Stonecrusher's Backyard Bonanza - Bringing Out The Big Pots!

They're both looking healthy! And my AK's were so skunky that my neighbor used to complain about how many there were in the neighborhood. I finally had to move my grow to the other side of the backyard. :)
Nice to know what to expect.
My neighbor is fine as long as he gets a jar or two:)
Amazing as always front to back and in between

:green_heart: so what ya name your 8 legged friend?
Why thank you JL. The plants do the work, I just water and admire.
As for my little friend I was thinking Charlotte, or maybe Elvira.. Yea, I like Elvira.
Four SIPs and a 2x4.
Do you think this is too many plants for the space? I feel like 3 Autos is a good number for the 2x4 tent, but I had a little surprise pop up and now I have 4 new babies.
I have been excited to try the Ethos autos. Especially the Pineapple Runtz. When the seed didn't germinate along with the Fastbuds autos planted at the same time, I waited a few more days then dug around in the Solo cup and couldn't even find the seed. So I went with the backup bonus seed from Ethos, a Jealousy x Banana Daddy auto. It germinated within 48 hours and things looked just fine. Lo and behold a few days later the Pineapple Runtz fought its way to the surface. And now there are 4.
They are fine now, but in a month Ill be juggling tent space. Maybe one will become an outdoor auto.

I did 3 LSD Clones on my last run in 3 gallon pots in my 4x2 and Man it was tight!
I did 3 LSD Clones on my last run in 3 gallon pots in my 4x2 and Man it was tight!
In my last journal, Stonecrushers Garage, I grew 3 autos in 5 gal pots and it was just right in the 2x4 tent. They didn't get huge. They yielded ~3oz each after curing. But I am really trying to grow bigger autos this time.
My strategies are: transplant early into 5 Gal SIPs, use light and airy soil so the roots have very little resistance, don't over-water... (i think this is a major barrier to early stage growth). I believe with 4 gallons of soil I should be able to water only to harvest unless they get huge.
So I will have to adapt if I succeed in coaxing them to grow big.

Here they are today. The 2 on the left are about 10 days ahead of the ones on the right.

In my last journal, Stonecrushers Garage, I grew 3 autos in 5 gal pots and it was just right in the 2x4 tent. They didn't get huge. They yielded ~3oz each after curing. But I am really trying to grow bigger autos this time.
My strategies are: transplant early into 5 Gal SIPs, use light and airy soil so the roots have very little resistance, don't over-water... (i think this is a major barrier to early stage growth). I believe with 4 gallons of soil I should be able to water only to harvest unless they get huge.
So I will have to adapt if I succeed in coaxing them to grow big.

Here they are today. The 2 on the left are about 10 days ahead of the ones on the right.

I have never grown an auto. Hopefully it works out for you and those lovely ladies you got going there.

If I remember correctly I got a little over 10 ounces off the 3 clones.
Monday update
I had all day yesterday to update my journal, but time just slipped away. Now I should be getting ready for work but I have to squeeze this in because I just cant help myself.
The 30 gallon soil pots are soo great! It makes watering easy. Just soak every day or two with hose water! The conditions in my yard are pretty shady. The plants are a little slower to develop. Thats OK because they have at least a month before harvest. Id have monsters if there were full sun. But I don't want monsters for a number of reasons, one of which is I still have so much from last years grow.

I love the way the AK-47 and ChemDawg plants are structured. They have pretty wide internodal spacing that is filling up one golf ball sized nug at a time. Very few leaves to trim and beautiful buds.
The girls hanging out in their 30s.

One of the colas from AK 47. Smells like an orange grove with a skunk problem.

Chem Dawg coming right along.

And here is a crappy picture of Elvira for @JiggiLotus. I can't get her to pose, but she has a sexy abdomen! Nearest I can tell she is a spotted orb weaver.

Off to work now, my friends. Have a great Monday!!
Tuesday. Unexpected day off update.
The scheduling gods left me with a weekday to mess with plants, and possibly begin repainting kitchen cabinets, unless I can think of another good reason to ride anyone?
I know this is my outdoor grow thread, but I just cant stop popping indoor autos so the garage 2x4 tent is also heating up. Earlier in this thread I mentioned that I "accidentally" ended up with 4 sprouts after a late starter emerged.
I may have fixed the overcrowding problem by killing or almost killing the Ethos Pineapple Runtz. It began life as a late sprouter and was showing signs of being a slow starter, then a few days ago I noted a couple of bites out of a leaf so I mixed a little Neem Oil and soaked it. Note to self: "Go easy on the Neem for new seedlings". It looks like this one may not make it and that is a pitty since I haven't succeeded getting a Pineapple Runtz to start in 3 trys now. I won't kill it yet, but it may not make it.
On the other hand, the Ethos Banana Daddy x Jealousy auto has a good start and the Fastbuds assorted pack beans are ON POINT!
Im going to try to @Justin Goody the heck out of them when they start to flower by chopping at node 5 and trimming nodes 1&2.
But for now they need to just keep SIPpin!

A quick comment on my 5 gallon SIPs. I added 1 liter water to the reservoir of each one when I transplanted from Solo cups, and since then I have only top watered very sparingly. The plan is to transition to bottom water about the time the canopy reaches the edges of the SIPs.

Im thinking of a new thread titled "SIPs a Poppin-Home Deopt vs Lowes".

Fastbuds #1

Fastbuds #2

Ethos Banana Daddy x Jealousy

Ethos Pineapple Runtz ...I guess Runtz is appropriate and Neem Oil plus Runtz = dissapointment
Looking good Crusher. I think (hope) the Runtz will pull through.

Lowes for the win! :Rasta:
The very last one looks like burned a bit but I can't think on why...looks...looks like all the conditions are great...
I know it looks like a crack weed. The neem oil spray really did a number on it. Ill give it as long as it takes if it pulls thru.
Looking good Crusher. I think (hope) the Runtz will pull through.

Lowes for the win! :Rasta:
Lowes are the Fastbuds team. They are taking off right now. I can almost see them stretch!
Good morning,
The Fastbuds/Lowes team are now in training. I am going for a Six Pack 'a la @Justin Goody and using car hooks (credit to someone on this forum) to begin shaping these girls.

The Ethos/Home Depot team are still in warm ups. But I have a feeling they are studying the FB teams plays. They may be a couple of points behind early in the game, but it should be a strong second half so im not betting against them.

I am using "cannabalized soil" in the SIPs, and I see lots of life in it. Tiny ants, potato bugs, and a few flyers around too, but they all seem to be in harmony, except I have sticky traps for the flyers and they seem to be working. Does anyone have experience with potato bugs? They seem to be minding their own business, but I wonder...

I topped the FB/Lowes just above the 5th node, then pruned the bottom two nodes so there are 3 pairs in training.

The Ethos/Home Deopt team sprouted later (one took 8 days to show in a Solo cup of soil). The Banana Daddy x Jealousy is developing nicely. And the Pineapple Runtz is making a comback from my Neem treatment.

Last week I spotted a cuple of little nibbles from this sprout so I mixed up a neem oil spray and soaked it and all the soil around it. After 2 days I thought it was done for, but it is making a comeback! This was my prize seed so I am rooting (haha) for it! @InTheShed mentioned his seedlings pulled thru a neem treatment so I have some hope.

That would be @Carcass, for whom they're named!
Ahh, now I get it. Then they should be called Carhooks, not car hooks. Noted.
Whatever they're called they are a fun addition to the toolkit. Thanks @Carcass
Today is beautiful with sun and mild temps, but dry. RH here is 27%. The outdoor plants never complain though.

Today I am updating from my back yard as well as R.R's yard where I have the 2 big SIPs under his care.

My yard has a lot of shade, but the AK-47 is stacking on nicely and the buds are thicker each day. This one is a LOUD smeller! It started out orangey and now there is some gassy/skunk smell coming on. It drifts into the house and I can smell it when i pull up in the front.

AK-47 side branch

The girls at R.R's house have been sucking the juice right out of the leaves despite the top dress and nutes. They got big and drank a lot of water this season. I need to work on my SIP game to try to get ahead of the yellow leaves.

The LT plant is a Afghan/Super Skunk and has the FATTEST buds ever! The one on the RT is a random seed from a friend. Lesson: Don't waste your summer on a random seed. This one isn't making serious buds but took a lot of resources.

The pictures don't do it justice but those are some really large buds. Ive never had ones that fat before and I suppose it will influence my drying strategy. I may have to cut it up a little so I avoid rot.

Afghan/Super Skunk top cola

POS random seed with larf instead of buds

Thanks for checking in friends!
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