Mixing strains can seriously compound the grow issues
I have no issues (knocks on wood) and even have mixed strains in an rdwc loving life together, just they seem to not flower as fast rather keep getting taller into my lights (it is 100% indica the tall one). I did not know if others have seen similar.

But ya them all being the same is easy
I have no issues (knocks on wood) and even have mixed strains in an rdwc loving life together, just they seem to not flower as fast rather keep getting taller into my lights (it is 100% indica the tall one). I did not know if others have seen similar.

But ya them all being the same is easy
But you can't expect different strains to all act the same
But you can't expect different strains to all act the same
I totally agree but when 2 totally different seeds flower before the other 2 totally different seeds :rofl: only difference is media but I am pretty cooked all the time
Clone picture update

So all the clones are growing new growth now so I need to decide what to do for training, likely I will tie the top of the plant down to break apical dominance on it, tie the stem base in the direction opposite to the top bend. I would do this as I am not lucky enough to have a good number of symmetrical branching on the clones to top them and it will give me the desired effect. The first clone was a young and symmetric branch and has been topped, it is looking like she will grow out as a quadline look if the bottom 2 shoots don't get bigger.

Oh one last thing, while I was out in the bush to put the finishing touches on the cabin roof I seen some really cute deer. I really love these views so I thought you might as well
Clone picture update

So all the clones are growing new growth now so I need to decide what to do for training, likely I will tie the top of the plant down to break apical dominance on it, tie the stem base in the direction opposite to the top bend. I would do this as I am not lucky enough to have a good number of symmetrical branching on the clones to top them and it will give me the desired effect. The first clone was a young and symmetric branch and has been topped, it is looking like she will grow out as a quadline look if the bottom 2 shoots don't get bigger.

Oh one last thing, while I was out in the bush to put the finishing touches on the cabin roof I seen some really cute deer. I really love these views so I thought you might as well
Nice explosion in that tent. Looks like blue dream for the next run too. They sure are compact clones. Your gonna end up with some big bushes.
So I just found your blog on this grow. Spent the last few hours reading through every post. I am planning a RDWC system very similar to yours. So far this has been very beneficial for me and I just want to say THANK YOU for taking the time to write this.
As for your clones, glad I caught you in time. Please do a search on air pruning. You basically let the roots dry out outside the medium and it inspires the roots to spread out in the medium just like topping a plants. I’m going to try it when I get set up.

ok off to amazon to buy a ph monitor just like yours :)

look forward to your next posts.

So I just found your blog on this grow. Spent the last few hours reading through every post. I am planning a RDWC system very similar to yours. So far this has been very beneficial for me and I just want to say THANK YOU for taking the time to write this.
As for your clones, glad I caught you in time. Please do a search on air pruning. You basically let the roots dry out outside the medium and it inspires the roots to spread out in the medium just like topping a plants. I’m going to try it when I get set up.

ok off to amazon to buy a ph monitor just like yours :)

look forward to your next posts.

Thanks for the air pruning tip. I googled it and I can see why it's used. I've never seen cannabis grown in it yet...I look forward to seeing your journal. Good luck.
So I just found your blog on this grow. Spent the last few hours reading through every post. I am planning a RDWC system very similar to yours. So far this has been very beneficial for me and I just want to say THANK YOU for taking the time to write this.
As for your clones, glad I caught you in time. Please do a search on air pruning. You basically let the roots dry out outside the medium and it inspires the roots to spread out in the medium just like topping a plants. I’m going to try it when I get set up.

ok off to amazon to buy a ph monitor just like yours :)

look forward to your next posts.

:ciao: Gordon :welcome: to :420:

I am so glad my posts have been helpful to your rdwc designing, the only change I am making is that I want to cut off all abs return pipes in order to install

on them, this will make disassembly and cleaning practical. Right now my system is sorta stuck where it is due to size and being all 1 piece lol. If you have any questions or something you want me to cover feel free to ask, I have read on air pruning and it is a great thing it really encourages dense root balls. My pH monitor was a little pricey but I love it I can just glance at it quick with just monthly calibrations and it even tells you when it is time, it will also chart all my numbers for me and for a slightly lazy person I decided the money was worth it doing my job for me.

Thank you so much again for coming by and if there is anything you want to know or see don't hesitate to ask
Hey Roaming! Quick drive by, tent looking amazing man. Keep it up!
:ciao: THC
I kept meaning to ask you to come look at the clones, not for any reason other then I use a near identical technique to you and just had 100% success on it
:passitleft: Thank you for your kind words
I am dead chuffed that I am your first ever post here on :420: that has never happened that I know, that said thank you even more for coming to my journal specifically. If you decide to make your own journal even to keep track of stuff for yourself you will find lots of great info at How to Make a Grow Journal, I would love to see pics or hear stories and a journal of your own would be the best place but make sure to tag/@ me if you do so I can get in faster (don't have to find it myself :rofl: ). One other great link for you to know about is New Members - Please Read

Now with the hydro one of what I consider most important parts personally is the beneficial bacteria and microbe tea I make, in the sitting water I find weird things go on and I have never run a sterile system or anything but I started using my current tea after trying to use nothing but adding voodoo juice with water change. The tea is great because it fills the water with so much good bacteria that it makes it more predictable for me and keeps bad bacteria away, by predictable I mean it always seems to just do its thing and stay healthy plus I see the ppm drop faster after adding tea even after the ppm falls from the dilution. Can you get both voodoo juice and great white or no?

I am going to get pics in the tent in 2-3 hours after lights on, I am really surprised as I have not had to add any ph buffers in 3 days. I am using new bottles of the ph perfect nutes and maybe that is some of the reason, water level is dropping like crazy and the ppm keeps holding stable until this morning starting to drop. I keep adding water with just a and b with RO water to top up and keep ppm the same, the ph keeps bouncing back forth from 6 to 6.1 so also stable. According to the hydro bible this is perfect so I will not increase the strength much over the 1000ppm they have gotten until they eat the food fast. Yesterday I mixed up a week 2 feed for the 2 ladies in the ProMix and this includes the pk booster finally, I am really excited to see if I get better nugs as this is my first time using a bud booster
"Dead chuffed" LOL, My wife is from 'ull. Now I know you're from the UK. Northerner?

Some day I may have to give the RWDC thing a try and I'll have to pick your brains. Looks a bit more complicated than soil, but the return is some of the biggest indoor plants I've seen.
"Dead chuffed" LOL, My wife is from 'ull. Now I know you're from the UK. Northerner?

Some day I may have to give the RWDC thing a try and I'll have to pick your brains. Looks a bit more complicated than soil, but the return is some of the biggest indoor plants I've seen.
I do not find it harder then soil once the roots are in the water and taking in water decently, the learning curve can be steep unlike soil and it sorta takes your own style that you develop as you play with it. Honestly I put in a hell of a lot more work into my soil plants at the back then my rdwc right now, I spent maybe 20 minutes on the water in last 3 days not to count time spent just staring at the plants but way more watering the others every 1-2 days. I never have to lift the hydro plants to see if they are dry and in rdwc I don't even need to lift a plant or open the tent door. Please ask anything if you go to try for the rdwc
"Dead chuffed" LOL, My wife is from 'ull. Now I know you're from the UK. Northerner?

Some day I may have to give the RWDC thing a try and I'll have to pick your brains. Looks a bit more complicated than soil, but the return is some of the biggest indoor plants I've seen.
Well I typed this into my last reply but it disappeared lets try this again, I was born in Canada but all my family is from the UK
Well I managed to get some more pictures of the tent after lights came on

So the ppm is now falling, temp is stable, pH climbed to 6.2 so I dropped to 5.8

The water level is dropping hard, it was at the top of the nub on the left suction cup yesterday. That is like an inch overnight

They all look amazing but the Afghan is almost exactly a foot taller then the crease I pointed out exactly one week ago as seen here

Blue Dream has already filled out heavy and is all done stretching now, luckily she is huge still and she is stacking up thick on every cola you see. Might be fun when they are in week 7 lmfao but good fun

All done stretching and is now starting to develop calyxes at the tips

Every branch is going to fill right up, this beautiful lady is still the queen but shh don't let the others know. Funny cause she is not even hydro I want to try her in the sauce.

Even wedding cake is not stretching more, this is sorta sad as she is small but oh well for problems I will take a small bush any day over something worse

For being small as heck she is also stacking nice so sorta sad she did not ever take off and I did not clone her.

The White Widow will be done stretch in idk say 4-5 days she is slowing down but not shooting out pistils

The Afghan Hash will be done stretch a little earlier say 3-4 days she is slowing down also but is slowly shooting out pistils

Water change will be tmmr first thing and they will be getting the week 2 bloom booster so hopefully that will give them the hint to start preflowering a bit more lol, will put it to 1000ppm as they have been almost there and never burned but the tea will be ready in afternoon and will dilute it a bit.
It's not to late to take a clone from the wedding cake if you want to run it in the juice next time. They all look great. I'm surprised there wasn't much stretch but ya get that sometimes. My widows didn't stretch much at all compared to the other two strains I'm growing. Unless it's a clone ya really dunno how it's going to perform.
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