A plant harvested with ALL the trichomes amber? Whoa. What's that like? Heroin? Oxy? My god. Isn't the couchlock extreme? What's the taste like in that case?It makes sense to appreciate those reasons for why to look closely when possible.
But wow, 100% amber when outdoor grown? The plant I originally droughted I harvested at about 15%. It was great but I probably have never gone to that since. Only after that I had heard that some people may go to 70/80%. So at 100% I presume you'd expect the range of all trichomes would be from amber to dark? That's really interesting! How different would you find it if only 50%?
I have so often heard the 'rule', that when you think it is ready then wait another 2 weeks. Or basically just delay to some extent. I always thought I naturally were in the harvest later camp, but now your thoughts cause me to reflect on this which is a good thing! I may be chopping too early!