Stunger Tries Trough Growing And Attempts Fluxing On His Organic Living Soil Balcony

But now that I'm remembering, when you say you eat it, you're doing cobs, right?

If so, can you share your experience? Taste, impact, length of time to impact and duration, various ways to use it, stuff like that?
Currently and for the last almost 3 months I have only had decarbed bud, which I have either taken plain or with a couple of squares of chocolate.

Re Cobs; Altho I haven't had any in recent months, but when I have, I just gouge a bit off a cob with my thumbnail or knife, and chomp it down, some folk try to first chew it for 20-30 minutes but I generally just give a quick light chew and swallow it down with some water or coffee, I feel the effect is similar either way, similar with effects to ingesting decarbed bud. I have tried vaping Cob, but it didn't work that great due to it being more resinous than regular dried bud and therefore it is probably better sprinkled in a joint and combusted than vaping it.
I try to stay clear of malto because of the spike in blood sugar, which is very noticeable to me having given up sugar back in the 80s.
I think that is very sensible. This is a first time for me, to know someone get diagnosed as 'pre-diabetic'. I never expected it so it is a timely wakeup call for myself to be aware that causes of it that I am also guilty of.
Having seen that one of the side effects of maltodextrin is weight gain I'd rather go for the tapioca. I don't follow GI because I don't have a blood sugar problem, so I don't know, is 85 good or bad? I have so little complex carbs in my diet, which consists mainly of unprocessed animal protein and fats, fruit and veg.
I don't have a problem with my blood sugar either, but my partner's very recent pre-diabetic diagnosis shows how a healthy person with a previously healthy blood sugar response can develop ill health when blood sugar levels spike repeatedly over time. Or, as someone once said, your genes load the gun but the environment pulls the trigger.
Only after my partner's diagnosis did we realise that she exhibited a number of symptoms relating to her body beginning to struggle dealing with changes to her blood sugar levels, things like dizziness, fatigue and being thirsty don't necessarily stand out as warning signs but she also started getting nerve 'tingles' in her hands/feet. It can progress to becoming quite serious if nothing is done.
EDIT, sorry Stunger I thought for a moment this was the cooking thread. There's a whole discussion there about this. Sorry!
Haha Carmen, all good. I used to enjoy vaping and smoking, but my lungs never liked it. So as I get older I'm finding edible options are a good alternative for me. Age is saying I need to adjust my expectations and I'm doing so.
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