Strawberry Banana & Lemon Zkittles In RDWC

Update. I'm gonna do another flush to get rid of the Nitrogen, and Silica. I'll pack on the Bloom, Micro nutes and a PK booster, some Calcium, and Humic Acid. No more Silica.

I think leprosy plant is getting better. So weird. The Strawberry plant is budding nicely, but it still looks really feable. Again the plant in the rear right is doing pretty well. Buds are starting to stack.

The moms are mopey. They are in shock from the transplant. The growth is good though. They snap out of it.

This scrog isnt very flat. Not like my King Tut grow,

but theres plenty of light so fuck it.
That scrogs looking nice and full brother! :passitleft::bravo:
Thanks man. Shit if I knew you were gonna be in the plant of the month contest I would have voted for you
Shyt I didn’t even notice I Ben on here for years first time I made it to the contest
That scrogs looking nice and full brother! :passitleft::bravo:
I dont think I ever congratulated you on your Member of the Month nomination. Well done! Couldnt have happened to a nicer guy!
I dont think I ever congratulated you on your Member of the Month nomination. Well done! Couldnt have happened to a nicer guy!
Thanks man, I really appreciate it!
I thought it was about time to do a proper set of pictures.

The plants are doing well. The leprosy plant is back in action. The skinny plant will be skinny till the end. Its putting out buds and they are actually stacking a bit. This one may be a dark horse, we'll see. The rear right plant is rollin. Buds are making their presence known in a big way. Theres still 5 or 6 weeks left so plenty of time to thicken up.

I took some pictures of the plants under the scrog. I didnt really doll it up for pics, so it's a bit of a mess.

And finally, the mothers. They are over the shock from transplanting. They really took it hard. They are putting out some leaves again.
I thought it was about time to do a proper set of pictures.

The plants are doing well. The leprosy plant is back in action. The skinny plant will be skinny till the end. Its putting out buds and they are actually stacking a bit. This one may be a dark horse, we'll see. The rear right plant is rollin. Buds are making their presence known in a big way. Theres still 5 or 6 weeks left so plenty of time to thicken up.

I took some pictures of the plants under the scrog. I didnt really doll it up for pics, so it's a bit of a mess.

And finally, the mothers. They are over the shock from transplanting. They really took it hard. They are putting out some leaves again.
Liking good in here
Looking dam iPhone has a mind of its own mothers look really happy loving life
Yeah I had to turn the autocorrect off because whenever I hit . The screen would flip the hell out.

The Moms are turning a corner. Thanks
Some nice big trunks and stems on those girls! :morenutes:
Leprosy plant has gotten down to business. There are a couple tattered leaves still, but the buds are coming together. Still no real trichomes. Skinny plant is still skinny. Trichomes are showing up on the third plant. Of all the crap this season has seen the third plant makes me smile. It's not a beast, but it's the saving grace of this grow

I'm so over this season I want to get the SOG going, maybe learn something
Loads of frost on those buds man! :high-five:
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