Harvest: Ultra Dawg 1.1 (Day 126, flip + 53)
One of the easiest plants to grow. One of the frostiest, as well as one of the most fragrant, and the most complexity in the fragrance. I'll miss her perfume now that she's harvested.
The next one will be in soil. I'm noticing a distinct difference in terpene production and expression between the RX Green Solutions nutrients and Doc's kit, and I want to see what the kit can do for the UD. I'm waiting for the hempy buds to cure to make a final determination, but I'm missing the lime snap in my last couple harvests. The cure may change that.
Absolutely stunning buds. Sticky as hell to trim.
No wash with this girl. Which reminds me, Scoooter recently shared his impressions on his first visit to a dispensary. One of the questions he asked was about their budwashing process. His mother is allergic to sulfites, and it's his mother he's making meds for, so this is of concern to him.
Which brings me me to the point of the story. According to Scoooter
Scoooter said:
Oh btw... H2O2 neutralizes sulfites so if people want to wash with baking soda and store lemon juice then the next wash bucket should be H2O2 solution to neutralize. Researched that one.
Which, in my opinion, reinforces my decision to use only diluted H2O2 for my washes.
This plant lacked any wash because I realized I'd used the bottle I'd had on hand making a stronger wash concentration for the powdery mildew-infested Dark Slide. The store is right across the street, but we were in the middle of a fierce thunderstorm at that time and there was no way I was going out into that!
No wash sounded like a better idea. She had no foliars. I'll risk it.
That meant she was unceremoniously cut from the branches into the bags for a low and slo dry in the fridge with the Dark Slide.
Fans on the left, popcorn and sugar-laden leaves on the right. I'll turn the sugar leaves into a fresh harvest oil, but not today. I'll freeze this batch and add to some other popcorn and sugar leaves I've been accumulating. Now that I have the pressure cooker that'll be much easier to do. There were 57 grams placed in the freezer. That's half of what I'd need to make a small batch of FHO. I may have the rest already in there.
I got five bags for the fridge. A total of 135 grams going in, with the expectation of two ounces coming out.
A small taster bud that'll be ready in a couple days.
The Dark Slide buds were a delightful buzz. I wandered through the grocery store, from one side to the other a couple times because I forgot something LOL! but I eventually got everything I was looking for and carried it all home, so all's well.
I kept getting lost in detail. I'll have to give it another go when it's dry at a later point in the day.
Musical chairs.....
Candy Cane 3.1 went into the tiny closet....
You see why she got this space? Lol! She's a tough one to contain. She'll command her own space.
Right now the branches are feeling like they'll get strong enough to support the blossoms. I've decided to break out the bonsai wire if things get floppy before harvest.
I can see her from my work table in the living room.
To empty that space for her Malawi had to be relocated. The spa seemed like the best choice. She fit right in.
The camera distorts the colors. This is a better approximation of the true light colors. You can see the COBs get great penetration.
Yep....SweetSue's playing with CFLs again.
CBD Critical Crue 2.6 has the tent all to herself from here on out.
I'm liking this idea of a single plant flowering in each space. The closet is set up to accomodate two Dark Devil Autos in 5-gallon pots, but it works because it can be left wide open during the days. The tents seem to work best with one plant in each, the size I grow them.
About a week ago I had 20 plants. Today I'm down to 10. Whew! I survived another passion overdrive.
Three more to come down in this class. The game now is to find the consistent rhythm.
Don't you love what we do? Seven harvests in a month. Even with the challenges, I'd say this went very well.