Stinky Snid's Crop King Journal Contest - Northern Lights & White Widow

Can only wait my friend, not much you can do other than keep it moist and warm. Do you have a humidity dome, or half a 2l bottle to cover it with... That may help some.

KiG :green_heart:
Yes I have it in a seed starter tray. Just put dome on it to help hold moisture. I just put the dome on before I came to work at 6
Attention Attention Attention

We have some roots! One successful clone baby!! Hell yeah!!! This is an Ellabella clone, that's just grand..
Far left is the rooter

Yes Yes Yes :goof: Yes Yes Yes


KiG :green_heart:cheers
May 9th, I hope you all had great mothers day with family. Back to work Mondays always suck, but get er dun... Right? Back in the lab by noon, checked and fed the photos first. Then it's on to the autos. Going to be lots of feedings today. Yeeesh. Did some defoliation on all the autos using my rule of thumb. If I can see the stem out of the bud, and/or if i can pinch it off stickiness free then I nip it off. I'm going to try and spruce up Leialoha for the POtM, but I don't know if she'll be hard enough in 5 days. I had pollinated a bud on each plant, it's been 3-4 weeks should I be seeing any signs of seeds? As you saw above, I'm going to need to find a pot for my clone #4 aka Bella.
Let's get on with the update, here you go everyone... Enjoy

Ellabella Day 70 +34 : 12.0 lbs @ Ph 6.2 - 69°f



A little more defoliation I've the lady couple days, she's getting more air into her canopy with every leaf I pluck. I've spotted a the same checkerboard looking fall and light green leaves that Winnie had a not too long ago.

Winnie Day 70 +34 : 7.4 lbs @ Ph 6.1 - 69°f




My rambunctious Winnie is getting her bud on. She's Crunkin' and twerking all over the place. I put a few restraints on to keep her in line and opened up some.

Leialoha Day 95 : 9.2 lbs @ Ph 6.4 - 73°



It's nearing operation final phase. Her leaves are beginning to yellow some and the potassium def. is sustained. I've feed her 1/2 dose nutrients, with an extra squirt of overdrive and a few drops of kelp meal(0-0-4). So in total it was probably more like 3/4 of a dose. This solution was at 1.5 EC, last feeding was 2.1 EC. Plus she's drying out in a matter of days now, I'll feed her half officially next time (weds.)then 1/4 after that but I think I'll be flushing by Sunday regardless. That gives me about 2 weeks to go.

Projected harvest date for Leialoha Sunday may 22nd :)

KiG everyone :green_heart:cheers
Re: Stinky Snid's Crop King Journal Contest - Northern Lights & White Widow

Simply beautiful. It has been a pleasure watching these girls grow. Cant wait to see how they finish up.
Re: Stinky Snid's Crop King Journal Contest - Northern Lights & White Widow

I hear cloning in perlite is good and all, but transferring to soil you'll have perlite clinging to the roots. Seems like it could be a hassle in not going to do hydro. Any reason why you went that route? Just trying to pick your brain.
Reason why I used perlite is because I saw someone here doing it. And I've tried jiffy pellets, I've tried coco, I've tried just water basically everything. So this looked good to me and it keep moisture really well and is very airy. My main downfall was the stem would rot, or the the leaves would die before roots formed. I'm not worried about the transfer, I've been putting a layer of perlite under my baby taproots. I'm not in soil per say.. It's promix, coco and worm castings plus I use tons of perlite anyhow in my mix. :thanks: my brain is here for the picking. :Namaste:
Simply beautiful. It has been a pleasure watching these girls grow. Cant wait to see how they finish up.
Appreciate it Lazarus, it won't be long now. The Widows are at week 5 from flip already.. Thanks for the company.

KiG :green_heart:cheers
May 9th, I hope you all had great mothers day with family. Back to work Mondays always suck, but get er dun... Right? Back in the lab by noon, checked and fed the photos first. Then it's on to the autos. Going to be lots of feedings today. Yeeesh. Did some defoliation on all the autos using my rule of thumb. If I can see the stem out of the bud, and/or if i can pinch it off stickiness free then I nip it off. I'm going to try and spruce up Leialoha for the POtM, but I don't know if she'll be hard enough in 5 days. I had pollinated a bud on each plant, it's been 3-4 weeks should I be seeing any signs of seeds? As you saw above, I'm going to need to find a pot for my clone #4 aka Bella.
Let's get on with the update, here you go everyone... Enjoy

Ellabella Day 70 +34 : 12.0 lbs @ Ph 6.2 - 69°f



A little more defoliation I've the lady couple days, she's getting more air into her canopy with every leaf I pluck. I've spotted a the same checkerboard looking fall and light green leaves that Winnie had a not too long ago.

Winnie Day 70 +34 : 7.4 lbs @ Ph 6.1 - 69°f




My rambunctious Winnie is getting her bud on. She's Crunkin' and twerking all over the place. I put a few restraints on to keep her in line and opened up some.

Leialoha Day 95 : 9.2 lbs @ Ph 6.4 - 73°



It's nearing operation final phase. Her leaves are beginning to yellow some and the potassium def. is sustained. I've feed her 1/2 dose nutrients, with an extra squirt of overdrive and a few drops of kelp meal(0-0-4). So in total it was probably more like 3/4 of a dose. This solution was at 1.5 EC, last feeding was 2.1 EC. Plus she's drying out in a matter of days now, I'll feed her half officially next time (weds.)then 1/4 after that but I think I'll be flushing by Sunday regardless. That gives me about 2 weeks to go.

Projected harvest date for Leialoha Sunday may 22nd :)

KiG everyone :green_heart:cheers

Checked Jezebel tonight she's drinking fast also but I lowered the Rh in the tent to promote THC production so she drinks a lot faster then
Checked Jezebel tonight she's drinking fast also but I lowered the Rh in the tent to promote THC production so she drinks a lot faster then
How us she now Lupey? Wednesday flush? :thumb: I'm going to make a decision on flushing tomorrow... Maybe 1/4 strength feeding then flush Sunday. Depends on trichomes that a keep forgetting to check.

You're so close to a harvest, Leialoha looks super tasty I bet you're excited :)
Hope she is super potent :)
She smells very sweet and pine like. She's also getting hard now and it's good to be flush time very soon.

Thanks for stopping by guys

KiG :green_heart:cheers
May 11th, hello everybody! Hope you're well and dandy. I like flowering plants way more than vegging ones, they're so much less daily maintenance. Temperatures have risen in the Tents helped by the nice spring weather we are enjoying. Let's see some pics...

Ellabella Day 70 +36 : 11.2 lbs @ Ph 5.9 - 68°f



Minor defoliation over the last couple days and I've also tied her down, in order to spread open her central canopy. It seems my inexperience has left Ellabella an tangled mess.

Winnie Day 70 +36 : 6.8 lbs @ Ph 6.1 - 69°f



Winnie got the same defoliation treatment, mostly to expose her inner canopy. She's got a green zebra looking leaf or two. Her pot is getting dry so I'll hopefully correct that with her feeding.

Leialoha Day 97 : 6.4 lbs @ Ph 6.3 - 72°f




Super star Leialoha is living it up large under her own personal LED. I'm sure she'll be ready for flush by the weekend, projected harvest date is still in effect. I've given her a good trimming, anything that didn't have trichomes was removed. Scissor hash was splendidly strong... It crunch time, I'm excited that's for sure.

Well that's it for this update, thanks for all your support.

KiG :green_heart:cheers
How us she now Lupey? Wednesday flush? :thumb: I'm going to make a decision on flushing tomorrow... Maybe 1/4 strength feeding then flush Sunday. Depends on trichomes that a keep forgetting to check.

She smells very sweet and pine like. She's also getting hard now and it's good to be flush time very soon.

Thanks for stopping by guys

KiG :green_heart:cheers

Ran short of time last night (overslept) so I gave her a quick PhD water. When lights come on tonight 1 1/2 hrs from now gonna take her out and ditch her yellow fans and check trics again I'm pretty sure she's about ready to flush I'll post pics in my journal after I'm done:thumb:
Stinky Snid's Crop King Journal Contest - Northern Lights & White Widow

I don't understand the growth of the plants how is it all colas and how the hell are there so many? I've done a bunch of grows but all outdoors and organic so maybe that's why I'm not getting the super brix I get that but the way the stem and stalk grow on your plants it's amazing I've got a good one for you this is North my Northern Lights that I ordered she's not an auto but for the first time she is feminised but also a super freak now as the farmer you would think I would have noticed this phenom long ago but I didn't notice until just this week
do you see it? (Jeopardy music) ok look at the colas (and it's all of them I just focused on one) ok now look at the foliage ooooohhhhhhh yep there it is
only one "finger". No 3-5-7 "fingers" only a few at the bottom of the plant all the rest are single leafs. Other than the trichomes pistils etc you wouldn't think it was refer anyone have an explanation? Maybe ? Snid all knowing and masterful Gardner?

Outdoor organics. Ohioboy With Fast Buds - Let's See How Fast Exactly
Re: Stinky Snid's Crop King Journal Contest - Northern Lights & White Widow

I don't understand the growth of the plants how is it all colas and how the hell are there so many? I've done a bunch of grows but all outdoors and organic so maybe that's why I'm not getting the super brix I get that but the way the stem and stalk grow on your plants it's amazing I've got a good one for you this is North my Northern Lights that I ordered she's not an auto but for the first time she is feminised but also a super freak now as the farmer you would think I would have noticed this phenom long ago but I didn't notice until just this week
do you see it? (Jeopardy music) ok look at the colas (and it's all of them I just focused on one) ok now look at the foliage ooooohhhhhhh yep there it is
only one "finger". No 3-5-7 "fingers" only a few at the bottom of the plant all the rest are single leafs. Other than the trichomes pistils etc you wouldn't think it was refer anyone have an explanation? Maybe ? Snid all knowing and masterful Gardner?

Outdoor organics. Ohioboy With Fast Buds - Let's See How Fast Exactly

If you go back earlier in his journal you will see his LST training it works I followed the LST method and am extremely happy. Snid was going to try
And put together a tutorial on his methods. Snid rocks
Re: Stinky Snid's Crop King Journal Contest - Northern Lights & White Widow

I don't understand the growth of the plants how is it all colas and how the hell are there so many? I've done a bunch of grows but all outdoors and organic so maybe that's why I'm not getting the super brix I get that but the way the stem and stalk grow on your plants it's amazing I've got a good one for you this is North my Northern Lights that I ordered she's not an auto but for the first time she is feminised but also a super freak now as the farmer you would think I would have noticed this phenom long ago but I didn't notice until just this week
do you see it? (Jeopardy music) ok look at the colas (and it's all of them I just focused on one) ok now look at the foliage ooooohhhhhhh yep there it is
only one "finger". No 3-5-7 "fingers" only a few at the bottom of the plant all the rest are single leafs. Other than the trichomes pistils etc you wouldn't think it was refer anyone have an explanation? Maybe ? Snid all knowing and masterful Gardner?

Outdoor organics. Ohioboy With Fast Buds - Let's See How Fast Exactly

I'm not sure about the single blade leaves only, that's very strange. I'll have to look into that for myself. I'll pm you if I find anything. As for the low canopy plants I've been exhibiting it all starts at week 2. When I either top and train or simply start to LST them. I top my autos at the 3rd node and then begin to spread them out. For photos I wait until 4th or 5tg node and then top at the 3rd. For LST I start bending at the 3rd node once they have 5 sets of leaves...

Thanks for reminding me Lupey, I got to get on top of that tutorial. It's going to be a while still but I've got some notes already.

Thanks for the comments guys. KiG :green_heart:cheers
Was the plant with the single finger leaves revegged from a previous grow at all? I remember reading somewhere that someone revegged a plant after harvesting it and it came out with single finger leaves
Hi ohioboy

It could just be a mutant, it happens unfortunately, bad breeding or unstable genetics.

Where did you get the NL seeds from?

I have a Blue Cheese that when cloned will only throw out 1 and 3 fingered leafs for the first few sets until it balances out.

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