Meaning if you're total PPM target this stuff is gonna put a big ass dent in that number.

Yeah, I dont have a silver bullet it for you im afraid. If your pH meter is calibrated, you have nutrients that were bought in this century, and you havent done anything to create a lockout, im not sure what to tell you

Botanicare has Nitro. I use a Nitro free product from Grow More. Nitrogen is in my macro and Grow base nutes, I had to do something, and its cheap.
Thank you I will keep adding some calmag and watching, over all they are super healthy, ph meter gets the monthly calibration it asks me for, don't think a lockout is the issue as ph and everything is dead stable for a long while and was always in the right place. Res change tmmr so I will add at 100% for the week
Thank you I will keep adding some calmag and watching over all they are super healthy, ph meter gets the monthly calibration it asks me for, don't think a lockout is the issue as ph and everything is dead stable for a long while and was always in the right place. Res change tmmr so I will add at 100% for the week
You'll get it.
Do you know they use more or less calmag in flower? I googled it and didn't see anything
Some say LEDs need more calcium, but im a little skeptical... flower gets a little more of everything, except Nitrogen, but i can't say that I've ever added more Calmag because of
Flower. Im not too into big nutrient numbers though
Some say LEDs need more calcium, but im a little skeptical... flower gets a little more of everything, except Nitrogen, but i can't say that I've ever added more Calmag because of
Flower. Im not too into big nutrient numbers though
:thanks: I have everyone in the tent at 1000ppm is that a normal number for nutrients? they have not gotten any burn but they drink and eat at the exact same rate for a long time when I have it at like 1050 ppm, sometimes it will drop like 6-7 liters and the ppm won't change.
:thanks: I have everyone in the tent at 1000ppm is that a normal number for nutrients? they have not gotten any burn but they drink and eat at the exact same rate for a long time when I have it at like 1050 ppm, sometimes it will drop like 6-7 liters and the ppm won't change.
Wow, 1000, I would have guessed a lot lower. It doesnt mean anything, your plants look great.... except for the freckles. When you add calmag at your next nute change look at how much your PPMs rise. Looks like a full dose is in order.
Wow, 1000, I would have guessed a lot lower. It doesnt mean anything, your plants look great.... except for the freckles. When you add calmag at your next nute change look at how much your PPMs rise. Looks like a full dose is in order.
Tmmr I will do that I will measure it before with just the Si and RO water then after and see, only problem is I mix in 2 different water buckets lol so it will not be a dead accurate thing. The one bucket is bigger and I try split the nutes 60/40 into the 2 buckets then dump into my system lol. I will take the average
Tmmr I will do that I will measure it before with just the Si and RO water then after and see, only problem is I mix in 2 different water buckets lol so it will not be a dead accurate thing. The one bucket is bigger and I try split the nutes 60/40 into the 2 buckets then dump into my system lol. I will take the average
Just add it, and walk away for a few hours then take a peak at the rise in disolved solids. To be fair it isn't life or death, but it will help plan your nutes a little better. I dont follow a recipe anymore. I take notes to know where I'm at but I will favor certain nutrients as the season goes forward.

For instance, I will start with a lot of phosphorous to get the roots going. A full shot of Nitrogen. To accompany this i will have a root booster and a high amount of Calcium, but i may go lightly on the macro for this batch to give me room for fulvic acid, hydroguard and other additives. This is a very weak example of shuffling nutrients to make room for the important ones (at that time). You'll see what im talking about a little later.
Tbh for a one time medication I would highly recommend trying it at least once I mean your comfort and health is worth more, For me I just use weed as my meds to avoid paying big pharma. Except when I am bored with nothing to do in covid times and somehow lost a pound since I planted these 4 I have now... "lost" :lot-o-toke: now I need to buy "meds" if I want em
Yeah man in the end it was better to get the meds than go to the er. Turns out the migraine shit was ten pills at one per day. That’s fine as long as I don’t need that shit on a consistent basis.

Boredom is a disease and I’m not joking. An idle mind is a very dangerous thing! :ganjamon:
Just add it, and walk away for a few hours then take a peak at the rise in disolved solids.
Add it to what and when lol sorry :rofl: like put in the system and add the calmag but nothing else and let it sit to see what it is at after it rises? Normally I will mix everything in these 2 buckets then pour it in
Yeah man in the end it was better to get the meds than go to the er. Turns out the migraine shit was ten pills at one per day. That’s fine as long as I don’t need that shit on a consistent basis.

Boredom is a disease and I’m not joking. An idle mind is a very dangerous thing! :ganjamon:
Did he say why you have the migraines? or why the ER would be the next step? Anything is better than that especially atm with all the covid in the ER
Add it to what and when lol sorry :rofl: like put in the system and add the calmag but nothing else and let it sit to see what it is at after it rises? Normally I will mix everything in these 2 buckets then pour it in
Haha. You want to see how much space a dose of calmag takes up in your PPMs. So if you add it after Silica (we talked about that) then add
Calmag and let it normalize... wait long enough for the Calmag, and your nutrient water volume to homogenize. Then measure your PPMs and check the before and after
Haha. You want to see how much space a dose of calmag takes up in your PPMs. So if you add it after Silica (we talked about that) then add
Calmag and let it normalize... wait long enough for the Calmag, and your nutrient water volume to homogenize. Then measure your PPMs and check the before and after
You said walk away for hours my system if I add ph booster has normalized within 2 minutes, it shoots water through at like 160 GPH in each bucket
You said walk away for hours my system if I add ph booster has normalized within 2 minutes, it shoots water through at like 160 GPH in each bucket
What ever it takes
Its an amazing product, i recommend it to anyone who will listen. If you dont see an improvement in your plants try a different brand. Botanicare has Silica Blast. Its a mellow, pH stable product. I used it for quite a while without issues.
I have been using it for about two months now, my plants have never been so beefy! It’s like plant steroids for real. I’ve used it only a handful of times. I am transitioning to flower now, is there a time when I should stop using it? How often do you recommend using it? I haven’t been using it the passed few feedings cuz they’re solid.
Did he say why you have the migraines? or why the ER would be the next step? Anything is better than that especially atm with all the covid in the ER
Usually when I get one its because I ate something with msg and the migraine wont go away no matter what until my body gets the msg out. Even then it would last up to 4 days tops. This recent one lasted 8 days so and I haven’t eaten anything with msg so its uncharted territory for me. I’m sure the next thing ill hear about is my smoking (cigs) :rofl:
I have been using it for about two months now, my plants have never been so beefy! It’s like plant steroids for real. I’ve used it only a handful of times. I am transitioning to flower now, is there a time when I should stop using it? How often do you recommend using it? I haven’t been using it the passed few feedings cuz they’re solid.
Dude, I ts amazing what happens to plants with a good Silica. If you have the room just grow 2 plants, indicas, in hydro with Power Si and make sure you have yoyos.

My last season 50oz

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