :thanks: here too! I have the Osmocote+ ordered, and I'll stick with the perlite I have here. It's not real coarse, but I put some fine screen around the inside bottom of the pot to hold in any smaller particles. The pots will be in a tub of sorts, so I won't get perlite all over the place.
I'm still forming ideas, and I love the Osmo+ with adjusting PH and using the Cal/Mag. Easy peasy. With my work schedule....that's a necessity right now. :laugh:
I have one Auto seedling in a hempy pot now, and there will be 2 or 3 more in the next week.

Thanks again...and Hi Sue...and everyone else.

I'll be around to watch your grow Tead.


I saw. Fun. It makes such a nice little side grow. Careful... hempy started in my garden as a "little side grow"... consider yourself warned.
I've been pondering a HighBrix side grow... but it's kind of a lot of work for a little side grow. Hard to deviate from the flow in such a size restricted grow.
I don't think I've had the Osmo re-plant discussion lately.
Your target amount of Osmo in your final bucket will be too hot for babies. This means that one can't do an entire grow in the same mix.
One can imagine some creative ways to introduce Osmo into an existing medium... or one can just transplant. I just transplant.
I usually clone. Currently I use a clean perlite mix for cloning, but I'm pondering adding some perlite around the top as my clones always come out starving.
I've been putting my clones into the final mix with good results... tho it would probably be best to use another pot with maybe 1/2 the final strength for a while between cloning and final pot.
This kind of seems like a lot of replanting work, but replanting in perlite is super easy.
I found Dynamite.


Would this be used in the same way as Osmo plus?

Are you suggesting I'll need to coax the seedlings in plain perlite? How long would that be necessary, in your opinion? I was planning on dropping the new sprout directly into the hempy as normal. That's what I did with Emerald as a clone too, and went right to recommended nute doses.
I found Dynamite.


Would this be used in the same way as Osmo plus?

Are you suggesting I'll need to coax the seedlings in plain perlite? How long would that be necessary, in your opinion? I was planning on dropping the new sprout directly into the hempy as normal. That's what I did with Emerald as a clone too, and went right to recommended nute doses.

Very nice.
I can't really guide you on it's dosage. If I were to try it in my garden, I'd start by doing 5g/2L... and maybe some 6g/2L pots.
You might find info on their websites that can form a dosage comparison.

If I were you, I'd start clones or seeds on a light liquid or Osmo nute formula and move them into an intermediate grow pot with a light load for a few weeks, then move her to her final home. Tead the ever lazy gardener skips the intermediate pot.

Remember... I have a crazy garden environment and my techniques for many things are unusual... plus I'm still feeling out Osmo really.
. . .

I keep pondering changes in the grow area. There's a good bit of space that I'm not taking advantage of. Now that I have the 2L flow going and good lighting in place, I can really take advantage of more bloom space... which would drive the need for a larger veg space.... dammit.
Perhaps a new space for veg is needed. I could dedicate the tent to babies, build a veg space, and upgrade the bloom area.
Of course, this may drive the need for a 3rd power circuit... and running everything on 2 extension cords is damn dicey already.... dammit.
Maybe I could build out a better insulated and sealed area, thus driving those power needs down some.
It's all a balancing act with one twig causing issues everywhere. Frustrating.
Step one in any of these configurations would really be the need for more power. The only way I can functionally do this is with a dedicated run to the panel of 3 lines.... 2 110's and a 220 with a way to run those 3 lines off of the generator. Of course, my panel has little room.... maybe none... dammit.
The situation is just generally killin me and causes me to do some crazy dances.

Sounds like that story where a broken shoelace means the shoes look shabby so new sholaces, new shoes, new glad rags, new house new wife.

To keep things under control, one could start at the other end - the electrical box can handle 2 more 110 breakers or 1more 220 breaker or run a remote subpanel. The yard can fit a new shed up to this tall, wide, and high - now how much of of the space do I want to insulate for growing. Do I want space for smoking and hanging with others? Will a peak roof outside and a flat roof with a soffit fan work better than a peaked roof.

With your skills, it's probably simpler to build from scratch than expand in little pieces and make a bunch of little decisions. - The city knows you have a shed in your back yard, right? A shed. I guy I used to work with has something in his back yard he calls 'The Shed" - 65" TV, sofas and recliners for 8 around the TV, seating for 20 more, dance floor, DJ booth, Barbecue pit and horseshoe stakes outside - basically a space for his gandson's football team to hang out with him. --- I'm sure your needs are more modest. :)
hey tead. re. your reply to sweetsue, i have another question--sorry if it's newbie but your demonstration of hempy buckets has got me wanting to try them on my next grow... i've read that most perlite comes mixed with extra N....does that mean i should rinse it completely (and how much is completely?) before i use it?

on my first grow in soil i was using FFOF and read all over the place that it was hot, so i rinsed the shit out of it. and promptly proceeded to have LITTLE TO NO nutrients for my 1st 4 weeks of plant life (or at least that's what i'm hypothesizing happened, given poor growth and other user screwups on my part). soooo.... basically.... what i'm sayin is, i'm now paranoid (or, as i prefer, careful ;) ) about such things....
Sounds like that story where a broken shoelace means the shoes look shabby so new sholaces, new shoes, new glad rags, new house new wife.

To keep things under control, one could start at the other end - the electrical box can handle 2 more 110 breakers or 1more 220 breaker or run a remote subpanel. The yard can fit a new shed up to this tall, wide, and high - now how much of of the space do I want to insulate for growing. Do I want space for smoking and hanging with others? Will a peak roof outside and a flat roof with a soffit fan work better than a peaked roof.

With your skills, it's probably simpler to build from scratch than expand in little pieces and make a bunch of little decisions. - The city knows you have a shed in your back yard, right? A shed. I guy I used to work with has something in his back yard he calls 'The Shed" - 65" TV, sofas and recliners for 8 around the TV, seating for 20 more, dance floor, DJ booth, Barbecue pit and horseshoe stakes outside - basically a space for his gandson's football team to hang out with him. --- I'm sure your needs are more modest. :)

I was trying to keep my desires under control and not expand into those realms.
65" would do for Saints games. Fridge. Good music. Sofa!
hey tead. re. your reply to sweetsue, i have another question--sorry if it's newbie but your demonstration of hempy buckets has got me wanting to try them on my next grow... i've read that most perlite comes mixed with extra N....does that mean i should rinse it completely (and how much is completely?) before i use it?

on my first grow in soil i was using FFOF and read all over the place that it was hot, so i rinsed the shit out of it. and promptly proceeded to have LITTLE TO NO nutrients for my 1st 4 weeks of plant life (or at least that's what i'm hypothesizing happened, given poor growth and other user screwups on my part). soooo.... basically.... what i'm sayin is, i'm now paranoid (or, as i prefer, careful ;) ) about such things....

Oh gawd... chime in any time with any old words that tickle your soul... the tickleier the bettah!

Some perlite has added nutes. The label will tell you. The Miracle Grow stuff has added nutes. The Vigoro stuff does not.
Your other words and concerns come from a soil mindset. Hempy is hydro. No hydro medium has ANY nutes in it (not entirely true, but works better for this explanation) so you always know exactly what's in your buckets.... it's exactly what you put in. Any over or under nutrient level situation is totally user induced.

If one wants to got with an easy feeding method... then one looks at the slow release Osmo or Dynamite routines. More exact control can be had using standard hydro feeding bits. I've used the FF line and some others... currently I use the DynaGro line of liquid nutes for some things... like an auto bucket I got going.

Lots of ideas one can toss around... feel free to chime in with questions!
But if you want a new room,,, I'd alway opt for a peaked roof... Never know you might need that extra 6"..Oh that's what She said.. JK opps my bad... Keepem Green
But if you want a new room,,, I'd alway opt for a peaked roof... Never know you might need that extra 6"..Oh that's what She said.. JK opps my bad... Keepem Green

Hang on... not enough bowls in me yet for that groaner of a joke....

Attic growing in the New Orleans heat and humidity is generally a no-go.
Locally, we see insulation applied to the floor of the attic (top of the ceiling), but not applied to the roof. We have lots of venting going on to try to get the hot air out... both active and passive.
Few things in this world are less fun than working in a New Orleans attic in August. Oh no.... fiberglass+dust+sweat+sauna= unhappy Tead.
I'd love to use my attic space for such joy... and there's a lot of it, but it's just not feasible on the Gulf. Can't dig a hole either... below sea level.
Hang on... not enough bowls in me yet for that groaner of a joke....

Attic growing in the New Orleans heat and humidity is generally a no-go.
Locally, we see insulation applied to the floor of the attic (top of the ceiling), but not applied to the roof. We have lots of venting going on to try to get the hot air out... both active and passive.
Few things in this world are less fun than working in a New Orleans attic in August. Oh no.... fiberglass+dust+sweat+sauna= unhappy Tead.
I'd love to use my attic space for such joy... and there's a lot of it, but it's just not feasible on the Gulf. Can't dig a hole either... below sea level.

Are you sure you can't dig a hole? Your cold tap water comes in at about 65 degrees. That sort of implies that the soil 2 feet down is about 65 degrees. They install in-ground gunite pools in New Orleans. Maybe you could ask a pool company the price to create an underground bomb shelter? You could probably convince them you are crazy enough to want one :)

Sadly, such solutions cost serious money. Fortuitously, it's not my money. I wonder if you could do a gofundme for an underground panic room in New Orleans.

Just thinkin' inside the (buried) box 19:
Caught up, just have a few random tiny thoughts swirling around to try to articulate before I go back to bed and wait out the latest mini hurricane.
100w per square foot? Wow that's pretty fancy high end stuff. You may need to expand your grow just dilute that equation a little. Your plants are showing their happiness about all that extra light though. Very nice.
I was lucky enough to find a large free roll of heavy duty electrical cable for my grow, which I ran underground, and that solved most of my extension cord worries. When I use extension cords I use the quality 12 gauge cable and make whatever lengths I need. I check connection often for heat- so far it's been timers and power bars that have given me the most electrical issues.

CJ Chenier wandered close to my place a few times. Also the Neville Bros- I was kind of surprised you never mention them- but google tells me the hurricane drove them out. Too bad. I'm jealous about all that music.
I've been wondering about the crawfish...
:rofl: OMG..... reading through here can be a challenge, trying to stay off the floor. Lol!

Rev Tead, I'm looking over the Dynamite. I'm pleased that it's organic, but the analysis is a far cry from Osmo.


Osmo is a 15 - 9 - 12. Is this something I should be concerned about? I also paused when I realized it says in bold print, "Feeds for 3 months", which could be a problem with a plant that will take over 4 months to finish. Osmo plus feeds for up to 6 months.


What are your thoughts? I haven't cracked it open yet, so I could trade it in on Osmo. Just wanted to chew it over with you first.
Are you sure you can't dig a hole? Your cold tap water comes in at about 65 degrees. That sort of implies that the soil 2 feet down is about 65 degrees. They install in-ground gunite pools in New Orleans. Maybe you could ask a pool company the price to create an underground bomb shelter? You could probably convince them you are crazy enough to want one :)

Sadly, such solutions cost serious money. Fortuitously, it's not my money. I wonder if you could do a gofundme for an underground panic room in New Orleans.

Just thinkin' inside the (buried) box 19:

The cold tap I just poured is at 76.8.... and it's barely April. Dunno where 65 came from. In Jan/Feb it drops down some... quite noticeable and appreciated by a boy grown on snow melt... but most of the rest of the year one takes a shower sans hot water. I'm certain it climbs to 85ish in summer months. Large metal storage tanks, above ground transportation pipes (some), shallow underground transportation pipes all lead to a very warm gumbo in da swamp baby!

Pools are done... but one MUST keep them filled at all times... otherwise they just push up.

One could dig a concrete dugout of some sort, but the building techniques and need for active drainage would be tough for a mere mortal... plus it would always be damp.

I literally know of know privately owned underground spaces in the city... except for the occasional abandoned cisterns.
100w per square foot? Wow that's pretty fancy high end stuff. You may need to expand your grow just dilute that equation a little. Your plants are showing their happiness about all that extra light though. Very nice.

I know... right?!?! It's crazy shit man. Luvin it. Expansion plans working at the typical glacial speed.

Also the Neville Bros- I was kind of surprised you never mention them- but google tells me the hurricane drove them out. Too bad. I'm jealous about all that music.

I never liked the Neville Bros... Charmaine is very enjoyable tho.

I've been wondering about the crawfish...
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