Stocking Up For The Apocalypse: Goody's Perpetual Grow By The Beach 2020

Not a bad looking plant for an auto. Nice trunk on her for an indoor lass

She’s as tall as any auto I’ve ever grown at 63 days old.
She appears to have a ton of fresh white looking pistils. How much longer do you think she'll need to finish?
She appears to have a ton of fresh white looking pistils. How much longer do you think she'll need to finish?
She is still 99% whites. Probably 4 weeks til I can even give a guess on that.
Heya JG! Question for you about spraying plants with CS. (Photo female) Once the plant starts showing the effects of the spray when do you stop spraying it? Thanks in advance you alchemist you!! Happy Thursday!! 😎✌️
Heya JG! Question for you about spraying plants with CS. (Photo female) Once the plant starts showing the effects of the spray when do you stop spraying it? Thanks in advance you alchemist you!! Happy Thursday!! 😎✌️

I must begin this response with a disclaimer-
I don’t reverse photo plants, therefore I decline to give advice on them. I also don’t know what brand/ppm of silver.

So the following only applies to autos:

For me, there are maybe 5-10 pistils (or less) showing on the whole plant when I start spraying (colloidal silver) and I spray 2 times a day for 5 days. Then I stop.
Different plants have different reactions to silver in those 5 days. Some get shiny and seem to grow even better. Some get spotted and look like they are dying or burned until new growth appears.
None of that matters. The only objective in spraying the plant is to get it to absorb the silver. It always does. Lights on or off does not matter.
The silver you use will matter. The health of your plant before you spray will matter. If it’s not thriving and putting out new leaves, silver may cause it to herm (ask me how I know lol)
and you won’t know until you grow the first plant all the way to flower.
There’s always another risk in crossing feminized seeds to make more feminized seeds. Sometimes the 🧬 just don’t mesh well and the end of the line for some genetics means that it will likely pop nanners early and often.

After the 5 days of spraying it’s generally about a week to 10 days before I can see male parts with the loupe.

*reversed male parts will grow IN the female flower, not hang underneath.
Hanging like balls = bad.
Boy parts mixed with girl parts= good*

Ask @beez0404 or @InTheShed for more info on reversing photos.
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