Stocking Up For The Apocalypse: Goody's Perpetual Grow By The Beach 2020

CJ looking tasty. Foxtail coming out on the second pic

This wizard went outside at the perfect age and will keep growing and stacking despite this shit weather. Sun ☀️ should be coming back soon
little Alaskan BB x Wizard ⬆️ is actually doing pretty well too, I think I’ll let her go natural while her sis is training inside
not huge yet but healthy!

Next to her, the Wookiee x wizard is really stout and growing all 3’s, as written
sexy smelly lady
Outdoor Ladies -

Wizard x Wookiees that’s been through serious weather, pretty unique buds on her and she’s frosting up. Nice and tall, strong stem

This pair of wizards is gonna be huge soon

Random newby (likely Alaskan BB x wizard since a bunch of those didn’t sprout indoors.

Queen G x Wizard loving the sunshine and the trim, another random sprout too, probably the same.

Will probably look like this soon

And this lovely wizard girl

Outdoor Ladies -

Wizard x Wookiees that’s been through serious weather, pretty unique buds on her and she’s frosting up. Nice and tall, strong stem

This pair of wizards is gonna be huge soon

Random newby (likely Alaskan BB x wizard since a bunch of those didn’t sprout indoors.

Queen G x Wizard loving the sunshine and the trim, another random sprout too, probably the same.

Will probably look like this soon

And this lovely wizard girl

Your plants look good for the crap cooler weather we got about the same here. Very cool a.m. and days back down in lower 70's plus those nice windy rains we've had yesterday. I'm looking so forward to hot weather and getting some growth going Good luck down the road.
Your plants look good for the crap cooler weather we got about the same here. Very cool a.m. and days back down in lower 70's plus those nice windy rains we've had yesterday. I'm looking so forward to hot weather and getting some growth going Good luck down the road.
Thanks I appreciate that. Yeah I’m hoping we can get a solid week of sun and kick these girls in the ass a bit. I have a couple real small ones that haven’t caught the same 🌊.
Like my peppers, all the plants react differently to this long cold day thing. Habaneros hate it and are dying. Jalapeños couldn’t care less, them and the tomatoes are making the best of it. They need good days in a row to get going though, and we haven’t had many lately. It’s a welcome change.
This Queen G x Wizard indoor girl is doing pretty well. She’s way past the stick I put in a few weeks ago and gains a tiny bit of height every day.
Her frost factor seems to be rising. Though she’s a bit leafier than most Wookiee phenos, the leaves are frosty and will make great oil for gummies.
Plus she has an amazing smell that’s literally a mix of her parents which both smell good..she smells like a bit of heaven
So much green and frosty goodness inside and out, and that outside WxW looks like a complete reveg...weird!

If I were going to drop an auto to leave outside now that we're seeing some more sun, which has the best chance of a long veg out there?
I forget what 🫘 you have there. Any Wookiee f2? Wizard? Either of those are decent outside growers
Heads is Wookie, tails is Wizard:


Wizard it is! :thanks:
Sounds like a plan, can’t wait to see how she does. Starting her inside or just straight out to the wolves?
Already dropped and straight outside after sprout, 24/7. The breeder said it was cool. :)
Yeah I bet he wishes he had CA weather where he’s at 😆. And if they can grow for him, they’ll be fine where you are 🌱
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