Stonecrusher's Backyard Bonanza - Bringing Out The Big Pots!

The summer garden is a bit behind schedule. I started the new plants later than usual so they don't get too big and obvious over the fence. They seem small, but I figure they will grow into nice size plants by August.
The ones in the SIPs are autos and they are already doing their flowering thing.
So far the options are top dress then top water once a week or so to help move it into the soil, or figure out how to add nutrients thru the reservoir.
A periodic top watering, especially with calcium, seems to be proving to be a good thing for organic grows.

As for organic nutes in the reservoir so e have had issues, especially if it's not being drained every couple of days. I never had issues with mine, but mine are made anaerobically.
A periodic top watering, especially with calcium, seems to be proving to be a good thing for organic grows.

As for organic nutes in the reservoir so e have had issues, especially if it's not being drained every couple of days. I never had issues with mine, but mine are made anaerobically.
I was thinking about supplementing calcium or calmag. I am using 1-3 tsp each Roots Organics Foundation and Roots Organics Bloom as a top dress and top watering in every week or two. So far they aren't showing any adverse effects. I believe these nutes have good amounts of calcium. So I think Im going to just keep with this program for a bit. Im doing it on all the garden not just the sips.
Hi friends. Ive been pretty lazy updating my journal. Summer just keeps summering, the plants are growing, and Im just watering and watching things develop.
Time to say goodbye to my first SIP auto. She was a beauty who I was tempted to keep just for decoration, but the buds never really developed. They stayed light and fluffy even at 15 weeks.

Check out these roots!
The 5 gallon bucket paired with 4" plastic drain hose worked flawlessly.
The health of this plant above the ground, and the incredible roots below have me convinced the SIP is the way to grow for my garden.

Now on to the rest of the garden.
This doesn't look too impressive because all the plants I started for my personal grow in the backyard I germinated in June. They look tiny compared to the plants I started in April and then gave to friends.

Afghan super skunk in a big SIP in a friends backyard
Check out the progress with the plants my other friend put directly in his well amended soil in the ground. I think one is a Chemdog4, the other is Afghan or AK 47. Memory fails me.
Hi friends. Ive been pretty lazy updating my journal. Summer just keeps summering, the plants are growing, and Im just watering and watching things develop.
Time to say goodbye to my first SIP auto. She was a beauty who I was tempted to keep just for decoration, but the buds never really developed. They stayed light and fluffy even at 15 weeks.

Check out these roots!
The 5 gallon bucket paired with 4" plastic drain hose worked flawlessly.
The health of this plant above the ground, and the incredible roots below have me convinced the SIP is the way to grow for my garden.

Now on to the rest of the garden.
This doesn't look too impressive because all the plants I started for my personal grow in the backyard I germinated in June. They look tiny compared to the plants I started in April and then gave to friends.

Afghan super skunk in a big SIP in a friends backyard
Check out the progress with the plants my other friend put directly in his well amended soil in the ground. I think one is a Chemdog4, the other is Afghan or AK 47. Memory fails me.

Plants look Great! ❤️

And the root system looks Ideal! Nice work! ❤️
I forgot to mention something I am trying out. When I chopped the auto with poor bud formation I felt like I wanted to do something with it. So I cut it into small pieces and stuffed it into a 5 gal bucket and covered it with water, then a lid. Im going to let it stew in the sun for a couple of weeks then make a brew to give back to the plants.
I have seen this done on a couple of You Tube vids, where the grower dilutes the brew 10-1 with water for feeding.
I think that since this plant has some buds on it, they grew but never got solid enough to bother with, the brew should be ideal to feed to plants in flower or pre-flower. At leaset that was one growers theory and it resonates with my thinking.
I forgot to mention something I am trying out. When I chopped the auto with poor bud formation I felt like I wanted to do something with it. So I cut it into small pieces and stuffed it into a 5 gal bucket and covered it with water, then a lid. Im going to let it stew in the sun for a couple of weeks then make a brew to give back to the plants.
I have seen this done on a couple of You Tube vids, where the grower dilutes the brew 10-1 with water for feeding.
I think that since this plant has some buds on it, they grew but never got solid enough to bother with, the brew should be ideal to feed to plants in flower or pre-flower. At leaset that was one growers theory and it resonates with my thinking.
That's the start of a good Jadam extract. Add some microbes like maybe worm castings and it'll work a whole lot better!
That's the start of a good Jadam extract. Add some microbes like maybe worm castings and it'll work a whole lot better!
Great idea. I have a little worm castings lying around. Ill throw it in and dust it with microbes! I bet they will LOVE this stuff.

WARNING: Breathe at your own risk!
OMG this is RANK!!

And a little more weed comedy.

Any suggestions what we should call the cast off seedling thingies? I can think of at least one. Maybe you see it too?

WARNING: Breathe at your own risk!


OMG this is RANK
Lol. Yeah, it is but your plants will love it. After a while it'll ferment and the smell will change to what I call a pickled spring horse barn smell. Still not all that pleasant, but at least not wretching bad!

I trust you cover the bucket? It's an anaerobic process so it doesn't need fresh air.
Lol. Yeah, it is but your plants will love it. After a while it'll ferment and the smell will change to what I call a pickled spring horse barn smell. Still not all that pleasant, but at least not wretching bad!

I trust you cover the bucket? It's an anaerobic process so it doesn't need fresh air.
Yes I have an airtight lid. I haven't opened it in a week so it was pretty dankk. I think with the addition of the worm castings and Rootwise micros its going to go nuclear.
These two autos are Jack Herrer and Gelato. They have been outdoors most of the season now and they both seem to be finishing up at the same time. Im seeing yellowing leaves and Gelatos leaves are getting crunchy. I snipped and scoped them and they are close with cloudy and a little amber.
I'm thinking they will be done within a week
I'm excited to announce 2 new autos in SIPs. This time I went with Ethos Pineapple Runtz and a mystery bean from Fastbuds.
I am really liking sips for the autos!
I'm using recycled soil amended with Build a Soil Craft Blend and Earth worm castings. I'm finding that this recipe can take the plants to harvest with little to no additional feeding

Outdoors vs tent 101:
Time to talk about lessons learned. I harvested the two outdoor sip autos shown below. They grew pretty well outdoors and the SIPs were fantastic for keeping the watering on point. They never showed any signs of infestation or disease. But being outdoors in my yard there are bugs, grasshoppers, spiders, and others unseen.
I chopped them and hung them at the top of the grow tent where I can control humidity and temp for the initial cure.
I didn't consider that as they dried they released bugs onto my seedlings from above. So I was pretty unhappy to find little tiny green caterpillars munching on my new seedlings one morning.

Sadly these little greenies seemed to go straight for the freshest part of the plant and ate the new growth effectively topping both plants.
In fact they split the FastBuds auto straight down the middle, and raised hell with the Ethos Pinapple Runtz.
In this pic you can see the little fu**er sunbathing and eating snacks.

Im chalking this up to education. Ill be tossing these girls, cleaning the hell out of the grow tent, and starting new seeds.
Maybe the Pineapple Runtz will live, but Im not sure I want to begin the journey with an auto that has already been topped at the 1st node by a worm. Ill keep you posted.
Here are new babies! I had one last Pineapple Runtz seed and a couple of mystery beans from FastBuds. After several rounds using coco pucs for germination I went back to used soil in a Solo. Not sure why, it just felt right. There is more than one way to germinate and so why not?
It can also be fun to see what comes up!! Check out the little mushroom it is as big as the seedling!!
The Ethos seed didn't germinate (only 1 of 3 from this pack was successful and the fu**ing caterpillar munched it). But thanks to the very fine folks at @North Atlantic Seed Co , I had a couple of bonus seeds including Ethos Jealousy x Banana Daddy.
I put that in the soil and ill let you know how it goes.

FastBuds Auto #1 with Mushroom buddy

Fastbuds Auto #2
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