Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

I wonder if somehow you could achieve that brown 'fermented' type of bud there. Of course you could. But how? That was what we used to get when the BC bud was imported sativas. I put up a post trying to find someone who knew how to achieve this effect. Didn't get any bites but don't google it either.
Stolen words on fermentation....

Best way I've found, you use drying weed and no heat at all.

You harvest normally and hang the plants to dry. After 4-5 days of drying at 60-70% RH or 3-4 at 50% RH you take the stems and leaves out and press all the weed into any container that allows you to apply pressure.

I use a mason jar with a piece of wood and the leg of the bed to do the pressing. After that you just close the jar, put it in a dark and fresh place and wait for some days.

3 days is the minimum. I've done up to 2 weeks and I got really black strong shit. 3 days appears to be a little incomplete, but you can still have some of the original green weed smell.

It is nice to use mason jars because you can see if the mould is growing. It shouldn't.

After some days, you take it out and separe and extend the buds for a proper airing and drying. After some few days of drying it should be ready.

The pressure breaks the plant's cells and mixes all plant fluids with the smashed trichomes. It should help to avoid mould growing.
Thanks for the info. Sounds a bit weird. But the traditional way of making the real Malawi Gold which gave the bud its name from its color, is wrapping it in banana leaves very tightly and burying it in the ground for months.
You mean you never used to get imported brown weed? Like- whatever you were smoking in the 'old days' was green? In my early smoking days all the good herb was from Thailand and Jamaica and it was brown, full of seeds, and quite good. Likewise all the weed I smoked in Asia was fermented and brown -similar to tobacco in a way. And I think cured using a similar process, where it's piled up and left to stew a while. Or baled for export and cured enroute. High humidity and confined spaces. I never got to see a curing operation so I don't know how they did it.
I've tried curing tobacco before and it's a crazy process of stewing and almost rotting the leaves in high RH for fairly long periods.
Tead man! Glad to see that you are chugging along over there pal. I have been a bit busy with non-420 matters, but I have been following along with your progress. Glad to see you in the usual spirits! Once life settles down a bit we will have to schedule some more porch time. Until then man, keep on with the science project!
Hope you don't mind if I tag along.. Going to take abit of back reading to get the jist of whats going on. GL and Keepem Green
Thanks for the info. Sounds a bit weird. But the traditional way of making the real Malawi Gold which gave the bud its name from its color, is wrapping it in banana leaves very tightly and burying it in the ground for months.
You mean you never used to get imported brown weed? Like- whatever you were smoking in the 'old days' was green? In my early smoking days all the good herb was from Thailand and Jamaica and it was brown, full of seeds, and quite good. Likewise all the weed I smoked in Asia was fermented and brown -similar to tobacco in a way. And I think cured using a similar process, where it's piled up and left to stew a while. Or baled for export and cured enroute. High humidity and confined spaces. I never got to see a curing operation so I don't know how they did it.
I've tried curing tobacco before and it's a crazy process of stewing and almost rotting the leaves in high RH for fairly long periods.

Seems way too much. I might dabble with a little touch of it. Maybe set a bud aside for some testing. My temps really worry me about doing any fermentation.
I've been wondering about drying in a clay pot with bud wrapped in corn husks....
Tead man! Glad to see that you are chugging along over there pal. I have been a bit busy with non-420 matters, but I have been following along with your progress. Glad to see you in the usual spirits! Once life settles down a bit we will have to schedule some more porch time. Until then man, keep on with the science project!

Krewe du Vieux rolls on the 11th... Muses on the 23rd. They're both really cool... you should consider braving the crowds for an evening and let us drag you along to a parade.
Hope you don't mind if I tag along.. Going to take abit of back reading to get the jist of whats going on. GL and Keepem Green

Welcome along NC.

As a displaced Oregonian, I always appreciate the arrival of a Northwesterner to the room.
It's mostly banter about food or politics... but we visit the plants every now and then.
Your arrival is well timed... it's Mardi Gras season in NOLA. The sights might get a touch 'interesting'.
........You mean you never used to get imported brown weed? Like- whatever you were smoking in the 'old days' was green? In my early smoking days all the good herb was from Thailand and Jamaica and it was brown, full of seeds, and quite good.

Ours was Mexican mostly, compressed into bricks, ranged from dark green to golden brown. 60/40, grass to steams and seeds. Smelled and tasted like a tiger pissed on it. I had been smoking for a decade before I ever saw a bud that wasn't squashed. :biglaugh: I suppose since I've started growing my own I've become a Pot Snob, but I don't miss the old stuff.:rofl:
Ours was Mexican mostly, compressed into bricks, ranged from dark green to golden brown. 60/40, grass to steams and seeds. Smelled and tasted like a tiger pissed on it. I had been smoking for a decade before I ever saw a bud that wasn't squashed. :biglaugh: I suppose since I've started growing my own I've become a Pot Snob, but I don't miss the old stuff.:rofl:

In my little corner of the world, the 70's and 80's included a small pallet of varieties. We'd see a ton of the brick weed from south of the border. Very interesting things came out of Northern California at the time... kinda hit 'r miss. Then there was a good stream coming from Hawaii... a sporadic but very good stream. In the fall, you'd start seeing stuff grown locally outdoors around.
The brick weed was always brown. Often, the stuff from Hawaii was brown. I was too young to worry about any of it and was much more concerned about what came out of the pipe rather than making myself aware of what went in.

Man... makin the memories roll. Fun.
In my little corner of the world, the 70's and 80's included a small pallet of varieties. We'd see a ton of the brick weed from south of the border. Very interesting things came out of Northern California at the time... kinda hit 'r miss. Then there was a good stream coming from Hawaii... a sporadic but very good stream. In the fall, you'd start seeing stuff grown locally outdoors around.
The brick weed was always brown. Often, the stuff from Hawaii was brown. I was too young to worry about any of it and was much more concerned about what came out of the pipe rather than making myself aware of what went in.

Man... makin the memories roll. Fun.

San Francisco Bay Area in the 70s (including Haight Ashbury.) Medecino and Humboldt county 2 hours away. C&H sugar ships arriving from Hawaii. $50 fine and confiscate your weed for posession of small amounts. The smell of Cannabis wafting out of People's Park near the Berkeley campus. You'd THINK there would have been some fine marijuana floating around. - NOT on my side of the tracks - $40/oz mexican brickweed. They might have called it Humboldt, Acapulco Gold, whatever. It ws all poor to midling quality.. When I drove to Mexico in '79, the Federales planted a clear plastic bag with about a lb of weed in the passenger seat of my car. It was even worse looking than the stuff they sold in the Bay Area.

I never saw quality cannabis until 2008 when Massachusetts (where I was living) decriminalized.

My wife checked prices. $108 to ride coach on the City of New Orleans leaving Chicago on a saturday night!
Hmm I had a totally different situation when I grew up in the 90s. We consumed mostly Dutch hydro produce, predominantly Skunk #1, Shiva Skunk, Northern Lights, Super Skunk and hundred hybrids that were in between. Outdoor pot was scarce, but we had shitloads of Afghani and Moroccan hash with very rare Leb... and today I smoke my own outdoor pot, who'd thought? :passitleft:
Hmm I had a totally different situation when I grew up in the 90s. We consumed mostly Dutch hydro produce, predominantly Skunk #1, Shiva Skunk, Northern Lights, Super Skunk and hundred hybrids that were in between. Outdoor pot was scarce, but we had shitloads of Afghani and Moroccan hash with very rare Leb... and today I smoke my own outdoor pot, who'd thought? :passitleft:

Well. You are european. And Italian. Epicure and connoisseur go hand in hand. I grew up in a less civilised country :)

I did pick up a golf ball sized lump of clay hash around 1982 that I tasted on and off for many months. Great stuff!
AH my City by the Bay.... I was all over the Bay Area. My stomping grounds. 5 finger lids of #1 commercial weed was 10 bucks a lid. But then kilo were 100$ if you knew people. Lumbo Gold/Red came around for 30-35$ a oz. Black African was 25$ a 1/4oz. Real Thai Sticks,, dipped in opium were 25$ for 4-5 gram sticks. Later people started tieing columbian to a stick and calling it thai. Mil vials of honey oil were 30$ when you could find it. This was like 74'. i've been to more than one People's Park parties. I use to ride a cooter outta Oakland. Down off High St. I sure miss all the music venues they have around the Bay. Some of the BEST outdoor weed I've ever grown was grew there.. Around the Altamont Pass. Now I'm in a hard splace to grow,,, Portland Area. One thing you can count of here is rain come Oct 1st.. If your lucky,, the 7th. So I'm kind of looking for any short flowering strains to give a try with. Con suggest maybe some Ultra Dawg he's been playing around with... Man I miss the Bay Area. Now going down to Cajun Country,,, man they have some of the best Bass fishing around. I'm from Arkansas myself. Stuttgart area. But I've lived just about everywhere,, except the New England states.. Keepem Green
Since we are reminiscing... I didnt start smoking until the 80s in my teen years and we had a lot of that crap mexi brick weed that everyone would try to put pretty names on... But a turd is still a turd, even if you call it bowel paté. Luckily some of my dad's friends were smart and saved some of the good good in vacuum sealed jars. Panama Red, Thai sticks dipped in opium, oaxacan blue, Columbian Gold and, if i could pry it out of their hands, nepalese temple balls and lebanese hash that rocked my little teeny bopper ass. Some of them were REALLY good but i really love love love the stuff that ive grown the best. I never realized that weed could have so many crystals on them until i grew my first time.
Hmm I had a totally different situation when I grew up in the 90s. We consumed mostly Dutch hydro produce, predominantly Skunk #1, Shiva Skunk, Northern Lights, Super Skunk and hundred hybrids that were in between. Outdoor pot was scarce, but we had shitloads of Afghani and Moroccan hash with very rare Leb... and today I smoke my own outdoor pot, who'd thought? :passitleft:

I think that that reflects the changing times. Hydro was much rarer in the 60s and 70s. I feel it hit pretty hard in the 80s and was pretty much as common as it is today by the 90s. Perhaps I'm off on that... but that's the landscape from my perspective.
anyone remember that ISOMIZER they use to sell.. Turn shit to gold'.. Did distill your weed with alcohol and turned out 'Green granular pieces of chloroform.' Tasted like lawn clippings. I guess it got you high? If it didn't I couldn't tell at the times. I bought abit of weed from 72' thru 76' And I haven't bought any since. Cept dime or two. I think the best weed I ever got, short of the dripped thai sticks,,, man they were my favorite, was homegrown sensie from around Lake Co, Cali. I use to go help this old ass hippie,, look at me now damn, in the summers with his crops. He paid me with weed. Besides teaching me the basics and letting me grow acouple of mine wit his. His,,,, LOL he was squatting on state land. But he grew real purple haired sensimilla.
Con I used to see alot of hash around. Blonds and Reds Leb hash.. I still see blond Lebanese,, Miss J's finger hash.. She's blond,, and she's Lebanese... And every once in awhile my Bro wood ship back a set of JBL speakers from Germany with 200 gram slabs of this black bubble gum hash in each. Was like tar, and was honey oils too. Alot of people don't even know, those first glass pipes, made of a tube with a bubble blown at the end, with a entry point in the bubble ,, were for honey oil.. Not meth--- Oh well
Just had to throw my 2 cents out there.... Keepem Green
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