Tales From The Krip!


Nice buddage Mister Krip..

Funny that Doc talked about fake ones..

This third world site I go to for kicks and drama,, I posted afew pics and people attacked me called me a thief that stole from the net then and reposted them as my own...
Yeah, I was following along with the story over on your thread. Tell them to do a "reverse image search" and see where else on the Internet those pics show up! ;)

The RH on the PKB's finally got below 70% and I was able to jar them today. The total yield is 234 g's or about 8.35 oz. which I'm very happy with out of that small tent, especially with the high quality of these buds. :thumb:

Also, last Wednesday it weighed in at 290 g's and I said I should still lose about 20%. Well, 80% of 290 g's is 232 g's, so I was pretty damn close! :nerd-with-glasses:

Happy Harvests!

Awesome harvest of top quality bud brother Krip! :bravo::high-five:

Sorry for lack of recent updates to this journal but now that the last sponsored grow is winding down and things with my Dad (who's still in the rehab center! :rolleyes: ) are improving, I'll get a good pic update in later.

I did flip the breeding cabinet on Saturday. I usually keep the timer on 12/12 but keep the switch positioned to use the outlet, instead of the timer, to stay on 24/7 for veg. Then, to flip, I just change the switch to use the timer and, voila, I'm on 12/12! :thumb:

Well, somehow my voila didn't quite turn out the way I planned. I'm definitely not on 24/7 anymore and am probably on that 12/12 schedule, but I have no clue (yet!) when lights are set to come on/off. Somewhere along the way we must have had some power outages that messed with that timer...or, maybe it was me? :bongrip::bong::hookah::roorrip:

Either way, I'll get that back on track today, along with some pics, when I actually see lights are on! :rofl:

I'll also get some pics up of the two '79 Christmas Bud plants that have been vegging in the small tent.

Also, it looks like I may have another sponsored grow coming up soon and will post more on that once everything is finalized, but I think the next round in the main tent is gonna be an "IHG Frost Fest" and I'll re-run the three frostiest strains I've grown in the last year which are the Dolato, Platnum Kush Breath and Platinum Cake; and all in 3rd run HB soil! :yahoo:

Finally, I found a Cuban Knight Anole lizard in one of my fig trees earlier today and got some pics. Check 'em out here:

Cuban Knight Anole

Happy Harvests!

Somewhere along the way we must have had some power outages that messed with that timer...or, maybe it was me? :bongrip::bong::hookah::roorrip:
Hahaha lets be honest, we've all been there :rofl::laugh::lot-o-toke:
it looks like I may have another sponsored grow coming up soon
I think the next round in the main tent is gonna be an "IHG Frost Fest" and I'll re-run the three frostiest strains I've grown in the last year
That's exciting! :yahoo:

I'm finally gonna' flower out the '79 Christmas Bud plants that emerged as seedlings on February 1st and have been kept as bonsais vegging in a 4" container since then.

A few weeks ago, after I harvested the Platinum Kush Breath from the small tent, I up-potted them into #1's with 2nd run HB soil.

They're starting to fill out nicely and I can see some nice, sturdy colas forming, but neither are in high brix territory yet, and the roots still need to get hooked up with the soil.

Here's '79XB #1 which, if y'all remember, is the "mottled leaves" pheno. She's lookin' kinda "droopy" in this pic (her leaves are always droopy, though! :rolleyes: ) and I'm gonna go feed them both after this post:

79XB #2 has "normal" looking leaves, but she's not the healthiest plant I have vegging, either:

Both are likely already rootbound in the #1's since they're not that much bigger than the 4" containers, and they were extremely rootbound in those, after five months, when they were up-potted. I'm keeping them in the #1's until I finish harvesting the sponsored grow (last plant due this weekend) since I've been moving them in & out to be able to use the small tent to dry that harvest.

Either this weekend, or early next week, they'll get up-potted again to their final containers (the #5 SIP's) and, because these plants veg slowly and don't have much of a stretch, I'm guessing about 3-4 weeks until flip, so hopefully I get them a little healthier by then. :dude-knocking:

I did get the light schedule fixed in the breeding cabinet which is resulting in a short day and long night for them tonight, then they'll be back on 12/12 on the "right" schedule tomorrow. I wasn't able to get pics of them tonight since I had to put them to bed early, but will get some tomorrow.

Happy Harvests!

Looking forward to see these Christmas bud plants bounce back to good health :morenutes: what a legendary strain. Some the best pine terps! Where'd you get the beans Krip? It's tough finding the real deal

It's been six days of 12/12 in the breeding cabinet and here's what's going on....

First, a group shot:

The male for this round is the '79 Christmas Bud male. It's over five months old and, like all the other plants in the breeding cabinet, got a trim right before the flip:

Next up is Trainwreck. I have a clone of this one in the veg cabinet but haven't flowered this out, yet:

Then, we have Bubba Hash. I just harvested three different Bubba Hash plants each grown from seed, I haven't tried any yet, since the buds are still drying and, TBH, they all seem about the same, but I selected BBH #2 for the breeding:

And, a Platinum Kush Breath:

A Cali Connection Blackwater OG:

A Platinum Cake. This shot up like the last one thrown into the Sponsored Grow at the last minute when one of the Orient Express turned out to be a male. I was planning on growing it again, since it's about the frostiest strain I've ever grown, and gonna be sure to give this one some good training! :morenutes::

And, last but certainly not least, Dolato:

In another week, or so, we should have some flowers and pollen sacs!

Happy Harvests!


I don't know what happened over the weekend but when I went to check on the plants last night, the '79 Christmas Bud male was completely wilted and BBH #2 was half wilted.

Both pots were heavy, so they didn't dry out.

I'm pretty sure the XB was rootbound and I'll confirm later. I was thinking (AFTER I put him into flower! :rolleyes: ) I should have done a root pruning along with the regular trimming due to the time it had been vegging in that small container.

Not sure why BBH #2 started wilting, though, which makes me a little nervous about the rest of the plants in there, which all appear healthy, still.

I replaced BBH #2 with BBH #3. I had mentioned there is little difference between them, so we'll see how that one goes.

I replaced the '79 XB with an IHG Black Cherry Jelly male I had on-hand for the next round of breeding. I also have an IHG Apricot Jelly Male sitting in the wings! :laugh: I'm gonna get something pollinated this round, if I have to do it myself! :oops:

I may have to delay flipping the next round by a week, or two, but that's also why I chose the '79 XB to be flowering this next round. They veg pretty slow so, I knew it would give me some extra time, if I needed. ;)

Happy Harvests!


I was looking through my list of seeds last night and I was thinking, "It just doesn't look finished!", so went to work on completing it and ordered a few more treats.

Here's what we paid for:

(12) In-House Genetics Sherba Frost FEM - (I'm lovin' the IHG gear and this stuff looks awesome! :yahoo:)
(3) Medical Seeds Mendocino Purple Kush FEM - (Brother PotChimp sold me on this one - checkout his pheno! :yummy: )
(6) Cali Connection Chem 91 FEM - (Just to keep Brother Pennywise interested! :rofl: )

And, since I like to play the "Promo Game", here's what I'm getting for FREE! (Well, after paying $300 for the above, anyway! :rolleyes: ) :

(1) G13 Labs Seeds Blue OG FEM
(1) Humboldt Seed Organization Green Crack FEM
(1) Serious Seeds Strawberry-AKeil FEM
(1) Humboldt Seed Organization AUTOMATIC Blue Dream FEM (not a fan of autos, but it's a freebie!)
(1) Freedom of Seeds Mighty Grape FEM
(5) G13 Labs Seeds Maltezerz
(3) Cali Connection Seeds Louis XIII OG FEM
(3) In House Genetics Tropicanna Cookies x Slurricane FEM (AWESOME freebie!)

Some good genetics in that haul! :thumb:

Happy Harvests!

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