SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

Learning is good. I enlarged the area for you. Now....more learning. What to do?

I'd just take these off the plant to protect the other females. This one is near harvest and not likely to waste any plant energy developing seeds. The buds still develop and retain their potency.

Other girls could get pollinated earlier in their lives and might waste energy in seed development.

Maybe I won't take those nanners off at that

i would do as Jim says. and have done many times...... you got enough going with out worrying about seeded buds. if you want a touch of pollen pluck them, preferably after chop, or now, into a plastic bag for later use, they could be dry still with no pollen yet or chock full so be careful pollen gets everywhere........pollen refrigerates after dried for a couple months.....

trust me i got seeds everywhere........:ciao:

Devil's Carnival is creeping up on her own harvest window.


I'm not seeing much new movement, although there is some going on, just sporatic and scattered around the plant.


Pulling out the loupe I noticed a new twist with the clone that didn't show up in the mother. The trichome stalks on the tops ate filling with red oil. :yahoo: :slide: :yahoo:



Lots of cloudy, but lots of clear still too.



You can see some of the red stalks off to the right. As far as I can determine, it's only the very tops that get the red oils. This is a common trait in the Dark Devil Auto. I simply didn't notice it in the mother, I suppose. How cool is this? :laughtwo:




I'm off to take a walk, now that drenches are done and I've pulled myself away from the fascination of the trichomes. Lol! Catch you later. :ciao:
That last pic has photo contest winner written all over it sue!!! Just remember to put all the pics in one post .

Hope your having a swell Thursday!

Learning is good. I enlarged the area for you. Now....more learning. What to do?

I'd just take these off the plant to protect the other females. This one is near harvest and not likely to waste any plant energy developing seeds. The buds still develop and retain their potency.

Other girls could get pollinated earlier in their lives and might waste energy in seed development.


I went with harvest Jim. After looking her over I determined that all of what I believed was new flowers developing was really more nanners. The plant is full of them. :laughtwo:









Harvest: Devil's Carnival 1.1 (Day 97, flip + 41)

I was already wearing my harvesting shirt. It was meant to be. :laughtwo:



Obviously a quick finisher. Lol! I'll learn to read the chemovar eventually. It wasn't worth the madness of trying to clear all the nanners, so she got chopped. She's within the harvest window, and I see no appreciable increase in blooming. Everything was receding quickly.

And then there were two.......

Only Blue Dream and the Jamaican left in here. I won't be moving any more into this space. I'm more seriously thinking about setting up the 4x4 again, to be honest, and free up my bathroom. As much as I enjoy having them in there, it's a real inconvenience. Also, wandering in and out of the space to use the toilet when it's lights off is less than optimal for the growing of healthy cannabis, or to be more precise, to the growing of sinsemilla.


keltic got me curious about Rodelization, and I decided to follow Soma's instructions. The plant won't get washed, and she'll hang to dry. After she's completely dry I'll remove the nanners, freeze them and wait until I have another specimen in flower.

Do do you all have any idea how excited I am at this moment? :yahoo: Don't know if I can pull it off, but I'll certainly give it my best shot. If I can get seeds of this chemovar I can stop worrying about cloning it into perpetuity.


She'll hang for a week, and then I'll clip off the nanners and freeze them for a future seed-making enterprise.

For or all the challenges the chemovar has given me, it's also produced some of the best smoke I've grown. Still worth the effort.

Man! What a week this has been! :laughtwo:

Amy, this is the loupe I use for those shots.


It folds up for easy transport and protection.


It has battery-powered lights, but the battery died years ago and I never replaced it. You hold the lens over the iPhone lens, with the lights towards the plant and focus. It can be tricky until you find your rhythm. I fall back on cosmic inspiration. Seriously, :laughtwo: I set up the shot, get closer than focus and begin to pull back, relying on my cosmic companions to give me the inspiration to click "NOW!" Lol! It works, what can I say?


It brings a bit of my beloved into a process I started for his benefit. :circle-of-love:
So happy you have some devil's pollen now sue! :high five:

Funny how the universe will give us what we need instead of what we want sometimes.... lost a carnival clone but gained enough pollen to make 10000 more seeds! Yay
Carnac the Magnificent strolls into the room. You remember Carnac... the Johnny Carson bit.
Of course... he stumbles a bit because the UD is good.

"WTF Ed?!?! Git ur ass in gear"

Ed, you know.... Ed McMahon of course, ruffles a touch, clears his throat and spouts in a very dry bit....
"I hold in my hand the envelope. As a child of four can plainly see, this envelope has been hermetically sealed. It's been kept in a mayonnaise jar on Funk and Waglnall's porch since noon today. No one knows the contents of this envelope – but you, in your mystical and borderline divine way, will ascertain the answer having never before heard the question."

Johnny.... errrr.... Carnac takes the envelope and holds it to his forehead. After several moments of spiritual interface, Carnac pronounces his mystical insight. "Seeds!" he announces with a certain air of foreknowledge.
He rips the envelope open and reads the hermetically sealed words......
"What's growing in Sue's plants?"

I suspect Carnac might be correct. Damn pesky life doing what it does best.
Carnac the Magnificent strolls into the room. You remember Carnac... the Johnny Carson bit.
Of course... he stumbles a bit because the UD is good.

"WTF Ed?!?! Git ur ass in gear"

Ed, you know.... Ed McMahon of course, ruffles a touch, clears his throat and spouts in a very dry bit....
"I hold in my hand the envelope. As a child of four can plainly see, this envelope has been hermetically sealed. It's been kept in a mayonnaise jar on Funk and Waglnall's porch since noon today. No one knows the contents of this envelope – but you, in your mystical and borderline divine way, will ascertain the answer having never before heard the question."

Johnny.... errrr.... Carnac takes the envelope and holds it to his forehead. After several moments of spiritual interface, Carnac pronounces his mystical insight. "Seeds!" he announces with a certain air of foreknowledge.
He rips the envelope open and reads the hermetically sealed words......
"What's growing in Sue's plants?"

I suspect Carnac might be correct. Damn pesky life doing what it does best.

:laughtwo: There is that distinct possibility. I'm not afraid of sifting seeds from my plants. It opens some interesting possibilities if anything comes of it.
Sue, You know I love you too!!! :Love:

Wrong thread for this I know, but your numerous threads seem to be one big book with chapters that interweave.

I was sorry to read what your daughter is going through with her Rx meds, the damn things often make a person take one step forward and two steps back. Friends, personal and familial experiences all seem to indicate similar Rx results, the side effects of many Rx treatments are often worse than the medical problem being treated. And God help a person if/when the need arises to stop taking the Rx after a couple of months on it. It's just awful (and truly criminal) what people are going through due to greed, politics, profit and morality. Lies ... all Lies!!!

I hope every anti-MM advocate one day requires MM for their own well being, and it makes them realize what assholes they have been about blindly and intentionally spreading lies and deceit. I hate the negativity in my wishing pain or poor health upon another human, but when they are preventing the single best God given medicine from being available to the people of the earth, perverting reality for their own socio-economic gain, then that is a crime against humanity. And in my little mind that crime should be rewarded with a cosmic sentence!

OK ... Back to positive ...

Thank you again for helping me help my son with CCO, he'll always have NF1 and all of its challenges of whole body tumors and physical symptoms. BUT since dialing in a good CCO strain and dosage, with your help, his daily quality of life has greatly improved during the past year. He never misses work or family time due to horrible symptoms, his general outlook on life is more positive and engaged. We spent decades running from city to city, hospital to clinical trial, some vacations were even based around his treatment locations. After many crazy drugs and clinicals, his best medicine has been proven to be one Rx, Gabapentin, and one medicine that should be an Rx, a high CBD low THC CCO capsule, 3 caps a day. I have never had the Oil tested so I can't speak true numbers of the various components (entourage effect, whole plant), and even if I did, how can I be a possibly be like a big pharma chemical lab engineer that can reproduce the exact components and values repeatedly?

We just do the best we can with the cards dealt as Tead sez, lemonade from lemons!

God bless you Sue, I'm glad you have stayed engaged here at 420Magazine, your presence and devotion are appreciated


Hey Keith, thanks for your input buddy. I agree with a lot of what you said in there but just wanted to offer a different perspective since I am a new cannabis supporter/user. A bit of background before I proceed with my perspective. I grew up on the beaches in Florida as a teen and smoked a bit of pot as a teenager. Not a terribly lot of smoking but enough. I joined the Marines at 18 years old because I didn't want to be the dude that I was hanging out with at the beach (you know that 35 year old that would buy beer and sell pot to teens, didn't really work, didn't have any ambitions other than having a good time.....and I am not necessarily putting down people that chose to live that life but I didn't want it). I did 22 years in the Corps and learned to deal with a lot of shit...both pain wise and with shit I saw over that time. I got out, chose not to smoke because.....well cause I really didn't need it, I mean hell I went 22 years without touch it. Then 5 years I blew my back out at work and the pain (with some spurring on from my brother) became too much to deal with (refused to do any prescription pain killers....just tighten the boot straps and suck it up) and about 3 months into the injury I gave it a try and found relief. And now I am here, a true believer in the things you speak of....the medicinal value of this wonderful plant.

Now the perspective I want to add is that of someone that was not necessarily against cannabis, but I was certainly no supporter. I live in the US and our government an powers that be have done a great job brainwashing us to believe that drugs are bad, pot is a drug and is the gateway drug to all the other evils out there. You saw it from the leader of this country from the time I was a little kid and through out school. The government refuses to allow the facts of its benefits to be really given to those of us that were trusting them and the messages they sent out. Its not necessarily that people that are against it are bad or evil or the enemy.....many of them just don't know better. It hasn't been until social media became the power it is, that there is an outlet that isn't controlled by the government and the facts are able to be put out. Now you see the videos of the kids suffering from severe autism, grownups using cannabis oil to help with parkinsons, the stories of people being prescribed tons of prescription meds that turn out to be destructive and addictive by the very persons we trust to help us do whats best for ourselves, and countless other medical uses. As social media continues to spread this message, the powers that be realize that they can't continue to fight it while they line their greedy pockets from big pharm and other special interest groups. And more and more of us, like myself, have their eyes opened and our minds are slowly changed. Its tough to fault those people that listened to our political leaders, our teachers, our parents, and other people that we are supposed to trust, for believing what everyone was telling them. Instead of frustration, perhaps understanding why they see things they way they do and trying to change their minds with facts is a better approach.

Don't get me wrong Keith. When I took my first puff for relief from my back pain....I was hooked. Instant relief and great sleep. I dove headfirst into really reading about the medicinal capabilities of cannabis and was blown away. That was when my frustration with politicians really took over. It was hard for me to watch videos of kids with severe forms of autism, trying to bite their fingers and toes off, beating their heads against walls, and other extremely painful things......and then see them take a dose of cannabis oil and within minutes are calm and smiling. To know that there is an elected official that would know these things are happening and still side with big pharm or special interests and not press for further testing and research is criminal. Those are the people that I get angry with....not those that are simply believing everything they have been taught.

Anyways, I just felt I needed to weigh in as a former disbeliever of cannabis as medicine and someone who had an image of all pot smokers falling into the category of the beach bum with no job. I readily admit how wrong I was and am one of the biggest supporters of cannabis as you will find. Hope everyone has a great night and happy growing or smoking!!!
Man! What a week this has been! :laughtwo:

Amy, this is the loupe I use for those shots.


It folds up for easy transport and protection.


It has battery-powered lights, but the battery died years ago and I never replaced it. You hold the lens over the iPhone lens, with the lights towards the plant and focus. It can be tricky until you find your rhythm. I fall back on cosmic inspiration. Seriously, :laughtwo: I set up the shot, get closer than focus and begin to pull back, relying on my cosmic companions to give me the inspiration to click "NOW!" Lol! It works, what can I say?


It brings a bit of my beloved into a process I started for his benefit. :circle-of-love:

Oh I actually have one of those...! haven't had success using it with the camera and I don't usually use my phone for plant pics... might have to try. I'd figured yours must be fancier, and it is a bit, but looks way similar. Mine has no light and is only 10x. Do you know how many x magnification yours is?

So happy you have some devil's pollen now sue! :high five:

Funny how the universe will give us what we need instead of what we want sometimes.... lost a carnival clone but gained enough pollen to make 10000 more seeds! Yay .

Devil's pollen! I love it. And what an excellent and fitting perspective to take bringing 2 recent occurrences for Sue together in such a joyful way.

Hope it works Sue

Nice, gonna freeze some. I would suggest using it on a very stable strain. Or maybe on a carnival or Dark devil to backcross, I think that would help the cross and stabilize the future offspring.
I have only frozen a tiny bit of pollen just the once and it is still frozen. But you want it dry and free of plant matter.

I am sure you have read all the info. And more experienced pollenators will chime in.
When you least exxpect, the pollen can find its way to a pistil. amazing process really.
Nice, gonna freeze some. I would suggest using it on a very stable strain. Or maybe on a carnival or Dark devil to backcross, I think that would help the cross and stabilize the future offspring.
I have only frozen a tiny bit of pollen just the once and it is still frozen. But you want it dry and free of plant matter.

I am sure you have read all the info. And more experienced pollenators will chime in.
When you least exxpect, the pollen can find its way to a pistil. amazing process really.

Another use for that rice. My only advice is to please be very careful with pollen. You cannot see it.

Edit: Well you can see it if it's abundant. Small particles are microscopic.
Oh I actually have one of those...! haven't had success using it with the camera and I don't usually use my phone for plant pics... might have to try. I'd figured yours must be fancier, and it is a bit, but looks way similar. Mine has no light and is only 10x. Do you know how many x magnification yours is?

Devil's pollen! I love it. And what an excellent and fitting perspective to take bringing 2 recent occurrences for Sue together in such a joyful way.

Hope it works Sue ��


I hope it works too Amy. I wasn't planning to play with genetics this year, but I live a life of inspiration, following the path as presented with as little angst as I can muster. If I believe I'm inspired then I have no reason to question events, but choose instead to look for the lesson and keep the momentum moving forward.

I spent so much of my life resisting, worrying, or complaining. Now I understand that my thoughts create feelings that guide my actions, and I've become very deliberate about the quality of the thoughts I choose to entertain.

By the way, my loupe is only a 10x.

Another use for that rice. My only advice is to please be very careful with pollen. You cannot see it.

Thanks for the warning Jim. The Spa girls are in the hands of the canna gods. If they've been pollinated, so be it. :battingeyelashes: She hangs at the end of the hallway, removed from everyone else. The fans should offer some protection, don't you think? It has to hang for about a week to be dry enough to save the pollen, to my understanding.

Nice, gonna freeze some. I would suggest using it on a very stable strain. Or maybe on a carnival or Dark devil to backcross, I think that would help the cross and stabilize the future offspring.
I have only frozen a tiny bit of pollen just the once and it is still frozen. But you want it dry and free of plant matter.

I am sure you have read all the info. And more experienced pollenators will chime in.
When you least exxpect, the pollen can find its way to a pistil. amazing process really.
So many interesting possibilities arise. I'll consult with Nis. We weren't expecting SweetSue to be part of the stabilization effort. Lol!
Good morning everyone :Love:

Ahhh..... this is the way to kick off a day.


Today starts my adventure as an usher at the music hall. Since events are in the evenings I'll sign up for all of the ones upcoming. This should be an interesting path, eh? I'll certainly become more cultured. Lol!

Time to rustle up some breakfast and get the updates done. As I leave you temporarily, let me also encourage you to pay a little more attention to the thoughts you entertain. I find that as I become more attuned to the whole of me I have far less tolerance for entertaining negative emotions of any sort. My wish for you is the same. The energy stream of life out here in the main current is more than you can imagine or I can articulate. You'll have to find out for yourself. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Be bold in your joyfulness. We're expanding the universe by letting our dreams come true. I don't know about you, but I'm having the absolute best time of my life. So glad to have you joining in. :battingeyelashes: Get out there now and share that joy. I'll be doing my best over here in my corner of paradise.

Good grief, I love what we do. :laughtwo: :green_heart:
I recently picked up some some nutrients on eBay for a significantly reduced price. Today I discovered why they were so inexpensive.

Theyre half the the strength of what I've been using. Now.... these bottles are marked "Professional Formula" which calls to mind the question of why market stronger to the consumer and a lighter mix to the professional? Is it possible these plants will thrive on a much lighter mix?



I'm going to use them regardless, because what I've noticed is you can grow delicious and potent cannabis with just about anything. Wouldn't it be interesting though, to discover that the double-strength formula isn't necessary? In which case I'd do an immediate switch back to Osmo +. :cheesygrinsmiley:

While doing drenches today Malawi was among the scheduled lucky ones. The surface of the soil gets compacted and I like to loosen it up in advance of a watering. This neat bonsai tool Dale left me comes in real handy for this job.




Malawi's making something of a comeback. :slide:



Her bottom tier is beginning to finish up more aggressively.


The colas are filling out nicely.


Pots of perlite awaiting reclaimation are beginning to accumulate. This'll be my next big job, and I'm saving it for tomorrow. Last night I reclaimed the last two pots of soil and set the bin aside to cook. Followed Neiko's guidelines, and thank you so much for sharing it over at Doc's Lab Neiko. :hugs:



Let me me get these updates done. I'm so excited about ushering at the music hall tonight that I'm finding it challenging to focus. :laughtwo:
I recently picked up some some nutrients on eBay for a significantly reduced price. Today I discovered why they were so inexpensive.

Theyre half the the strength of what I've been using. Now.... these bottles are marked "Professional Formula" which calls to mind the question of why market stronger to the consumer and a lighter mix to the professional? Is it possible these plants will thrive on a much lighter mix?



I'm going to use them regardless, because what I've noticed is you can grow delicious and potent cannabis with just about anything. Wouldn't it be interesting though, to discover that the double-strength formula isn't necessary? In which case I'd do an immediate switch back to Osmo +. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I don't like this at all! I've been using that cheap eBay stuff exclusively for the past month or so (and have a couple more unopened bottles), and haven't had any issues so far. I wonder if I should increase the strength of my mix? I do feel my buds should be larger for the length of time they've been flowering, but my only recent experience has been outdoors so I might not have realistic expectations. Now I have to check on the "Energy" and "Bulk" I got on Amazon to see if it's full strength or not.
Weekly Update: Clone Cuttings and Veg Shelf - Friday, November 3, 2017

No need to open them for two more days. At least one, CBD CC 2.8, should be ready to be upcanned. I'm not expecting the Malawi and Chem Dawg clones to be ready for another two weeks. I'll be flipping the Carnival soon, and that'll result in at least one more clone.



The Alaskan ThunderFuck seed was a "failure to germinate." After scraping the shell lightly I popped it back into a paper towel in a dark box. I'll try one more time with B A R's method. If it hasn't showed any inclination to germinate after three days I'll start another seed. I'm attempting to slow the pace of the grow down a tad, so there's no need to be rushing in. The patient that waits for this one has found a temporary sweet spot with the opioids he's fond of. When it gets done, it gets done.

Devil's Carnival 1.2 (Day 42) How thankful am I that I didn't kill this one. :battingeyelashes: She's been subsisting on the lowest level of nutrients lately, and this week coming up she'll be upcanned and her feed levels will rise in accordance to the new root space.


Its always a challenge with clones to get the canopy trained properly. This chemovar in particular has a thick and powerful stalk that defies containment. Last night I remembered I have bonsai wire. :cheesygrinsmiley: Let's get that head down just a bit more.




A little more please...... Perfect!


She's beginning to get more interesting.


Jamaican Bag Seed 1.1 (Day 25, 10 days in soil) She hasn't had any additional drenches since Upcanning. I'm waiting for a bit more wilt. She'll probably get her first Energy drench tomorrow or Sunday. I want those roots filling the pot.


She got topped yesterday, and the plan is that this will be the only time I do that. I'll give it my best attempt. This baby gets the entire spa, as soon as the current occupants are finished with the space.

She has the shiniest leaves ever. :laughtwo:



CBD Critical Cure 2.7 (Day 22) She's recovering nicely from the bleach incident. When I came over to get thier pictures I could smell her funky reservoir, so she got a through flushing with twice the regular volume of 1/2 strength nutrient-laden water. By the end she was smelling fresh and clean again. :cheesygrinsmiley:



Yeah....let's lose the nasty fan leaf.


Good color and structure. I'm pleased with her.



Next up, the tiny closet. :ciao:
Looking good Sue. I am glad that you are exited about your new adventure.
I hope you find it wonderful.

With the nutes, keep in mind that the term "Professional Formula" means absolutely nothing.
Nothing at all. It is there to fill space on a container and seem like it is saying something.
What formula do "Professionals" use? Well that would just depend. Lol.

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