Tales From The Krip!

'79 CHRISTMAS BUD - DAY #45 OF 12/12

The branches on the '79 Xmas bud started collapsing from the weight. I was going to just leave them, but was worried they'd split, so I put up a couple of yo-yo's just to make sure that doesn't happen.

We're starting to see some fade in the leaves of XB #2 and I'm thinking it's from the CATs since it seems a little early for the near-harvest fade.

They got a brix foliar this morning and the buds are starting to look and smell pretty good.

Here's a few pics from tonight:

Happy Harvests!

Thank you K. :hug::hug::hug:

I harvested the two '79 Christmas Bud plants from the small tent this morning after 70 days of 12/12. The yield is pretty disappointing (especially considering everything just died in the big tent!) but what's there looks good, and are some very dense, frosty, pine-smelling, nugs. :yummy:

There were very short internodes with lots of side branching creating a very thick canopy that was a real PITA to trim. It was a lot of work considering the small yield, but other than a few of the taller colas, once you got a few inches down from the top, all the buds were really small and undeveloped. It wasn't even worth stripping all the buds to put through the trimmer for oil, so a lot is going in the composter.

I"ll still get something like 4 z's dried, but should be pulling 6-8 z's from that tent.

Here are some pics just before the wash:

Happy Harvests!

I'll take 4 ozs of good weed over 6 ozs of mids any-day... Hope she cures well for ya...

Well, after about 40 years of smoking weed pretty much daily, I've finally done it and smoked myself stupid! :oops:

I was all bummed about the main/sponsored grow dying and culled the surviving Blackwater the other day. When I did, I also turned off the power to the main tent since it's now empty.

But.... :bongrip::bong::hookah:

I totally forgot... :smokin::blunt::roorrip:

I was using the fan in the main tent to also vent the veg tent and, when I checked on the veg girls today, as soon as I opened the tent I was smacked in the face with a rush of heat (I don't have a thermometer in there, but it had to be close to 100*F or more! :thedoubletake: ). All the pots were bone dry and several plants were wilted.

I discovered it just in time and everything should recover fine but what a bonehead move on my part! I almost lost every clone I had which would have just added insult to injury after the main tent fiasco! :rolleyes:

So, I'm quitting MMJ to get my head clear! :hmmmm:

OK, that time off was beneficial and I feel 1,000x better so I'm taking it back up again now that my body has had a chance to recover! :ganjamon:

Happy Harvests!

Whew, good thing you took that break! :p

No telling what might have happened. :blunt:

Damned good thing they're weeds, huh?
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