Tangwena's Malawi-Style Cob Cure: Fermented Cannabis

@stoneotter and @dajerm119 I'm so jealous over here!!!! Your cobs all looks awesome. I overcooked mine in the sweat and am waiting on another harvest to try again. I'm so excited for you! yay! Go team!
Hi MissyE, This is fun. Mine's not perfect but is still good. It started out a bit too dry. Next ones will be even better. Did yours mold up on you?
I finished making a cob-a-tron today. The heat cable was a lot easier to use than to bend a heat mat that is too large, and it works great. The metal thingies sit 6 cm above the bottom of the box so no cobs will be touching the cable.
Hopefully some Critical buds will be cooking in there in a few days.

I was thinking about trying oven paper as husks, the kind that got a bit of texture. Has anyone tried that?
Edit: I see now that oven paper has been suggested as husks, so ignore this question.


I finished making a cob-a-tron today. The heat cable was a lot easier to use than to bend a heat mat that is too large, and it works great. The metal thingies sit 6 cm above the bottom of the box so no cobs will be touching the cable.
Hopefully some Critical buds will be cooking in there in a few days.

I was thinking about trying oven paper as husks, the kind that got a bit of texture. Has anyone tried that?


Whatcha got there? Looks interesting as all get out. DIY sou viederator? Right, No I haven't tried it.
Hi MissyE, This is fun. Mine's not perfect but is still good. It started out a bit too dry. Next ones will be even better. Did yours mold up on you?
Hi Stoneotter, no, they didn't mold. I think the buds were too wet still when we cobbed them and put them in to sweat. After 24 hours, they were quite brown and very moist throughout. A bit like a good compost. We've gone ahead and dried them to the touch and put them in for two weeks of fermenting at 82F. Now, they look like a fresh Tootsie Roll. Same brown color as a Tootsie Roll and similar pliable consistency. We are going to dry them a bit and age them and ponder whether we try them or not.
Hi Stoneotter, no, they didn't mold. I think the buds were too wet still when we cobbed them and put them in to sweat. After 24 hours, they were quite brown and very moist throughout. A bit like a good compost. We've gone ahead and dried them to the touch and put them in for two weeks of fermenting at 82F. Now, they look like a fresh Tootsie Roll. Same brown color as a Tootsie Roll and similar pliable consistency. We are going to dry them a bit and age them and ponder whether we try them or not.
Depending on what they actually look like of course, your description doesn’t sound like anything is wrong with it. Some of mine have turned brown and some more golden. :thumb:
Hi Stoneotter, no, they didn't mold. I think the buds were too wet still when we cobbed them and put them in to sweat. After 24 hours, they were quite brown and very moist throughout. A bit like a good compost. We've gone ahead and dried them to the touch and put them in for two weeks of fermenting at 82F. Now, they look like a fresh Tootsie Roll. Same brown color as a Tootsie Roll and similar pliable consistency. We are going to dry them a bit and age them and ponder whether we try them or not.
Haha they sound perfect to me. I think you made a good first try. Good luck! I'll be waiting for your decision.
Thanks, I might put some cobs in the cob-a-tron tonight, I'll keep you updated.
Yes, it's a temperatur controller that allows you to set the temperature you want. I'll be using it for fermentation. I did some dry tests, and the temp will fluctuate about +-0.9 degrees Celsius.
Yes, MissyE, I think this will work great.
dajerm beat me to sending the link to JustMeds post.

I just put the first couple of cobs in the cob-a-tron - it's cooking!!
Yes indeed!

I just smoked some Northern Lights cob and man, I am high as hell!! I am having a hard time putting thoughts to the keyboard. I forget the next word as I struggle to spell the current word lol. Good stuff brother, good stuff!
Some 12months plus aged long ferment Zamaldelica. I love this stuff takes 30 years of my old body and mind.

Hi Tangwena, your cob looks different than mine of course. It doesn't look all squeezed and wrapped tight. Also a lot more moist. At this age does it bend easily? As you mentioned earlier, when you work your thumb nail to break it up to smoke, does it come apart dry or moist? Yours really looks nice.
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