Sweetsue's First Grow - Stealthy Trio of Autos Under CFLs

cause you have vinegar out its powerful it won't remain forever though. when you throw it out it takes all odors with it. ive tried honey and water as well and it attracts flies as well. people also told me to use a drop of dish soap to hold flies but but they wont go for it. cider vinegar works the best but it doesnt smell great lol. all scotts soils are infested with the gnats. i do like scotts premium potting mix though so when i use it i microwave it first. now have gardeners gold and no flies without microwave.
Daily Update: Day 66 (THC Bomb Auto) & Day 65 (Buddha Magnum Auto


The Bomb is ramping up her scent, coming into the last days. This morning she was overpowering the vinegar, which, incidentally only took one gnat overnight.


I spent some time last night breathing in the individual perfumes, trying to learn to distinguish between the two. They both have that wonderful musky smell of maturing cannabis (always makes me think of cats in heat :laughtwo:) but the Buddha has deeper, richer tones that make me think of spiritual incense. That burnt caramel smell I keep catching a whiff of is coming from The Bomb. I love both aromas, but the Bomb is definitely my favorite. She is resplendent in her glory.


The Buddha is no slacker either.


I'm trying to give a sense of how huge these colas on the Bomb are. Yesterday I tried to count them again, but I get lost somewhere around 15. :laughtwo: I think there are about 17 total, counting the main cola. As you can see, the blossoms travel all the way down the stalk.


This was the tip of that last cola. Nice beefy buds and lots of frosting.-


Side by side in the shared space you can compare the different blooming structures.


Buddha's interior is just filled with these little bud balls, about 3" in diameter. This just gives you a sense of the masses found inside. I also loved the color play on this shot. Nivek will appreciate this one.


Off to another medical appointment. Have a wonderful day everyone. :green_heart:

Thank you danishoes, and welcome.
These lil sisters look fantastic. How much longer you suppose they have to go? Lovin the frosting!
These lil sisters look fantastic. How much longer you suppose they have to go? Lovin the frosting!

Hey Sorenna. Thanks. The smell is driving me to distraction. :laughtwo: I do love it though. I was just looking at them a few minutes ago. The Bomb is racing to completion. All of her trichomes are now cloudy, just beginning to change to amber. I like it more to the cloudy range, so I'll be checking frequently. I'm figuring sometime in the next week for sure on her.

Buddha is still actively growing buds and sugar leaves. Her pistils have not begun to change at all and most of her trichomes are still clear. Tall, beautifully formed trichomes just brimming with fluid. I'm figuring she could take another two weeks from the look of it.

I have to keep reminding myself that, although I brought two previous adoptees to harvest, this is my first real run, start to finish and I'm learning as I go. This was way easier than I anticipated. This soil is incredible, and hooked up with the SWICK the grow ran itself, making it easier for me to study more journals and get my replenishment schedules worked out. It only gets easier from here with a no-till.

I was surprised at how instinctively I respond to the plants. Sometimes it's like they call me and I'll go over and discover some poor leaf up against a light or something slightly out of place. Caring for them and knowing how to feed the soil that grows them came so easy to me. The closet has this marvelous energy, and because I've kept it open that energy has spread to fill the entire apartment. :laughtwo:

Will you be doing a journal? It would be great to watch another LOS grower blown away by this soil mix. If not, feel free to share pictures of yours with me. When this grow journal is complete I'll be starting a new one immediately. In fact, I'll probably start a new one before Buddha finishes her dance.


I call it "Trichome Landscape". It's Buddha on Day 64. Enough said.
I did just that Greytail. Thanks. :love:
Hi Sweetsue. :)

I will be doing a journal, however, Ive made my decisions on the whats and the hows, just not the when. lol Im getting a boon on my taxes this year, so Ill be doing it differently than I expected. Im just gonna get LED lights and not use CFLs like I was planning. After reading about that soil and the recipe, Ive decided that I dont have enough time to cook it before I start. Ill be moving sometime in the near future. I told my hubby.. Im not moving til the grow is completed once I start it. lol He said.. Okay, okay. haha

I believe Ill be starting in approximately, 3 weeks. Even have a name picked out for it. :)

Im so excited for you that your first one is finishing up so soon. Anxious to see how well she gives back to you for all your care.
36Grow - Ill be growing autos and I dont think they like to be disturbed, so I was planning to start them in their final pot. Ill do the LOS soil next time. Im still very interested in it.
ClosedCircuit - Ill use Fox Farm Happy Frog and mix in some extra perlite. I know Ill need nutrients and I know to use them with a light hand around the 3rd or 4th week. Ill use 5 gallon fabric pots, as well.
From what I've seen, the light hand with nutes is definitely your best choice, and 5 gallon pots are smart. Bigger pots mean bigger plants. They'll grow well for you if you get the lighting right. Think about some cfl supplementation off to the sides. Side lighting will beef up your buds and the mix of lights is always a benefit.

Congrats on the windfall. Lighting and water management are you two biggest hurdles. Love makes a big difference, IMHO. Let us know when you start your journal. Before you start your second grow there'll be more successful LOS grows to tempt you. :laughtwo::green_heart:
*laughs* They are tempting me already. I count it as incentive. I was planning to keep CFLs in mind for supplemental lighting, so I was thinking in the right direction there. :) Anyway, Ill let yall know. Im ready and Im excited and Im still planning. hehe
Daily Update: Day 67 (THC Bomb Auto) & Day 66 (Buddha Magnum Auto)

Continuing on our smooth journey, the girls are looking happy and healthy in their cramped quarters.


They got their quarter turn for the light and each took about the same amount of water -the standard quart - although the Bomb took about a cup more than Buddha this morning. Tomorrow the soil gets another enzyme tea.

The Bomb is a mass of tall and stately columns of colas, all waiting for the moment of harvest.


Her pistils are changing rapidly. I checked the trichomes carefully today, on several buds. Not ready yet and I figure possibly another five days or so (best guess).


I just liked the colors in this shot. That fade to pink in the lower left made me gasp in appreciation, so I thought you all might enjoy it too.


You can see we still have many white pistils waiting to turn before we harvest. I don't want to rush this important step.


Just a nice group shot.


I never cease to be amazed in the different structures of these two strains. Nothing shows that better than a comparison of the main colas. The Bomb is ethereal and tall. Buddha is squatty and robust.


The natural stars formed by their peaks are very distinct. At my uneducated level with cannabis, would I be right in guessing the Bomb is more genetically Sativa and Budda is more strongly Indica?

The Bomb.....


..... and happy Buddha.


Backing up that last shot a bit to give you a wider view.


I noticed today that the bud balls near the top of Buddha's secondary colas are beginning to pull away from the stalk. I believe this is a sign of entering the final sprint to the finish.


Even so, she still gently protects the blossoms under the loving umbrella of her fan leaves. For a party girl she has a nurturing nature that makes me smile.


The adventure continues. Have a great day everyone. Spread some joy while you're at it. :green_heart:

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