If you stop by more often, you can be my irrigation system!
I haven't heard a line like that since I quit dating that leather-wearing German chick
Earlier this year, I realized that I had 117 pages of subscribed threads (not all of them are active, of course), and decided to drastically pare that number down to something manageable. So, after some work, I now only have... 142 pages of them. I finally picked (literally) just a few threads to follow closely - and cannot even keep up with
them, lol. Now, I visit the forum intending to catch up on a couple (...
one?) - but I also try to hit the Unanswered Posts link, because it seems to distress some people when they get ignored and, well, because I might actually be able to answer a question or two, once in a while, on a good day. Half the time, I'll do that and return to discover that those previously unanswered threads have grown to multiple pages. Rinse/lather/repeat, add lots more threads to my "subscribed" list that I can't keep up with. Either this forum is a whole lot busier than it was back in 2009 or I'm reading slower. Both, maybe; these eyes aren't getting any younger.
I try to remember to check those notification things now and then, and to prioritize threads in which someone has "paged" me or quoted a portion of one of my posts for a reply. Even that piles up, though - I have 133 tabs open right now in my web browser, and a lot of those are holding this forum's threads, lol. I'd look into cloning, but then I'd have to double my grocery budget and, well... I could think of better company
I expect to have all my "requires an oven" food eaten by Sunday evening, and will be using it to germinate "a few" autoflower seeds (it's still a little cool here). Tent should be assembled with the lights and exhaust fan set up and starting a 72-hour "burn-in," and then I'll find myself with a thread that I
have to keep up with - because it'll be mine
. I'm hoping that won't cause me to slip even further behind on everything else.
HtH does everyone else keep up?
Does everyone else keep up? I occasionally see a relatively new member with hundreds of posts (or more), and find myself wondering if they've got a laptop permanently installed in the crapper, post in their sleep, or something. I've probably got eight or nine thousand by now, but that's over a span of 10 years. . . .