Tales From The Krip!


The pollination of all the plants in the breeding cabinet appears to have been successful since I'm seeing the pistils turning brown on all the plants.

However, the Blackwater is starting to wilt pretty badly and I'm starting to see some drooping on some of the upper Platinum Cake leaves that should NOT be wilting, at this point.

If you all recall, I had to replace the Bubba Hash and culled the Trainwreck that both also started this same type of wilting.

Well, once is an anomaly, twice is a coincidence, but three times is a pattern and there's definitely some issue.

I have noticed that, on the batch of third run soil I'm using, there's a bunch of mycilium growing on top of the soil. Normally, this would indicate a healthy soil to me, and I wouldn't be worried about it.

But, I also used some of this soil when I up-potted some of the Bonsais that were still in 2" containers just before flipping the breeding cabinet and, when I look at the Blackwater, I can see a bunch of this mycilium that's growing on the surface concentrated around the stalk. The stalk, itself, does not appear to be rotting.

I also noticed that all the wilted plants started out looking like they were overwatered, which is virtually impossible with a Bonsai in a well-draining container, and I'm 420% positive that was not the issue.

Also, the pots on all the wilted containers were heavier than they should be which tells me that the roots stopped working.

I think I can save the PCake (I'll know better tomorrow but won't be able to check them until late afternoon) but the Blackwater probably won't make it. I'm gonna pull it and check the roots tomorrow afternoon and try flushing the PCake real good.

The other plants look fine and should make it to harvest and, there is NONE of that mycilium growing on the surface so I'm pretty sure all the ones that have survived were put into the 4" containers with an earlier batch of soil, which is what leads me to believe the issue is with the soil mix.

Next problem is that the two '79 Christmas Buds plants are in that same soil and they both have lots of that mycilium on the surface of the soil. I'm also seeing EXTREMELY slow growth and some signs of deficiencies that I would have expected to go away by now, being in the high brix soil, although, the leaves aren't wilting (yet?) like the Bonsais.

I don't think either a Rescue Drench or a flush would be the right way to progress, so I'm not entirely sure what I'm gonna do here. I do have a batch of 1st run soil all mixed and cooked, so I may end up re-potting? :hmmmm:

I'll get some pics later tomorrow.

Happy Harvests!

Let me make sure I understand, the problem you're having, is that the leaves suddenly drooped overnight like it's thirsty, but then they never perk back up and they drink really slowly after that point?

I've had two plants do this to me as well recently in 3rd run soil. I've also had a couple of other plants that are showing significant deficiencies in the same soil. I haven't seen any of the mycelium like yours though, so I'm of the thought that they are unrelated.

To me, it looked like the soil charge went flat, but the super drench that I have didn't perk anything back up. After that I also put a layer of Roots! on top, then covered it with a nice thick layer of EWC and lightly watered it in. That was only a week ago, so not a long time to tell, but long enough it should have done something if it was going to and it's still a wilting mess.

So I'm kind of at a loss on this as well. I will tell you this, both were showing signs of this for over a month and the plants finished up for me and still grew some nice bud. The yield I'm sure suffered some, but the buds continued to develope just fine and they've finished ok.

the Thai x Panama I'm getting ready to cut this morning is one of them.

This plant has had it's leaves drooping like that for a month and it went suddenly from drinking every 2-3 days, to about every 7-8 days.

I wish I had an answer for you, but I can tell you at least, that they should survive and finish fine.

I've been in 3rd run soil now for about 9 months and I'm just finishing up with it. It's all going to the outdoor gardens as I cut they plants and I'm starting over with fresh. I saw some of the deficiencies on earlier plants, but it was only the two plants that would have came from the same tote of soil that went limp like yours.
Krip, Morgs and gang! Ok, possible reason for your troubles with 3rd run DBHBB soil. All those things are possible ,...but i believe the problem is roots not working because of too much organic matter (EWC's) in that batch. Please gang,..when re cooking each batch of soil we have to cut down the amount of EWC';s used in each subsequent batch. So, if you add 30 pounds for the first run , then next 'cook' for second run usage, use only 15 pounds and then for the 3rd run use even less,...OR cut in some fresh PM for that 3rd run. Our soil has everything in it and will NOT suffer from deficiencies of any kind except slight Mg. shortages very late in bloom which is normal and to be expected.
Also Root Aphids are a possibility too. Easy to spot them. Just take a couple pinches of soil from just under the surface ...put them under bright light on a bench and have a really close , long look. If you have RA'ds u will see them moving , without a doubt. Cheers gang!
Krip, Morgs and gang! Ok, possible reason for your troubles with 3rd run DBHBB soil. All those things are possible ,...but i believe the problem is roots not working because of too much organic matter (EWC's) in that batch. Please gang,..when re cooking each batch of soil we have to cut down the amount of EWC';s used in each subsequent batch. So, if you add 30 pounds for the first run , then next 'cook' for second run usage, use only 15 pounds and then for the 3rd run use even less,...OR cut in some fresh PM for that 3rd run. Our soil has everything in it and will NOT suffer from deficiencies of any kind except slight Mg. shortages very late in bloom which is normal and to be expected.
Also Root Aphids are a possibility too. Easy to spot them. Just take a couple pinches of soil from just under the surface ...put them under bright light on a bench and have a really close , long look. If you have RA'ds u will see them moving , without a doubt. Cheers gang!
I'm pretty certain my issues are related to the soil getting out of balance over the multiple runs.

I've been tweaking plants all the way through the three kits worth of 3rd run soil I've been using up and have gotten my plants doing better in it overall. Mostly by backing down on the amount I'm drenching once I realized it wasn't from underfeeding.

The sudden limpness kinda caught me by surprise though. I didn't keep good enough records to check which other plants were in the soil from that specific bin unfortunately, so we'll have to see if anymore do this.

My problems really seen to crop up right after the Cats, which is where I'm experimenting now. I've cut one plant back to 1 Cat, and I have another one, that I'm very familiar with, that I'm skipping the Cats altogether on. I also have a new bottle of Cationic drench that I'm going to try on the following plant that gets to that point.

Krip, are your issues starting with copper edges on the leaves after your Cat drenches?
I'm pretty certain my issues are related to the soil getting out of balance over the multiple runs.

I've been tweaking plants all the way through the three kits worth of 3rd run soil I've been using up and have gotten my plants doing better in it overall. Mostly by backing down on the amount I'm drenching once I realized it wasn't from underfeeding.

The sudden limpness kinda caught me by surprise though. I didn't keep good enough records to check which other plants were in the soil from that specific bin unfortunately, so we'll have to see if anymore do this.

My problems really seen to crop up right after the Cats, which is where I'm experimenting now. I've cut one plant back to 1 Cat, and I have another one, that I'm very familiar with, that I'm skipping the Cats altogether on. I also have a new bottle of Cationic drench that I'm going to try on the following plant that gets to that point.

Krip, are your issues starting with copper edges on the leaves after your Cat drenches?
Nope. My issues are showing in veg AND in the Bonsais I used 3rd run soil which are on Fox Farms nutes. I just got home from being out all day fishing (tough life! :laugh: ) and, once I get cleaned up, I'll try to do some closer inspection.
Waddaya eatin..:nomo:....the snapper?
There's nothing there that isn't delicious but, as it turns out, everything was too small to keep, But, the snapper wasn't going to survive when we tried to release it, so rather than letting it just die in the ocean, since it would have ended up eaten by another fish anyway, my buddy took home some small fillets. ;)

My Dad ended up in the hospital again and I haven't had a chance to figure out what's going on in the breeding cabinet, yet, but the Zephyrus I stuck in last week to sex turned out to be male. That's three out of three Zephyrus popped, so far, that all were male and culled. It does look like the Black Cherry Jelly is gonna be a female, though! :yahoo:

Also, I didn't realize the Platinum Kush Breath also got the "tainted" 3rd run soil, and I think just the Bubba Hash and Dolato are gonna make it, now. :(

Happy Harvests!


First, thanks everyone for the good wishes for my Dad. :thanks: He's being released from the hospital, as I type this, back into rehab.

I think he's now, technically, at Stage 5 Parkinson's, which basically requires full-time assistance. We're hoping, with more rehab, he can gain enough strength to make it back home.

As for the Breeding Cabinet issues and question of problems with the batch of 3rd run soil I'm using, I'm pretty sure I have the answer.

I should note that I did look closely at the roots and soil of the wilted plants and the roots looked fine (not rotted or covered with mold) and no signs of pests. Also, the two '79 Christmas Bud plants in the small tent have that mycilium on the soil surface, but don't seem to be wilting and have been in the soil longer.

Before I give my diagnosis, anyone want to take a guess?

Let me give a hint....

The '79 XB's in the tent are on the HB nutes and the Bonsais are on Fox Farm Nutes! ;)

I'm pretty sure there's NO problem with the soil and NO problem with ANY of the nutes. I think that 3rd round soil is so "hot" that, when I feed the FF nutes, it's just too much and burning the small plants! :thedoubletake:

In fact, when the first two started wilting, the first thought I had was that I had mistakenly mixed a batch of nutes at too high PPM's.

It's still possible it's something like fusarium wilt, and the symptoms looked pretty close, but since the '79 XB's are OK and have been in that soil longer, I'm pretty confident it's the combo of the hot soil plus the FF nutes.

The FF was OK with both 1st and 2nd run batches - just not the 3rd.

Happy Harvests!

Yes,.i'l put my money on that too Krip. Nice one...wat a pita though eh.:passitleft:
Just curious about your 3rd. run....how much total EWC's are in it, and was it ever 'cut' with PM (prolly not!)
Thanks, Bro! I was pretty proud of myself for figuring it out right before I kicked myself in the butt for not realizing it sooner! :rolleyes:

Total of 60 lbs of EWC: 30 lbs first run + 15 lbs. 2nd run + 15 lbs. 3rd run

Technically, a little more from top dressing 1st and 2nd rounds! :nerd-with-glasses:
It does look like the Black Cherry Jelly is gonna be a female, though! :yahoo:
Ummm....I might have been premature in my judgement, here. I'll know better tomorrow, but it looks like some tiny balls forming. :confused:

I always said that I just don't have the time and space to deal with males and, never purchased REG seeds until I started the plans for the breeding project.

Well, the experience I've had with these three IHG strains really proves my point!

So far, I've gone through eight IHG REG seeds including three Zephyrus, three Black Cherry Jelly, and two Apricot Jelly. Of those, one BCJ failed to sprout and ALL seven of the others turned out to be male! :thedoubletake:

I do have a third Apricot Jelly recently sprouted and waiting to get big enough to clone & sex, but the track record isn't great! :rofl:

Even with the breeding project going, it's getting pretty frustrating.

Here's the most recent BCJ that I thought, until yesterday, was looking female:

It's now been culled from the breeding cabinet. I guess, on the positive side, it also frees up more room in the veg tent since I can toss the BCJ and Zephyrus clones, too. :rolleyes:

Happy Harvests!


I always said that I just don't have the time and space to deal with males and, never purchased REG seeds until I started the plans for the breeding project.

Well, the experience I've had with these three IHG strains really proves my point!

So far, I've gone through eight IHG REG seeds including three Zephyrus, three Black Cherry Jelly, and two Apricot Jelly. Of those, one BCJ failed to sprout and ALL seven of the others turned out to be male! :thedoubletake:

I do have a third Apricot Jelly recently sprouted and waiting to get big enough to clone & sex, but the track record isn't great! :rofl:

Even with the breeding project going, it's getting pretty frustrating.

Here's the most recent BCJ that I thought, until yesterday, was looking female:

It's now been culled from the breeding cabinet. I guess, on the positive side, it also frees up more room in the veg tent since I can toss the BCJ and Zephyrus clones, too. :rolleyes:

Happy Harvests!

That sucks. Sometimes they go like that. Other times they lean the other way. It can be frustrating. Having males around gives the option of making F2s or done experimental crosses though.

Do you have anything going on in your veg room that may be stressing them? Sometimes if they are stressed in the seedling stage, they'll come out male, or at least that's what I've read can happen.
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