Well I am off for a dab while I wait to see if the numbers changed and i will have a full update on it after for everything I add but atm it looks like a full dose of my calmag is 320ppm Silica was 110ppm
So I am at about 1000ppm waiting for it to level off better, ended up giving half the bloom part a that is only N as I did the 0-4-5 part b. I did this as the plants are a dark green and are done stretching so it helped me get in all the extras, this week wanted me to add b-52 (2-1-4) which is primarily just fulvic acid and seaweed extract. I also cut out the sensizyme completely on my own choosing

I wanted to ask a question though, all clones get the same treatment but one clone is weird. Now I know clones can be weird and grow out of it but what do you think this leaf is saying to me? I honestly suck at leaf reading


Dude, I ts amazing what happens to plants with a good Silica. If you have the room just grow 2 plants, indicas, in hydro with Power Si and make sure you have yoyos.

My last season 50oz

So I am at about 1000ppm waiting for it to level off better, ended up giving half the bloom part a that is only N as I did the 0-4-5 part b. I did this as the plants are a dark green and are done stretching so it helped me get in all the extras, this week wanted me to add b-52 (2-1-4) which is primarily just fulvic acid and seaweed extract. I also cut out the sensizyme completely on my own choosing

I wanted to ask a question though, all clones get the same treatment but one clone is weird. Now I know clones can be weird and grow out of it but what do you think this leaf is saying to me? I honestly suck at leaf reading


Pluck me! Lol
@BeanTownFan420 Thought I would explain the nameless media you just heart reacted lol I was recording the ppm increases per each nute added, I wouldn't be surprised if you noticed tho but this explains what I added ^ up there
Oh this monitor is tech for sure I can even set it to blink if anything gets out of range which is nice if numbers all blur together on a lcd display from a distance, One of my favourite parts is I can finally just replace a ph probe if it gets old not the whole unit
Usually when I get one its because I ate something with msg and the migraine wont go away no matter what until my body gets the msg out. Even then it would last up to 4 days tops. This recent one lasted 8 days so and I haven’t eaten anything with msg so its uncharted territory for me. I’m sure the next thing ill hear about is my smoking (cigs) :rofl:
I watched a doc once about a guy you had headaches like that. he used mushrooms to cure it. Trips his balls off once a month or two months. then hes fine..i can't remember but he swore by it. Grew his own little stash and manages it all himself.
I watched a doc once about a guy you had headaches like that. he used mushrooms to cure it. Trips his balls off once a month or two months. then hes fine..i can't remember but he swore by it. Grew his own little stash and manages it all himself.
I saw that to! Poor old dude. He says he only eats a couple then he try’s to go to sleep in a dark room. Man it’s crazy waking up tripping still! I love it. Last time I ate sid I had a psychologist Appt with this weird little Asian guy. It was so strange him asking me why I was there! I said, “ for a psychiatric evaluation.” And he looked at me and repeated what I said real slow and I just watched him. The next 45 minutes was crazy, he was like a woman in a mans body and couldn’t for the life of me quit smiling. I know he thinks I’m extra crazy! Ha ha
So all the 5 clones are in a pink pot and tied down, this one I let get nice and dry and look how much she bent. She did not resist this went real easily as she was thirsty.


Then I took a group shot, I have all 4 tubes and the led on atm lol

Just add it, and walk away for a few hours then take a peak at the rise in disolved solids. To be fair it isn't life or death, but it will help plan your nutes a little better. I dont follow a recipe anymore. I take notes to know where I'm at but I will favor certain nutrients as the season goes forward.

For instance, I will start with a lot of phosphorous to get the roots going. A full shot of Nitrogen. To accompany this i will have a root booster and a high amount of Calcium, but i may go lightly on the macro for this batch to give me room for fulvic acid, hydroguard and other additives. This is a very weak example of shuffling nutrients to make room for the important ones (at that time). You'll see what im talking about a little later.
Mad scientist! A cool one tho, not deranged phycopath like on movie's. Haha
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