Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

Nice branching, I like this pheno for it. What's the smell now?
Nice branching, I like this pheno for it. What's the smell now?

Ya know how during early bloom you get a hint... then later you get the full smell, then later you get the overdriven smell that roams far and wide. Right now, she's in the middle. Very diesel-ish with some deep citrus tossed in. Evil. Deep. Good. I've just recently been smelling her a few feet from the shed she's growing in, but very light and only when the wind is dead. I exhaust my bloom room air directly out tho... so it's always a touch fragrant.... good thing I live in a very fragrant world.... takes a tight nose to pick it up in the background clutter.
Diesel/lemon/pineapple? Less musk, but more fruit? You might get a Boom pheno here, not very different in structure except bud shape, but a hard-hitter with strong zip :laughtwo:
One more random thought before I hit the bottom of my coffee pot and roll out.

I just ran across the phrase 'Silenced Hippie'.
I feel it. Never put those 2 words together before.

I can be silenced??? I think not. :laughtwo: :slide:
It's really the only miniscule bit of power we have over the markets. Anyway- I get some sort of moral(istic) pleasure from taking these stands and boycotting certain businesses. For example I still have some old GH nutes to use up, but I'll never buy those products again. Scott's/Monsanto will be getting only the smallest possible amount of money out of me. They won't notice the difference, but I will.

I think we call this integrity????
Tead, I had a thought about drying and curing. Dr Ziggy worked out a method in the refrigerator. Get the temp and humidity both to the 35-45 degree/%, as close together as you can maintain and set the cannabis, which is in a jar with a screen top, on the bottom shelf, in the back. Leave it there for a couple weeks. He swears it kicks ass.

Just a passing thought that made me come by and share it. You might want to check with Siggy about the particulars.
Oh yeah, I forgot. Look Tead..... She's 84 days old and looks like a completely different plant. :slide:

It's really the only miniscule bit of power we have over the markets. Anyway- I get some sort of moral(istic) pleasure from taking these stands and boycotting certain businesses. For example I still have some old GH nutes to use up, but I'll never buy those products again. Scott's/Monsanto will be getting only the smallest possible amount of money out of me. They won't notice the difference, but I will.

Oh they most surely will not notice... but doesn't it feel a touch better to live by your words? I sure enjoy putting my money where my mouth is.
I can be silenced??? I think not. :laughtwo: :slide:

To be honest, I believe a hippie would always speak their minds... I sure do, but 'noise' is more than speaking one's mind. Noise would be more exemplified by being involved in causes one believes in and I'm....
It dawns on me that my simple involvement here might qualify as "being involved in a cause".

Ok... well, let's perhaps shift perspective a bit. I guess maybe I'm just feeling less noisy these days. My life has simply shifted to a lead by example sort of thing rather than a screaming from the mountain tops sort of world.

Gots me a tough case of needabowl.... lemme go fix that.

Wow she's lookin nice. So happy you finally found the zone. You'll get to look back and laugh later on... perhaps even now. I'll savor it on your behalf until you do.

Damage to plants early on is more the norm in my world than the exception.... tho that seems to be turning as the years go by. I usually don't worry one bit about it... just correct it and move on. Hydro's kinda nice that way.... damage shows quickly and corrections are quicker as well. Plus, often it seems like plants that have faced a challenge can be the best in the garden.
I'll stick my nose in after the lights hit in the morning. As I recall, the last snort was mostly diesel heavy... but a fresh report will be best.

Stuck my nose in this morning when the lights came on. Even tried to clear my palate some.
Go mostly fruit this morning. Slight touch of diesel and citrus, but mostly fruity.
It should be quite warm this afternoon. I'll see if my snorts are the same when it nears 90f. I suspect it will be different.
Stuck my nose in this morning when the lights came on. Even tried to clear my palate some.
Go mostly fruit this morning. Slight touch of diesel and citrus, but mostly fruity.
It should be quite warm this afternoon. I'll see if my snorts are the same when it nears 90f. I suspect it will be different.

Temps up to mid 80s. Diesel smell has returned pretty hard. Fruit is still there.... a little lite hint of citrus, but mostly diesel and fruit.

Took some time to grab some sugar shots of her this morning.....

Tead, I had a thought about drying and curing. Dr Ziggy worked out a method in the refrigerator. Get the temp and humidity both to the 35-45 degree/%, as close together as you can maintain and set the cannabis, which is in a jar with a screen top, on the bottom shelf, in the back. Leave it there for a couple weeks. He swears it kicks ass.

Just a passing thought that made me come by and share it. You might want to check with Siggy about the particulars.

My harvests are dried slowly in Tupperware-style rectangular containers, with a humidity dial inside. I crack open the lid enough to allow slow release of moisture, until the mid 60% is reached.

I cure in the refrigerator, too, because our ambient temps and RH vary so much. Once I have them dried to mid 60%, I jar them with one or two Boveda Humidipaks and store the jars in the back, bottom shelf, of the refrigerator. They cure very well on their own.
I'm warming to the long cure in the fridge. I'll have to involve the dehumidifier when I burp them or exchange the air in the container.
The drying step is very different in my world. It's really wet in the swamp. The days where the humidity dips below 80% I could probably count on my fingers and toes... just toes this year.
Current status.... 5am, 73f, garden at 80f, 96% humidity. It might get down to 90% today.
This just does not help drying in any way. The only way I've found to address the issue is to introduce artificial influences into the situation. With the dehumidifier running in the back bedroom, I can get the humidity down to 45ish.

Then there's the grinder issue.... I can't leave anything in the grinder for more than a day or it gets dampish.
Life under the humidity dome... in a very real way.
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