Stunger Tries Trough Growing And Attempts Fluxing On His Organic Living Soil Balcony

I had wondered with ground decarbed bud, if it makes any difference grinding it to dust when you need it or would it likely last just fine if pre-ground and stored long term as dust?
We've had it finished on the counter in a jar for a year and it doesn't seem to change much to us in that period. Tastes the same. We use a tsp or half a tsp right in our mouth with a swallow of water or something.

I see you have a Venty. I've been using a Mighty for a long time and it's starting to get wonky. I've liked it over the years. The read on Venty is very positive. How do you like it compared with the rest you've had?
We've had it finished on the counter in a jar for a year and it doesn't seem to change much to us in that period.
I do the same but keep mine in the fridge because I mix decarbed and not as I like the health benefits of the acidics as well. Those will convert with time and temperature as we all know so I try to slow things down as much as possible.

Tastes the same. We use a tsp or half a tsp right in our mouth with a swallow of water or something.
I try to mix mine into some food like on olive oil on a salad or in rice at dinner, or spread with almond butter on a cracker, with milk and cereal in the morning, etc. But right in my mouth with water?!?? :eek: No. I don't like the taste or consistency that way.

Mine weighs out to about a gram of herb per teaspoon so pretty easy dosing
I do the same but keep mine in the fridge because I mix decarbed and not as I like the health benefits of the acidics as well. Those will convert with time and temperature as we all know so I try to slow things down as much as possible.

I try to mix mine into some food like on olive oil on a salad or in rice at dinner, or spread with almond butter on a cracker, with milk and cereal in the morning, etc. But right in my mouth with water?!?? :eek: No. I don't like the taste or consistency that way.

Mine weighs out to about a gram of herb per teaspoon so pretty easy dosing
Hehe, it's not real pleasant to get down, just mildly pleasant :laugh: . Your ways seem better but we're not motivated usually.
I see you have a Venty. I've been using a Mighty for a long time and it's starting to get wonky. I've liked it over the years. The read on Venty is very positive. How do you like it compared with the rest you've had?
No I didn't actually get one. I was looking to get a S&B Venty for the improved vapor quality over my existing dynavap/simrell, but I put off the purchase so I could wait until the roll out problems they were having had been sorted. Since then I have gone the edible route and now I will probably not buy any more vapes.
I do the same but keep mine in the fridge because I mix decarbed and not as I like the health benefits of the acidics as well. Those will convert with time and temperature as we all know so I try to slow things down as much as possible.

I try to mix mine into some food like on olive oil on a salad or in rice at dinner, or spread with almond butter on a cracker, with milk and cereal in the morning, etc. But right in my mouth with water?!?? :eek: No. I don't like the taste or consistency that way.

Mine weighs out to about a gram of herb per teaspoon so pretty easy dosing
Hehe, it's not real pleasant to get down, just mildly pleasant :laugh: . Your ways seem better but we're not motivated usually.
No I didn't actually get one. I was looking to get a S&B Venty for the improved vapor quality over my existing dynavap/simrell, but I put off the purchase so I could wait until the roll out problems they were having had been sorted. Since then I have gone the edible route and now I will probably not buy any more vapes.
I get it. Have you seen the tapioca flour infusion being posted this week on the mag? Looks like a bit of work but when done very flexible and maybe nice. I haven't tried it yet but it's on the agenda!

Hehe, it's not real pleasant to get down, just mildly pleasant :laugh: . Your ways seem better but we're not motivated usually.

I get it. Have you seen the tapioca flour infusion being posted this week on the mag? Looks like a bit of work but when done very flexible and maybe nice. I haven't tried it yet but it's on the agenda!

Me too Otter! Soon. As soon as I have fresh smokeable, I'll put the remains of my current stash into this project. It sounds fantastic! 😃
Me too Otter! Soon. As soon as I have fresh smokeable, I'll put the remains of my current stash into this project. It sounds fantastic! 😃
We love getting it in us in what seems like all the ways! This one kind of expands that even, and pleasantly! It's so nice to have a cash of weed to experiment with!
Hehe, it's not real pleasant to get down, just mildly pleasant :laugh: . Your ways seem better but we're not motivated usually.

I get it. Have you seen the tapioca flour infusion being posted this week on the mag? Looks like a bit of work but when done very flexible and maybe nice. I haven't tried it yet but it's on the agenda!

Thanks for putting this link up!
I've made an infused maltodextrin, but I'm betting tapioca flour is healthier.
Thanks for putting this link up!
I've made an infused maltodextrin, but I'm betting tapioca flour is healthier.
The maltodextrin is made from the starches but it seems as though there is additional processing (and chemicals) involved in that conversion. The lecithin itself should make the oil more bioavailable but the bioavailability seems to be a big selling feature of the malto so I'm not sure if there are special properties of the malto that are what give it the 10-15 minute uptake or if there are other things that could serve the purpose.

Malto has a higher glycemic index than even sugar so I'm experimenting with both sugar and molasses as a carrier, both of which I find easier to dissolve than the malto powder especially in cold beverages. But I don't know if they have the same quick impact since I make CBD extracts and there's no psychoactive effect to judge the timing of the impact.

I'm quite pleased with the other aspects of the alternatives though.
The maltodextrin is made from the starches but it seems as though there is additional processing (and chemicals) involved in that conversion. The lecithin itself should make the oil more bioavailable but the bioavailability seems to be a big selling feature of the malto so I'm not sure if there are special properties of the malto that are what give it the 10-15 minute uptake or if there are other things that could serve the purpose.

Malto has a higher glycemic index than even sugar so I'm experimenting with both sugar and molasses as a carrier, both of which I find easier to dissolve than the malto powder especially in cold beverages. But I don't know if they have the same quick impact since I make CBD extracts and there's no psychoactive effect to judge the timing of the impact.

I'm quite pleased with the other aspects of the alternatives though.
What is said to be so awful about maltodextrin? I mean for the average Josephine like me, chemical additives may not be as big an issue?
What is said to be so awful about maltodextrin? I mean for the average Josephine like me, chemical additives may not be as big an issue?
The glycemic index mostly.
It causes a higher insulin spike which can have a negative impact on weight control.
It can also be hazardous for people with diabetes and prediabetes.
What is said to be so awful about maltodextrin? I mean for the average Josephine like me, chemical additives may not be as big an issue?
What Mel said. When the glycemic index was created they thought sugar was the highest, called it 100 on the scale and then compared other things to that. Then malto came along and it's like 110-130 or something on the scale.

Plus, who knows what chemicals they use and how they affect things long term.

I brought it up so folks could consider that as a factor. Know your risk and then you can make your own better informed decisions.
The glycemic index mostly.
It causes a higher insulin spike which can have a negative impact on weight control.
It can also be hazardous for people with diabetes and prediabetes.
Ok, no diabetes in my health history, thanks!
What Mel said. When the glycemic index was created they thought sugar was the highest, called it 100 on the scale and then compared other things to that. Then malto came along and it's like 110-130 or something on the scale.

Plus, who knows what chemicals they use and how they affect things long term.

I brought it up so folks could consider that as a factor. Know your risk and then you can make your own better informed decisions.
I appreciate that. Thank you. It's good to know!
I get it. Have you seen the tapioca flour infusion being posted this week on the mag? Looks like a bit of work but when done very flexible and maybe nice. I haven't tried it yet but it's on the agenda!
Me too Otter! Soon. As soon as I have fresh smokeable, I'll put the remains of my current stash into this project. It sounds fantastic! 😃
The maltodextrin is made from the starches but it seems as though there is additional processing (and chemicals) involved in that conversion. The lecithin itself should make the oil more bioavailable but the bioavailability seems to be a big selling feature of the malto so I'm not sure if there are special properties of the malto that are what give it the 10-15 minute uptake or if there are other things that could serve the purpose.

Malto has a higher glycemic index than even sugar so I'm experimenting with both sugar and molasses as a carrier, both of which I find easier to dissolve than the malto powder especially in cold beverages. But I don't know if they have the same quick impact since I make CBD extracts and there's no psychoactive effect to judge the timing of the impact.

I'm quite pleased with the other aspects of the alternatives though.
What is said to be so awful about maltodextrin? I mean for the average Josephine like me, chemical additives may not be as big an issue?
The glycemic index mostly.
It causes a higher insulin spike which can have a negative impact on weight control.
It can also be hazardous for people with diabetes and prediabetes.
What Mel said. When the glycemic index was created they thought sugar was the highest, called it 100 on the scale and then compared other things to that. Then malto came along and it's like 110-130 or something on the scale.

Plus, who knows what chemicals they use and how they affect things long term.

I brought it up so folks could consider that as a factor. Know your risk and then you can make your own better informed decisions.
Thanks everyone for bringing this dissolvable cannabis powder approach to light. I must admit when I first saw it mentioned I thought, wow that is perfect, awesome! However as Mel and Azi have both mentioned, there is a bit of a high glycemic consequence to it that may have a negative flow on effect to one's health that is worth considering.

When it comes to ingesting decarbed bud I generally do so whenever I feel like it, and being only dried decarbed bud there should not be any resulting blood sugar spike. But this approach mixed with carbs/Maltodextrin did cause me a little concern that I could be converting low glycemic decarbed bud into high glycemic 'candy' which will cause a blood sugar spike whenever it is consumed.

And then something unexpected happened. 2 days ago, my partner who constantly snacks throughout the day and yet she remains slim and appears in good health, was diagnosed with 'pre-diabetes'!
She doesn't have a sweet tooth, but she constantly eats high carb snacks throughout the day which would have the consequence each time of raising her blood sugar levels and necessitating her body to release insulin to bring the level down. My understanding of constantly eating high carb snacks is eventually the body cannot keep up the necessary production of insulin and eventually falls into a diabetic state which requires pharmaceutical insulin to maintain health and life.

In 2 days my partner has changed her eating to 3 meal times a day and cut out all of her snacking between meals, it won't be clear for another 6 months whether she has successfully reversed her diabetic condition before daily medication is needed.

So regarding dissolvable cannabis powder, I am now on the fence over this. The taste of decarbed bud is pretty crap if you analyse it, but I am used to it and I mostly consume it without ever noticing the taste. As we age we lose the ability to deal with big spikes in blood sugar like we were able to when we were young.

I have now adjusted my own consumption of decarbed bud by only consuming it with a couple of squares of dark chocolate if I take it during a meal time, otherwise, outside of meal times I think I will continue to chew it plain to avoid any unwanted blood sugar spiking. But I will keep an eye out for any developments on this approach, cheers all!
So regarding dissolvable cannabis powder, I am now on the fence over this. The taste of decarbed bud is pretty crap if you analyse it, but I am used to it and I mostly consume it without ever noticing the taste. As we age we lose the ability to deal with big spikes in blood sugar like we were able to when we were young.
Decarbed bud ground into a powder can be pretty well hidden with food so I take it mixed with olive oil in salads, mixed with rice, in pizza sauce, that kind of thing. One of the best ways for a quick snack for me is with something like almond butter sandwiched between two halves of a cracker. But then you're back to a couple of hours for impact.

As for the glycemic index of things, sugars are actually a lower alternative.
Malto 110-130
Sugar 100
Brown sugar 77
Molasses 55

So, still sweet stuff, but much lower and the molasses is close to fruits on the scale. I do the malto 4-5 times a day and I think I'm starting to have an allergic reaction to it which I've read is not uncommon. I'll try it a couple more days and see if that builds or if maybe it was tied to something else unrelated.

And of course for the Dust, you can always put it in capsules, although dosing is kind of limited. My ground canna works out to about 1g/teaspoon, so depending on what size capsules you'd use, and how many you'd take at a time, you could totally avoid the taste, but sounds like you've grown accustomed to the taste at least a bit. Definitely an acquired taste to be sure and I agree not all that pleasant. A good cure helps, but only goes so far.
Does the tapioca starch replace the maltodextrin? Dried tapioca has a GI of 85 (source) though I don't know if that's the same as the starch.

I try to stay clear of malto because of the spike in blood sugar, which is very noticeable to me having given up sugar back in the 80s.
Having seen that one of the side effects of maltodextrin is weight gain I'd rather go for the tapioca. I don't follow GI because I don't have a blood sugar problem, so I don't know, is 85 good or bad? I have so little complex carbs in my diet, which consists mainly of unprocessed animal protein and fats, fruit and veg.
EDIT, sorry Stunger I thought for a moment this was the cooking thread. There's a whole discussion there about this. Sorry!
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