Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

I purchased a touch a few months ago that was called "cat piss" by the vendor. Tasted great... but I took a small taste before I purchased... that's for sure.

I've often spent brain cycles considering the advantages of my lazy ethos. There are just so many things that happen in one's garden that don't respond well to knee jerk reactions. I've really had to beat myself over the years to teach myself to be calm and patient. I was really bad in that arena when I was a newb. You see it so often in the FAQ thread.
Plus, this helps one garden stoned. When one moves slowly and purposely with forethought, one can negate the MANY errors one can make when gardening stoned. Hell, I garden stoned at all times. The worst thing I've had happen in recent history is a missed PH adjustment on a feed.

Man... nobody should take any of my advise. I just do things so crazy. It's amazing how many different variations on the simple theme "growing MJ". Like a friggin hymnal from your local chapel... and everyone has a different favorite tune.
I've tried gardening stoned, but I keep forgetting shit.

Not a good idea when mixing chem nutes. LOL
I garden stoned alot and sometimes I'll be doing something then I'll think of the next thing i gotta do then i leave the grow room to grab what I need and by the time i get out i forget what i was doing so i go smoke some more and try to remember what i was doing lol
God forbid your phone rings while your in the middle of your tasks.... it's gonna take 15 or 20 damn minutes just to get back to what you were doing.
Shit. This could just mean I'm old and senile. How does one know the difference? On the rare occasion I'm not "botanically influenced" I feel I'm still a scatter brain.
Damn it... how did a simple humorous post end in me questioning my own sanity?
I've got a empty afternoon... perhaps I'll stop by my local watering hole and ponder the question under the influence of a liquefied botanical input for a change. Haven't seen my bartender in years... hope some of the old crowd still shows now and then.
That sounds like an excellent idea Tead. I suggest you don't delay. Head over there now and then report back here later.
Well... Even in The Big Easy, I prefer to start my drinking after noon.... tho it's a very soft rule broken often. 5am seems a touch early... plus, you really don't want to see the leftovers from the night before that haven't made it out the door yet. Sometimes I think "last call" might actually be better than 24hr drinkin. You know you've had a drunken night when you leave the bar and the sun's blinding you.... funnny.
Hahahaha!! Sorry bud, didn't realise it was so early on that side of the world. 5am?! What are you doing up anyway?
I hardly ever smoke before 7pm. Sometimes on weekends though I will do nothing but smoke, eat, @^%% and watch movies. The weather has to play ball though for that to happen. With 9 months of summer, it doesn't happen too often.
What are you doing up anyway?
I've been an IT guy forever.... often, maint occurs at off hours. I always preferred morning to evenings and kind of shifted my world to the earlier side rather than the later. I love it.... nobody's about to interrupt me. Hell, even the dog and cat are too lazy to get out of bed. So quiet and nice.

waked and baked every single day for years
Yea... me too.... sometime I wonder if I'm missing cues in life, then I smoke a bowl and get over myself. Funny how we edit our worlds a bit to enable our botanical indulgences. Does one call it "enabling" if we do it to ourselves?
Oh yea.... I haven't had a bowl yet... meh... let's fix that.
I hardly ever smoke before 7pm.

Ya know... it's funny how different growers can be in this department. There are the 24hr smokers... like myself, then there are folks that like to compartmentalize it more... like you.
Dunno what that means... but folks seem to fall on either side of that issue without much middle ground. Perhaps it's some indication of personality traits, perhaps it's different brain chemistry or construction.
Perhaps as acceptance for it grows, more folks can do some real science on such ideas and brings us some wonderful discoveries.
I used to dislike MJ, and I'm not talking ages ago either. Only started smoking (apart from the odd toke when I was a youngster) about 3 years ago. My trip was always uppers, and i used to party hard. A little too hard actually. Don't get me wrong, I was no strung out crack addict but my "recreational" partying could kill off a small african village. I digress... I've always struggled with insomnia, hyperactivity and a host of other co-morbid issues. The years of partying only made it worse. As I got older, it started causing some serious problems for me. Enter Mary Jane. Life changing for me. I can't remember the last time I struggled with insomnia. I sleep like the dead now, and feel like a million bucks the next day. In short, I started smoking to help with the hyperactivity and insomnia. It worked 100% from day one. No mean feat, as I've been on pharma meds before that didn't come close to the efficacy of MJ. So I suppose my smoking habits stem from that.

Now I am able to channel my energy into something resembling productivity. LOL!
I think many users are using because of the brain altering effects (other than being stoned of course). I describe it as my way to face life in a way that doesn't make me scream. I've seen many other users will tell similar stories. It seems to form a buffer of some sort that allows proper function.
I've never seen the phrase "co-morbid issues" before. I think it's kind of a bummer that you've had to learn it.
I agree with you 100%.

I know of quite a few people who take all kinds of pharmaceuticals for ailments that could safely be managed with MJ. Anti-depressants, tranquilizers, sleeping tablets, ritalin...

I find it ludicrous that prescribing ritalin (which is just meth) doesn't raise any eyebrows, but cannabis is still considered taboo. I was on ritalin as a child and I'm fairly confident it creates far more problems than it solves. If you're bored, do some reading on ritalin. I read an article about substance abuse in prison populations and the percentage of that population that were on ritalin as children. The figures are staggering.
........I was on ritalin as a child and I'm fairly confident it creates far more problems than it solves........

I grew up before the age of every kid needs medicating. They used to control us through pain compliance. Better known as ass whoopins. :)
I grew up before the age of every kid needs medicating. They used to control us through pain compliance. Better known as ass whoopins. :)

LOL! You're lucky. I used to get both.

I used to get walloped with belt buckles and tennis rackets and everything in between. I was a hellraiser though. Came very close to getting shipped off to Boys Town.
Re the calcium, Tead uses milk and his plants are great. It provides both calcium and magnesium and seems like it would be a bit easier to apply than what you're doing. I forget the exact dosage he uses but his journal is great and well worth wandering through.

*jumps on Teads leg like a cute little puppy*

Hey tead:byebye:

Milk huh? All my googling lead me astray, had me thinking moldy rotting milk would be bad..
Is it true, you use the milk? Often? Can i pick your brains rather then reading 13pages? 13 is alot at this point..being high, and having other things needing done..

Youre welcome to say No, but its unlikely that ill get off your leg until i finish reading :)
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