Stinky Snid's Crop King Journal Contest - Northern Lights & White Widow

May 2nd, it's a Monday that's for sure. Don't feel like doing much after work. Just a simple check up and weigh in. Let's get right to it...

Ellabella Day 70 +27 : 10.8 lbs @ Ph 6.0 - 69°f



Ellabella my Stellar gal is so thick with buds I'm afraid there won't be enough airflow. I'm still clipping a leaf here and there if I see it will make a difference.

Day 70 +27 : 7.0 lbs @ Ph 6.1 - 69°f



Winnie is my monster plant of this crop. She is becoming so beefy and lined from top to bottom with budsites. Let's hope my skills get her through flower. I have I minor micro nutrient deficiency forming, looks like manganese or maybe boron.

Leialoha Day 88 : 7.8 lbs @ Ph 6.4 - 72°f



My darling child is suffering from a slight potassium deficiency, since I watered her with no nutes she turned a corner. I'll feed asap... But she is still churning out thick white pistils.

That's it for today, see you all soon

KiG :green_heart:cheers
May 3rd, Back into my groove... Update is first on my list of things to do. All systems nominal. I turned off my intake fan for 10 minutes while I had half the plants out of the tent. I looked back in it was like a sauna, 95% humidity and almost 87°f, 5 minutes later with the fan back on its back to 80° and 50%. Very important part of the system.

Ellabella day 70 +28 : 10.0 lbs(dry) @ Ph 5.8 - 69°f



Ellabella got her feeding, she took almost 4 litres to achieve runoff. She got a full dose of bloom nutes and 2 teaspoons of molasses. I tightened her anchor cords to keep her spread out.

Winnie day 70 +28 : 6.6 lbs(dry) @ Ph 6.0



Winnie also got fed, same concoction as Ellabella received. She's up to 2.5 litres to runoff. Her main stacks look very promising... I can just see the buds wrapping that stem from top to bottom. I can only imagine, this is my first premium genetics photoperiod attempt. All I want is no hermies :yikes:

Leialoha day 89 : 6.2 lbs @ Ph 6.4 - 72°f



One more day and I'll give her what may be her last full feeding, depending on bud development over the next week and how fast she consumes it. I plucked a few more fan leaves that I could see the stems protruding from the buds and snipped a few lolely leaves within her canopy to open it up some.

KiG Everyone :green_heart:Cheers

Life, right? Girls are still looking awesome Snid!!
You got it 4x4grow, just trying to keep to many plates in the air at once. I'm sure we all do it, thanks for the drop in. I always appreciate the positive vibes brother... :thanks:

KiG :green_heart:
You can juggle plates too? Now this I have to see ha ha.
It would be a sight to see for sure. But you'll have to provide the plates, my cupboards are empty from all the practice I've been doing.. :rofl:
I would be happy sleeping in a tent in the back yard for 6 months and being your farm slave (FYI I own a so I'm handy) or house slave just to be able to be tutored by someone with as much knowledge as you snid it would be an honor to learn from the best. Thanks for all your sharing
Well... My address is 3726 willo.....just kidding! It's more than humbling to me for you to say such a kind thing. Truth is I've been doing this less than a year. Maybe a year if you include the 3 months studying I did before I started. It's a learn as you go hobby aswell, this site has been there every step of the way. It's only till recently that I've been confident enough to give opinions on what people are doing or answering queries. Thanks so much Ohioboy, I'm glad I could be a good example for everyone. :Namaste:

KiG :green_heart:cheers
May 5th, today's update is going to be quick. Going to see capt. America. And as for yesterday... I fell asleep without finishing again, and when I woke up it was all erased. I said $&@% it! So apologies there. Let's get to the pics...

Ellabella day 70 +30 : 15.6 lbs @ Ph 6.3 - 68°f




Winnie day 70 +30 : 9.8 lbs @ Ph 6.5 - 68°f



Leialoha day 91 : 8.4 lbs @ Ph 6.4 - 69°f



Off I go to the show, see you tomorrow... I hope..

KiG :green_heart:cheers
Feb. 24th, day 30 and 22. As another day passes into history we keep moving forward into the unknown. When it's all said and done it's what makes you happy that counts. I'm afraid to admit the joy these girls bring me, but it's truly my new found love. I'm actually dreaming about growing it's ridiculous how much I enjoy watching them grow, even more so than a satisfying veggie garden. It's all thanks to my supportive and curious better half. :circle-of-love:
Anyways on to the pictures.... Eh!
Ellabella got fed this morning the usual 1 litre mix of g/m/B, b52,calmag+,prosilicate and 1/2 tsp of molasses. Then I took about an extra 1/2 litre to get runoff. She sits to drain and Dry off (I like to blow it off by mouth) outside the lights footprint, then once she's dry she is back under the light. *this avoid the lens effect that water droplets may have, leading to burns*
did I mention how symmetrical she looks...her training is very balanced I've let the lower branches reach the top ones and now things are going evenly everywhere.

The new look for Winnie is working wonders for her. Outer tips are flourishing and the new flux tips are emerging quickly.

we have lift off, all new tips are on there way.

KiG :green_heart:cheers

May I ask why you remove the early solar panels, just curious...
May I ask why you remove the early solar panels, just curious...
I usually end up removing them once the secondary growth starts to accelerate and has produced their own leaves. I start with bending them down away from the new shoots, this gives those shoots unrestricted growth. If the leaves remain they are strong enough to straighten the new shouts back to vertical. When horizontal is your goal then the needs to be negated. Imo it works for my style of training, but I'm sure it slows growth temporarily. I'll have to try other methods to evaluate. Thanks for the question, it makes me think about it more. To be honest it was just an instinctual thing I started to do and have not looked back.... Until now. :reading420magazine: I'll have to do some reading.:thanks:
Looking tasty Snidrajsed :drool:
:yummy: you bet! Thanks Greeenfingers
MY oh my, I'm gone for a few days and they're completely different plants. Looks beautiful as always! Keep up the good work :welldone:
I will do my best, a couple days makes a difference that's for sure.

That's why I think I'll do an update every couple days, to save some repetitive remarks and exemplify the changes between the elongated update periods. Thats for you Mr amazing .. Haha... But ya I'll do an update every 2 or 3 days to keep things less lame.

Thanks for being a part my grow everyone, update coming up in a Jiffy pellet. :)

KiG :green_heart:cheers
May 7th, a very beautiful Saturday in the area. Spent the whole day outside getting my garden boxes ready. Turned, amended and fertilized my first couple boxes to plant my early veggies...Needless to say I am exhausted. Did an early morning check up on the girls, no feedings required so just a admiration session while I weighed and recorded them for the day.

Ellabella Day 70 +32 : 14.0 lbs @ Ph 6.3 - 68°



Since I spread her out more she has responded well by bulking up her smaller Colas.

Winnie Day 70 +32 : 9.0 lbs @ Ph 6.2 - 68°f



Winnie is quite the monster aswell. It's hard to believe she was a retarded mutant upon sprouting.

Leialoha Day 93 : 6.4 lbs @ Ph 5.9 - 71°f




I'm am so proud of this little lady, almost wrapped up with her. I'm at about 5 % amber trichomes. A feeding possibly tomorrow at half strength then after that flush flush flush.

KiG everyone :green_heart:cheers
No update today on account I didn't have a chance to get some pics from the photoperiod tent. But they are fine and soaking up the mini Sun. Update Tomorrow for sure...

Sweet man were getting close I don't think I'm quite 5% yet
Hell yeah brother, I say 5% but there 0% on the lower buds. It's time for some defoliation, to get better light penetration. I use my rule of thumb, if I can see the stem sticking out of the bud I clip it. Unless it's super frosty I leave it for harvest trim. One more quick work week and it will be just about done... Good job Lupey!
Tent hooks are genius! I'm rooting for Winnie, no pun intended. You are like the chocolate guy in the window at the choc shop where I just watch you turning out my fav treats, day after day. I voted 5 out of 5. I'm hooked.:bravo:
I aim to please my Please my curiosity of what different strains look like and smell like and taste like. I probably just as enamoured with these little beauties as you are. Thanks G2healme, you're welcome to put your face on the glass...i won't say anything :)

The tent pegs cam hold down a tent in gale force winds but can barely hold down a cannabis plant. Amazing isn't it... I love using stakes for ease of training, but I've started to tie them down more these days. Stakes work well for young plants but once they get their legs stakes hardly to the trick.

KiG :green_heart:cheers
No update today on account I didn't have a chance to get some pics from the photoperiod tent. But they are fine and soaking up the mini Sun. Update Tomorrow for sure...

Hell yeah brother, I say 5% but there 0% on the lower buds. It's time for some defoliation, to get better light penetration. I use my rule of thumb, if I can see the stem sticking out of the bud I clip it. Unless it's super frosty I leave it for harvest trim. One more quick work week and it will be just about done... Good job Lupey!

I aim to please my Please my curiosity of what different strains look like and smell like and taste like. I probably just as enamoured with these little beauties as you are. Thanks G2healme, you're welcome to put your face on the glass...i won't say anything :)

The tent pegs cam hold down a tent in gale force winds but can barely hold down a cannabis plant. Amazing isn't it... I love using stakes for ease of training, but I've started to tie them down more these days. Stakes work well for young plants but once they get their legs stakes hardly to the trick.

KiG :green_heart:cheers

My last tying i even used the soft ties to cross tie branches together to even out spacing for light penetration and breathability
Another scenario...I started another northern lights for a friend to plant OS. When she sprouted her first leaves came out of the seed right away so I planted her in a peat starter right away with her leaves out of the peat. She's been like that for 4 days now leaves are still green but no stem yet? I threw her in the tent right away under a 23w 6700k cfl???
Another scenario...I started another northern lights for a friend to plant OS. When she sprouted her first leaves came out of the seed right away so I planted her in a peat starter right away with her leaves out of the peat. She's been like that for 4 days now leaves are still green but no stem yet? I threw her in the tent right away under a 23w 6700k cfl???

Can only wait my friend, not much you can do other than keep it moist and warm. Do you have a humidity dome, or half a 2l bottle to cover it with... That may help some.

KiG :green_heart:
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