Tales From The Krip!


I'm gonna have to call my first attempt at breeding MOSTLY a failure, at this point :( .

But, with mostly a failure, I did have a couple of successes.

The only female that didn't suffer that wilting problem is the Bubba Hash so it's now the only plant left in the cabinet.

On the success side, not only did the BBH survive the "plague of death" but it clearly has seeds forming in multiple bud sites. The buds are all relatively small, so I'm thinking I'm probably only gonna get a couple dozen seeds, in total, when all is done, but I certainly won't mind growing out some "Black Cherry Bubba" seeds! :D

I also learned a couple things from this round...

First, is not to use third run soil on my Bonsais! :rolleyes:

Next, is that I really need to remove the top shelf in the breeding cabinet. It will only get me another 4" of headroom, or so, but that little bit of extra headroom will be a very good thing once those Bonsais go into flower, especially the "stretchy" ones.

So, with all that in mind, I'm gonna re-work the cabinet and start gearing up for the next round of breeding which will be in about 90 days and will use the IHG Apricot Jelly male.

Happy Harvests!


I'm gonna have to call my first attempt at breeding MOSTLY a failure, at this point :( .

But, with mostly a failure, I did have a couple of successes.

The only female that didn't suffer that wilting problem is the Bubba Hash so it's now the only plant left in the cabinet.

On the success side, not only did the BBH survive the "plague of death" but it clearly has seeds forming in multiple bud sites. The buds are all relatively small, so I'm thinking I'm probably only gonna get a couple dozen seeds, in total, when all is done, but I certainly won't mind growing out some "Black Cherry Bubba" seeds! :D

I also learned a couple things from this round...

First, is not to use third run soil on my Bonsais! :rolleyes:

Next, is that I really need to remove the top shelf in the breeding cabinet. It will only get me another 4" of headroom, or so, but that little bit of extra headroom will be a very good thing once those Bonsais go into flower, especially the "stretchy" ones.

So, with all that in mind, I'm gonna re-work the cabinet and start gearing up for the next round of breeding which will be in about 90 days and will use the IHG Apricot Jelly male.

Happy Harvests!

You don't have to keep your pollinated girls in your breeding cabinet.

When I pollinate something, I'll put my male in my breeding room and put the females I want to pollinate into my flower room. Once pollen starts to fall, I move my females into the breeding room for a couple of days. When I move then back to flower I just give them a good drenching with leaf wash, or just plain water.

The pollen only needs a day or two to set in and pollinate the plant. Once that's done they're good to go in with your normal plants. Just don't forget to soak them good, so you don't carry stray pollen into your flower room.
You don't have to keep your pollinated girls in your breeding cabinet.

When I pollinate something, I'll put my male in my breeding room and put the females I want to pollinate into my flower room. Once pollen starts to fall, I move my females into the breeding room for a couple of days. When I move then back to flower I just give them a good drenching with leaf wash, or just plain water.

The pollen only needs a day or two to set in and pollinate the plant. Once that's done they're good to go in with your normal plants. Just don't forget to soak them good, so you don't carry stray pollen into your flower room.
I realize this, Brother! :thanks:

The issues are that, until yesterday, all my tents were on Veg. I'm timing the pollination for when I don't have any plants in flower. Also, my tents are pretty packed in flower and those Bonsais would just get lost in the under-canopy. But, I did consider moving the one plant left since it doesn't make too much sense to run the extra cab for a single plant.
Ah, I've got ya. I was thinking you were running a perpetual, instead of flipping tents.

When I put mine into flower, I'll set them on something. A bucket, or maybe a tote or two stacked, depending on how many there are, so that they are even with the canopy.

Watch the seed making, it can become an addiction. :cheesygrinsmiley: I have at least one going most of the time. Far to many seeds to pop....
That should be interesting! I gave a outdoor grower buddy my Bubba Hash and a Sour Cherries male which he impregnated the bubba with it. If your plant is going to be fully seeded you should just give it CAT drench all the way through. It's the most reproductive drench and best for growing seeds. Doc has recommended this before but it was a few years ago I saw him recommend it but it always stuck with me for when I do make seeds.
That should be interesting! I gave a outdoor grower buddy my Bubba Hash and a Sour Cherries male which he impregnated the bubba with it. If your plant is going to be fully seeded you should just give it CAT drench all the way through. It's the most reproductive drench and best for growing seeds. Doc has recommended this before but it was a few years ago I saw him recommend it but it always stuck with me for when I do make seeds.
The Cats are great for making seeds, but I still alternate with GI, so that it's getting enough N and CA. Both are much lower in Trans and Cat than in GI.

It is GI now instead of GE, correct? Some BS over labeling in Cali or something like that.

You should get at least a couple dozen seeds off of her Krip. Plenty to test out the cross and look for keepers. I've saturated a few plants with seeds and the bulk of them just end up sitting there in cold storage.

I'm thinking Bubba Hash should be a great candidate for crosses as well. I've got some beans of her crossed with Mulanje, but I don't think I've found the best match for her yet. Good luck in your hunt.
Take a peek at what them rodents are doing to Shed's grow;;

So is that going to work out with Red as a sponsor? I might be giving some of his strains with a grow this winter of his genetics...
Take a peek at what them rodents are doing to Shed's grow;;

So is that going to work out with Red as a sponsor? I might be giving some of his strains with a grow this winter of his genetics...
You need to ask Red. :hmmmm:

I hooked him up with the right people to talk to but don't know if he pursued it or how it went if he did.

Hope everyone is having a great Labor Day weekend! :party:

I'm all shuttered up waiting to see what happens with this stalled hurricane and my thoughts & prayers are with those in the Bahamas right now who are getting absolutely hammered. :goodluck:

Here are a few pics of the pregnant Bubba Hash that was pollinated with the Black Cherry Jelly:

I'll have a quick update on the '79 Christmas Bud coming in a few minutes.

Happy Harvests!

'79 CHRISTMAS BUD - DAY #8 OF 12/12

For some reason, I thought it had been much longer, but I flipped the 79XB's on August 24th, so it's really just been over a week of 12/12, and pistils are showing:

Here's 79XB #1, which is the mottled leaf pheno:

And, here's 79XB #2:

All the early deficiencies have cleared up and they're looking good (well, considering the mottling on #1 :rolleyes: ). I'll try getting some brix readings on these plants soon just out of curiosity.

Happy Harvests!

'79 CHRISTMAS BUD - DAY #8 OF 12/12

For some reason, I thought it had been much longer, but I flipped the 79XB's on August 24th, so it's really just been over a week of 12/12, and pistils are showing:

Here's 79XB #1, which is the mottled leaf pheno:

And, here's 79XB #2:

All the early deficiencies have cleared up and they're looking good (well, considering the mottling on #1 :rolleyes: ). I'll try getting some brix readings on these plants soon just out of curiosity.

Happy Harvests!


these were all tortured mother plants before, right?

Make sure you take brix readings from only healthy and vibrant tissue.
these were all tortured mother plants before, right?

Make sure you take brix readings from only healthy and vibrant tissue.
Well, not really tortured mothers, but they were both kept as Bonsais in 4" containers using Fox Farm Nutes for about five months before putting in the #1's with the high brix soil (hmmm...maybe that is torture? :hmmmm: ) .

It usually takes the plants a few weeks to transition to the high brix, but that first plant is a "mottled leaf" pheno and her problems are not nute related.
'79 CHRISTMAS BUD - DAY #13 OF 12/12

The plants are looking good and the buds are pretty well formed considering it's been less than two weeks of 12/12. I didn't expect much stretch and these plants have outdone my expectations in that area by showing almost no stretch, at all! :(

In order to get any yield from this strain, I'm thinking it needs something like a 6-month veg time and, other than possibly the novelty and nostalgia of having some around Christmas time, I'm not sure I'm gonna be growing this one again.

I am, however, greatly looking forward to smoking these buds once they're harvested. :bong:

This is '79 XB #1 (mottled leaf pheno):

This is '79 XB #2 (normal leaves):

Happy Harvests!

'79 CHRISTMAS BUD - DAY #28 OF 12/12

I've been absolutely slammed with work, so just a quick pic dump on this one. The girls got their first CAT last week and are starting to look pretty good, albeit, short, like this update! :rofl: :

Happy Harvests!

'79 CHRISTMAS BUD - DAY #35 OF 12/12

The Christmas Bud is looking good on day #35 of 12/12 and they just got their 2nd CAT drenches yesterday. Lots of small branches and looks like it'll be a little PITA to trim. Hopefully, I get some good pine terps.

Here they are:

Happy Harvests!

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