Sweetsue's First Grow - Stealthy Trio of Autos Under CFLs

I went looking through my photo files yesterday and came across documentation of my adoptees. I know I posted some of these back at the beginning of the journal, but I thought it might be nice to let you all see how much difference this soil I'm working with really is. I adopted both of these from a grower who potted them in FFOF and perlite and used no nutrients. After I got them I treated each, in time, to some comfrey and burdock drenches. Keep in mind, this was before I had any earthly idea what I was doing, but I did know these plants were both starving when I got them and I also knew I couldn't use chemical nutes. The drenches were an instinctive measure. I remember scouring the neighborhood for plants to use for the drenches. They were very simple drenches at that - chopped leaves in water, shaken frequently every time I walked past them (I had them right outside the kitchen door) and then diluted and applied. Nothing fancy at all.

My first was a bag seed Medical No Name. To date, my favorite smoke. I can only imagine what I could do with a good seed and this soil. I may have to do that at some point. The buzz still haunts me. A sweet candy taste to the draw and the most incredible creative urge that set in after a mere two hits and forced you off the couch to do something. When I got her she was so sad looking and sparse, I just had to try to save her. He was going to simply trash her, but she called out to me and I convinced him to let me take her home. She hadn't shown sex yet and he was sure she was male.


When she showed sex I set up a quick grow space. This was how I found 420 magazine, and she benefitted from Tulip's incredible tutorial on CFLs. She bloomed. :green_heart:


I played with some defoliation and coaxed her along to harvest. These were taken right before harvest.


My very first frosty cola. No Rad, you never forget the first grow.


I pushed the harvest to make room for this Northern Lights Big Bud that was languishing in the grower's closet. He tends to grow more than he can handle and this one was being shoved to the side. Sorry it's sideways, but this was before I was familiar with 420 guidelines or had any inclination to do a journal.


She was more challenging, but gave a bigger yield. I didn't weigh the first harvest. We smoked that Medical No Name up in a week, but every hit was a celebration. You can see the diatomaceous earth on the surface - evidence of my ongoing battle with the fungus gnats attacking her. I hate FFOF!

Nowhere near my idea of a "big bud", but I did my best with what I had and my limited knowledge and brought her to harvest. In the end that main cola dried up to offer about 1/4 ounce dry. Not bad for a beginner, I guess. Her struggle with obvious deficiencies bothered me deeply. She cried out for help and I was so untrained in how to save her.


At this point I knew I was going to do it up right. I'd met COorganic and he'd introduced me to Living Organic Soil. It was a match made in Heaven. Which brings us to the startling comparison of:

Daily Update: Day 69 (THC Bomb Auto) & Day 68 (Buddha Magnum Auto)

Using the flash is not my favorite technique, but it gives the best view of the flowering masses inside these bushes.


Keep in mind, the only major difference between this grow and the adoptees is the Clackamas Coots soil mix. I realize that the SWICK systems and the Geo Pots are contributing factors, but in the end, it's the soil. All I really did here is set the stage and plant the seeds. This soil rocks!

The sheer volume of blooming on the Bomb stuns me every time I look at her.


There's so much growing inside Buddha's skirts that I'm not really sure how much is there, so this is the closest I get to that. Flash it is.


The very top bud of this secondary cola measures 3 1/2". To give you a sense of scale, it's 7" from tip to where you can see the branch. There's a small (very small) gap between the tip bud and the one below it, which is why it doesn't show up here. The flowering continues all the way down to the stem.


This is the tip of that cola. Lovely, no?


Buddha's secondary colas are so sparkly with frost. Yummy. :laughtwo:


I know these are dark and slightly out of focus, but they were only meant to show the girth of the Bomb.....


..... and Buddha as they compete for space in their tiny closet. They're a bit cramped, but obviously quite happy.


One last photo - off topic, but then, on this journal nothing is really off topic, is it?

Dale's Nepenthes bloom is in decline. It's still breathtakingly beautiful. What a wonderful world we live in.


Dale's sleeping off the stomach malady he somehow contracted. Not like him at all to get sick in this way. He's slowly improving though, so I'll couch my concern and take the time to get down on the mat and do,a run of Callanetics. My abs are starting to finally take shape, after 18 months, and we want to keep the momentum going. Need to keep that trophy wife appearance now, don't we? :laughtwo: He's so cute when he says stuff like that. :love:

Have a wonderful day everyone. Take the time to hug someone close. Life is for loving, after all.

Every single one of your updates is so heartwarming Sue, you're an amazing person, especially for your husband!

On top of that you're an exceptional gardener? Dale sounds like one lucky guy! :cheesygrinsmiley: :cheesygrinsmiley: haha great show Sue, excited to watch this ladie finish their maturation, they are going to look beautiful once harvest!!:)
Thank you Max. That was sweet. I know I'm the lucky one in this marriage.

Every morning I go to that closet and get more excited for harvest. :laughtwo: Dale's chomping at the bit. He thinks I should take "just a tiny bud from underneath". Not gonna happen.
Thank you Max. That was sweet. I know I'm the lucky one in this marriage.

Every morning I go to that closet and get more excited for harvest. :laughtwo: Dale's chomping at the bit. He thinks I should take "just a tiny bud from underneath". Not gonna happen.

Hahah it seems Dale and I have anxiousness in common :cheesygrinsmiley: definitely worth it to wait though! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Great looking Plants all of them, and Props for keeping it Organic/Bio, I believe this is the best and true way to grow exceptional tasting Cannabis with powerful Cannabinoid content. Does it give out amazing yields???, NO... but Im a guy that seeks Quality not Quantity (my cooks point of view matches my growers point of view).

... The rock beside it was picked up on a walk through South Park, CO when Dale and I were part of a fossil-hunting team for the museum we worked for at the time. Well, he was part of the team. I went along as camp cook. What a trip! Wide open spaces for miles and miles surrounded by the peaks of the Rockies. We took long walks when there was free time and always brought back some rocks. That was in 1988 and we still have a box of those rocks that I can't let go of. We have no idea what kind it is, but is is exquisite and wanted to share that display.

Any rockhounds out there who might know?


I'm going to label this one as Unakite Jaspar .

The Book of Stones: Unakite embodies Jaspar's quality of slow moving beneficial influence. ..gradual elimination of bad habits.. heal emotional wounds...slowly purge cellular toxicity... attunement with higher worlds...teaches value of patience and persistence.

Healthy tissues... emotional / physical balance... releases repressed emotions and associated diseases... treatment of cancer, heart disease, healthy tissue...

Element: Earth
Chakra: All (especially heart)
I'm going to label this one as Unakite Jaspar .

The Book of Stones: Unakite embodies Jaspar's quality of slow moving beneficial influence. ..gradual elimination of bad habits.. heal emotional wounds...slowly purge cellular toxicity... attunement with higher worlds...teaches value of patience and persistence.

Healthy tissues... emotional / physical balance... releases repressed emotions and associated diseases... treatment of cancer, heart disease, healthy tissue...

Element: Earth
Chakra: All (especially heart)

You are such a dear. Not only an identification, but confirmation that this stone deserves the place of honor it holds in our home. It's likely partly responsible for the fact that Dale still lives. He keeps going to the edge and roaring back. Two years ago he almost died seven times! We always laugh that he has more lives than a cat with nine. :laughtwo: Although he was the tattooist and I the artist, when he survived a heart attack by managing to have it on the cath table in the middle of an angiogram - under the care of a superb cardiologist who stunned the nurses by instantly pulling out and going right back in with a stent - after his recovery I inexpertly tattooed "BLESSED" on the back of his hand.

I'll make it a point to have each of us handle it more often. It sits outside the kitchen door, so it sees lots of traffic.

It's noteworthy that we picked this one up together during one of our afternoon treks in South Park. We spotted it simultaneously. :love:

Thank you, dear friend. :circle-of-love:

P.S. I spent the afternoon reading GFcollective's threads and links on juicing and contemplating how to make room in the apartment for a plant I could keep in veg longer to harvest leaves.
Heya sue,, cheers from the pretty good rainy and foggy semi north. every time I read a post of yours I feel more connected. I can't even begin to tell you how important rocks have been in me and the missus fore er. lot of folks have a huge connection to rocks. I work with rocks every day, was today and will be tomorrow. me and irol have colle Ted rocks and built walls and, oh boy, don't get me started. you talk of walking through Colorado,, just head north, bout 5, 6 hundred miles, in the rockies west of Calgary, we trecked up and down and up and over and had the best adventures in the mountains, the rockies, but the point is, I found fossils, trilos and such, at the very top of mountains, it was pretty neat, a few times. I will post some rock pics, in my journal, soon, peace and cheers sue, and hubby, nivek

not a mountaqin climbing mountain, a scrambling mountain,, still high, and not mj high , tho that as well,ha
Subbed, love your journal, and your wealth of knowledge in it.

In my experience, stones and crystals, only influence people when you throw them at them. Not to piss on anybody's beliefs, but there just is NO evidence whatsoever for chacra's, healing crystals, etc. Please dont buy into that stuff .. it took me about 15 years to get it all out of my system, after being raised in it.

The stone is beautiful as it is .. no need to attach mystical notions to it, and pretend it does things for which no physics exists. I'll remove this if you do not want it here, but I feel very passionate about not spreading stuff that can not be backed up with ANY evidence whatsoever, mainly because I believed a LOT of things for all the WRONG reasons, and did not really help myself with it.

Wandering around wearing a crystal, does little to improve your situation, when what you need to do, is take action. It gives a false sense of having taken action ;) Sorry again if you do not want it in your journal, I will remove this part. Please let me know in that case.
Subbed, love your journal, and your wealth of knowledge in it.

In my experience, stones and crystals, only influence people when you throw them at them. Not to piss on anybody's beliefs, but there just is NO evidence whatsoever for chacra's, healing crystals, etc. Please dont buy into that stuff .. it took me about 15 years to get it all out of my system, after being raised in it.

The stone is beautiful as it is .. no need to attach mystical notions to it, and pretend it does things for which no physics exists. I'll remove this if you do not want it here, but I feel very passionate about not spreading stuff that can not be backed up with ANY evidence whatsoever, mainly because I believed a LOT of things for all the WRONG reasons, and did not really help myself with it.

Wandering around wearing a crystal, does little to improve your situation, when what you need to do, is take action. It gives a false sense of having taken action ;) Sorry again if you do not want it in your journal, I will remove this part. Please let me know in that case.

You don't need to remove it PlanetJ. I'm tolerant of other's beliefs and you are free to express your views here along with everyone else. I personally have never believed in the healing power of crystals and stones, but I don't close the door on things we may not understand. There are things we cannot even imagine at play in our wonderful universe. If that stone we love so well wants to impart some healing influence in our lives I certainly won't be the one to say no.

It sounds like you had a rough go of having others views pressed upon you. That's unfortunate, and I'm glad you found a way to break free. I was raised within a fundamental Christian church, though thankfully by a loving mother with an open mind) so I can identify. Rad has deep beliefs that run older than we often look. I wouldn't discount those lightly. There's a difference in my mind between what he believes and superstition.

Our diversity is what makes us strong.

Thanks for the compliment. My hope in starting the journal was to attract interesting discourse as well as to chronicle the grow. I'm glad my plan is working. Welcome to my journal. :green_heart:
Heya sue,, cheers from the pretty good rainy and foggy semi north. every time I read a post of yours I feel more connected. I can't even begin to tell you how important rocks have been in me and the missus fore er. lot of folks have a huge connection to rocks. I work with rocks every day, was today and will be tomorrow. me and irol have colle Ted rocks and built walls and, oh boy, don't get me started. you talk of walking through Colorado,, just head north, bout 5, 6 hundred miles, in the rockies west of Calgary, we trecked up and down and up and over and had the best adventures in the mountains, the rockies, but the point is, I found fossils, trilos and such, at the very top of mountains, it was pretty neat, a few times. I will post some rock pics, in my journal, soon, peace and cheers sue, and hubby, nivek

not a mountaqin climbing mountain, a scrambling mountain,, still high, and not mj high , tho that as well,ha

I'll look for those photos nivek. When we worked for the museum my job was curitorial assistant in Plant Fossils. I was tasked with the job of reorganizing one of the major plant fossil collections in the U.S. to prepare for an evaluation by a series of renown paleobotanists. Dale was a scientific preparator for Vertebrate Fossils. We once had the opportunity to open crates of fossil crocodiles that Andrew. Carnegie had shipped from Europe in the 1800s that had never been opened after arrival. I worked in the back of the Big Bone Room where all the original Dino bones that weren't on display were stored. It was amazing work. We have quite an extensive collection of fossils. In fact, our hallway is lined with shadow boxes of specimens. Some of my favorites are trilobites that Dale prepared himself from rock specimens we picked up on our travels.

My connection to you strengthens as well, nivek. I was just talking to my daughter last night about how interesting it is that one can build friendships in a virtual world. I grow closer to the community here with every passing day. :green_heart:
Daily Update: Day 70 (THC Bomb Auto) & Day 69 (Buddha Magnum Auto)

This post is coming from the ER. The picture taking was cut short by the sudden realization that Dale was in serious trouble and maybe it wasn't a stomach virus after all. It appears he has a massive infection in that foot we've worked so hard to save since he bumped it in the night last Feb. 28th and developed gangrene overnight. Shit!

Posting this is keeping my hold on sanity.

Here's their daily group portrait.


When I turned them this morning I took the time to look inside and see what was really going on in there. I had mentioned that the Bomb's blossoms went all the way down to the stem. Well, I stand corrected. They have open branch in there, but there's many popcorn buds. Buddha in particular has a full bounty of growth.

Our first view is the Bomb. Such hearty branches and main stem! As you can see, we have some nice popcorn buds going on.


Although some still have white pistils, most of hers are already turning that lovely rust that speaks to ripening.


Buddha's popcorn buds run deeper and look like they're taking steroids. :laughtwo: Look at that healthy growth of fan leaves on this bud! This was the spot where I took that early bud. You can see where I cut it out. If she weren't an auto she would be a great candidate for re-veg.


Other notes: Buddha's pistils began to change color sometime yesterday. Both plants took 5 cups or a bit more (Buddha is always more thirsty), leading me to speculate that those enzyme teas increase plant activity, causing an increased need for water to stay in peak performance. Interesting.

That's all I have today guys. Now let me go to Mr. Teddy's journal for some catching up. I love all of your journals but I need his boundless joy and humor today.

Have a wonderful day. Find someone to hug close. It makes life better, no?

It's a life-threatening infection. He's going to lose at least the tip of the foot and possibly up to half the lower leg. It's a good thing the girls are so easy to grow because my life will be lived for the most part in hospital with him for a couple months.
Well I know this whole 420 community will be there for you guys. Not by chance does dale have a go fund me page? My wife and I would love to donate if so. You guys are in our thoughts.

That's such a generous thought Dutty. I don't even know what that is.
Dale's quiet an stoic. I'm loud and frantic. Well, not screaming loud, but falling apart a bit. If we ha waited one more day he'd be in sepsis. The man has a guardian angel for sure.
Goodness Sue... I am so sorry, I will be keeping both you and Dale in my thoughts. Although none of us here can physically comfort you, I hope you know we are with you in spirit. You have more strength than I will ever have, I've probably said it before, but shit I'll say it again, you're an inspiration.

Send Dale 420magazines love!!! We will all be here anxiously waiting for updates on his health and well-being. From what you have shared with us, it seems like Dale has an knack for gettin' through the tough times, here's hoping he makes it through this like his past misfortunes. I' m confident with you he will be alright :cheesygrinsmiley:

Be well Sue. :love:
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