Well I went to take photos but decided to point it at the lights and liked it so here that is

Here is a picture of the ladies, the hydro girls seem a week behind the other 2 but are now flowering more instead of stretching so that is good and you can see the Afghan getting busy on the stacking. Blue dream is looking really nice and another week and a half will actually be filling outwards, The Cake for some reason smells like a Sour Amnesia or a sour something but idk maybe i'm crazy.

I liked that in order to get the lights it had to reduce the shutter speed to 1/2000 and then I got the fan blade frozen
I didn't notice that fan blade till you mentioned it....cool pic. Man those hydro girls are going to be thick.
I didn't notice that fan blade till you mentioned it....cool pic. Man those hydro girls are going to be thick.
As soon as I seen the shutter speed I looked at the fan lol. I was going to mention that, is it true that the thicker the stem for a cola usually means it bulks up more when in flower or sometimes does? I have noticed it before but never like this Afghan, her stem is like my finger and that is at the top of the plant
As soon as I seen the shutter speed I looked at the fan lol. I was going to mention that, is it true that the thicker the stem for a cola usually means it bulks up more when in flower or sometimes does? I have noticed it before but never like this Afghan, her stem is like my finger and that is at the top of the plant
Not sure about the stem thickness question but from the looks of them they are going to make some heavy dank indica bud. Couldn't ask for better genes than that lady. That widow is going to fill in nice too. No wonder they are classics...aye
Everything's the same, Monday is 4 weeks from flip. Afghan keeps getting closer to the gosh darned light and I keep raising it but I wish it were closer to the blue dream, this is the problem of having multiple strains. Sorta wish my lights could be separated at times like this lol oh well it is bright in there. The Cake smells so amazing already like so sour it is weird, I can't stop going in just for a sniff.

:rofl: Everytime I try supercrop I snap stems, put some packing tape on and will cut the tape back as the plant starts needing the space. Sure hope that slows it down tho
Smash more of the stem before bending. When I crushed my SS I crushed 3-4" before she'd bend a little. Gotta work slowly.
I will try really crushing it I agree that was the problem and hydro girls are never dry they are so stiff.

I am not worried there is plenty more and it would let me put my light down a bit if it fell of at the split :rofl: Would only lose 2 nodes of 1 cola
Hey stoner. How’s everything looking this morning? Plants look happy and healthy dude! :thumb:
Ya I looked with the green lights and the 1 leaf that looked droopy is now pointing at the light, I will laugh if in a few weeks when the bud has built up that the weight takes the bud off early :laugh: How long has it taken you guys in the past for a small break to knuckle off? It made the definite snap but stayed half in place while I ran for tape so it was not a full break
I will take a pic in green light at some point but you are lucky I am an artist so I took some time and drew a picture of what it looks like, even put in an arrow to show the changes. :laugh: Oh and I don't do any custom drawings :rofl:

Ya I looked with the green lights and the 1 leaf that looked droopy is now pointing at the light, I will laugh if in a few weeks when the bud has built up that the weight takes the bud off early :laugh: How long has it taken you guys in the past for a small break to knuckle off? It made the definite snap but stayed half in place while I ran for tape so it was not a full break
The wind blew over one of my super cropped branches a few weeks ago and used a pencil and tape to make a splint. The stem is now two inches shorter than the others but it’s thriving again. Took about a week to recover.
The wind blew over one of my super cropped branches a few weeks ago and used a pencil and tape to make a splint. The stem is now two inches shorter than the others but it’s thriving again. Took about a week to recover.
Was that like a full snap? my tape seems to be holding it up but at first it wasn't lol. I sure hope the 2 inch shorter thing means it is done trying to rush the light :rofl: So look in a week and remove tape in 2 maybe
The wind blew over one of my super cropped branches a few weeks ago and used a pencil and tape to make a splint. The stem is now two inches shorter than the others but it’s thriving again. Took about a week to recover.
Oh and how much weight does she support after? or did you leave the splints
Oh and how much weight does she support after? or did you leave the splints
This is a toothbrush splint calibrated especially for cannabis. Very hard to find and very expensive...

Your plant will be healed in 2 weeks as long as it doesnt move. If the break does get jostled around your branch may die. My magic toothbrush stayed there the whole grow. The only thing you may need to watch out for is making a binding too tight on a low break on a young plant... so dont use zip ties or something so stout it will affect the floem/xylem. Tape will stretch and move slightly over time....
This is a toothbrush splint calibrated especially for cannabis. Very hard to find and very expensive...

Your plant will be healed in 2 weeks as long as it doesnt move. If the break does get jostled around your branch may die. My magic toothbrush stayed there the whole grow. The only thing you may need to watch out for is making a binding too tight on a low break on a young plant... so dont use zip ties or something so stout it will affect the floem/xylem. Tape will stretch and move slightly over time....
But like mine is at the very tip of the cola and that will all try bud over so I don't really want it to be there for life lol, idk I was thinking of just going till the tape is in the way and start removing it hoping the bud gets solid and holds it together. idk tho
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