Should I add a little pk booster and/or calmag? I need to add like 4 liters of water so it would be a good time?
You can. Its not as effective or fast as foliar
when do you stop foliar in flower?
It depends on the situation. If its an emergency I may do it late in flower with a careful spraying. I usually wash my buds before I hang them to dry, so its not such a big deal for me. I dont foliar feed often. If you're a month or more away from harvest its not too bad. Just spray your leaves. Think of it as just adding a dash of salt! Haha
It depends on the situation. If its an emergency I may do it late in flower with a careful spraying. I usually wash my buds before I hang them to dry, so its not such a big deal for me. I dont foliar feed often. If you're a month or more away from harvest its not too bad. Just spray your leaves. Think of it as just adding a dash of salt! Haha
I will pass even tho I am only 2 week into flower lol I can't stand salt on food

I will try in veg
So here is a photo update and tomorrow is 2 weeks of 12/12

The entire tent has stretched a ton but mainly for the hydro ladies on right, Blue dream is starting to flower heavily on top so I guess she was not a stretcher lol.

Like I said the Blue Dream seemed to stretch a little and then start pushing calyxes and pistils like crazy will she get any taller? I feel not a lot but lets watch into week 3

I like stacking like this If they are all like this I don't mind them being a little shorter

Wedding Cake looking really nice and starting to show the pistils

White Widow seems to be slowing down in stretch as well but she stretched a lot

Afghan Hash stretched the most even tho she is 100% indica but she might swell hard as well

The rdwc water was 860 when I got back but I added a lot of tea and it is at 830 ppm, pH is 6.0
no kidding man. I got into your grow late but soon enough to watch them blow up. You’re making rdwc kinda temping :ganjamon:
If you do it come ask me about the tea I started using idk not one root issue since, I really love growing in hydro it is just fun
So here is a photo update and tomorrow is 2 weeks of 12/12

The entire tent has stretched a ton but mainly for the hydro ladies on right, Blue dream is starting to flower heavily on top so I guess she was not a stretcher lol.

Like I said the Blue Dream seemed to stretch a little and then start pushing calyxes and pistils like crazy will she get any taller? I feel not a lot but lets watch into week 3

I like stacking like this If they are all like this I don't mind them being a little shorter

Wedding Cake looking really nice and starting to show the pistils

White Widow seems to be slowing down in stretch as well but she stretched a lot

Afghan Hash stretched the most even tho she is 100% indica but she might swell hard as well

The rdwc water was 860 when I got back but I added a lot of tea and it is at 830 ppm, pH is 6.0
Looks good man!
If you do it come ask me about the tea I started using idk not one root issue since, I really love growing in hydro it is just fun
Absolutely man! I think rdwc is how I’ll veg mother’s when I’m ready for cloning.
So here is a photo update and tomorrow is 2 weeks of 12/12

The entire tent has stretched a ton but mainly for the hydro ladies on right, Blue dream is starting to flower heavily on top so I guess she was not a stretcher lol.

Like I said the Blue Dream seemed to stretch a little and then start pushing calyxes and pistils like crazy will she get any taller? I feel not a lot but lets watch into week 3

I like stacking like this If they are all like this I don't mind them being a little shorter

Wedding Cake looking really nice and starting to show the pistils

White Widow seems to be slowing down in stretch as well but she stretched a lot

Afghan Hash stretched the most even tho she is 100% indica but she might swell hard as well

The rdwc water was 860 when I got back but I added a lot of tea and it is at 830 ppm, pH is 6.0

Plants look fantastic. Very healthy girls!
:ciao: :420:

I have a question, I notice that both of my ladies in a solid media (ProMix HP) have put out more pistils and look further into flower in terms of pistil growth not like more upwards growth. Then when I look at the hydro plants they all seem to have kept growing at a faster rate in stretch. The others were putting more effort to the preflower while stretching
:ciao: :420:

I have a question, I notice that both of my ladies in a solid media (ProMix HP) have put out more pistils and look further into flower in terms of pistil growth not like more upwards growth. Then when I look at the hydro plants they all seem to have kept growing at a faster rate in stretch. The others were putting more effort to the preflower while stretching
Are they the same strain?
All different but 2 in dirt acting same and 2 in water acting the same lol I did not know if it was fluke, top 2 are water and bottom 2 are promix

This is just a screenshot of my first post in this journal it is all what I have at the moment and more
All different but 2 in dirt acting same and 2 in water acting the same lol I did not know if it was fluke, top 2 are water and bottom 2 are promix

This is just a screenshot of my first post in this journal it is all what I have at the moment and more
Seeds are a funny thing. Some strains seem pretty stable, some will do different things. I think i told you about this, but here goes.
My last season, Wembley, had a plant grow small producing 2oz. The plant next to it, in the same pot grew 3 times taller and did 26oz. This was a fluke to be sure, but it this is growing with seeds sometimes.
Seeds are a funny thing. Some strains seem pretty stable, some will do different things. I think i told you about this, but here goes.
My last season, Wembley, had a plant grow small producing 2oz. The plant next to it, in the same pot grew 3 times taller and did 26oz. This was a fluke to be sure, but it this is growing with seeds sometimes.
was that 2 same plants but seeds not clones?
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