Stealthy's NL/BB Hydro Grow

Hey usul it appears maybe you were right about a day after I switched to 950 ppm I started to get nute burn in earnest I believe the deficiencies were due to lockout because of my noobish ability to ignore the nutes instructions lol.
I lowered it to about 700.
So a belated thanks for your advice.
Thanks Stealthy, always happy to help if I can. I have a 3 week old plant that is looking super healthy and growing like mad with the nutes at 350ppm, so if you're still running in to issues with nute burn don't hesitate to take it down even further.

Regarding the algae, I ran in to a similar problem with a bacterial infection and found that using Hydrogen Peroxide (the 3% solution you can find in most markets) can work wonders. Apply it at a rate of 2.5ml per gallon once a day and it'll ward off the nasties without hurting the plants. If you do get an infection apply the same dosage twice a day for 24 to 36 hours (2 to 3 applications). Twice a day applications will stress the plants but it should wipe out the infection within a day or so then you can go back to the regular once a day schedule.

Good luck!
Thanks for the tip I had used h202 earlier in the grow for the same issue but couldnt find a reliable dosage guide.
There is almost no light getting in now so the algae is almost gone still I tiny bit blooming around the sprayers amazing stuff that algae. But im not worried about it.
I am doing the musical bottle routine to keep rez temps down so hopefully that will keep the bacterium at bay.
I might add a gallon of ph adjusted water to lower it a bit more but im just waiting to see how they do for now...

I can tell you my next grow will be much smoother lol. Im just trying to keep these alive to make a few clones and get some meds.
Ok So I got some update pictures here. Picture quality not as good Im using my crappy cam because Im sick of resizing 5 million

This is larry






Forgot to show this addition to my light fixture articulating fan attachment...
12Ga solid core wire lol works good.
Also got my 70 watt security light hooked up. Im going to go buy one just like it they are about 30 bucks at lowes.
I used a light reflector I had made for a previous grow using a circline t6 florescent that the ballast burnt out on...Its not ideal for the HPS bulb so when I get the second light I will make a new hood that holds two bulbs.
Here are pics of my stealth ballast box.

Yee olde ammo can

Mock up Notice there is room for one more ballast...

Epoxying the PVC board rails to mount stuff I did place a screw through the bottom into rail just in case.

Mounted. I sanded the bottom of the ballast smooth so it has better contact with the metal the thick case should act as a heat sink.

Here are the wires as they exit the box. very stealth its just another ammo can laying around in the corner... or is it?
Happy Thanksgiving to the 2 people that actually read this lol.

Not only am I spending thanksgiving alone, comcast decided to shut off my internet connection which sent my router into cardiac arrest.
after 20 minutes of telling the tech on the phone that Ive never missed a payment repeatedly he finally turned it back on.
Of course I had to set up my router from scratch and after it insisted it upgrade its firmware none of my original settings would work so I had to set up all my computers again...
Its now almost 2pm and I can finally sit down wish I had some bud at least.
Hey Stealthy, you're not alone - you've got your 420 community with you ;) It's just me and my Golden Retriever here on Thanksgiving, and we woudn't have it any other way.

Your plants and your setup are looking great. By Valentine's Day you'll be knee deep in bud and smiling about what you went through to get there.
Lol well I dont know about knee deep, But thanks for the sentiment yah its just me and the jack russel and the beagle.
Holidays are just tough its just another day but I see my neighbors with their families and all. But Im happy with my life its good so it shouldn't bother me.
Cant have everything eh? lol

Anyways I was wondering when I should switch to flower I dont want to run out of room
Geez I post a bunch of pics and get one reply....
Jesus you gotta build a damn rocket ship go to the moon plant some buds and get a QP off one plant to get noticed around
Geez I post a bunch of pics and get one reply....
Jesus you gotta build a damn rocket ship go to the moon plant some buds and get a QP off one plant to get noticed around

I hear you man, unless you're all over the site, it's hard to stand out. I talked to myself a LOT during my first journal.

You're looking pretty good there - just one thought - you might want to try and get some hydroton on top of those rockwool cubes so they don't get all full of algae from the light.

Good luck man!
Thanks obx,
Yah I put some foam insulation over the top of the rez like I had planned before.
As soon as I added the HPS light the rez temps jumped about 5 degrees and it smelt like a week old gym sock in there they dropped back to the room temp of 70-71 that they used to be now.

BTW woke up this morning and it smells like weed really bad gotta put that filter on the front burner I guess. I whip one up tonight so the wife doesnt have a nervous breakdown...
Its funny we smoke in any part of our house and it obviously smells but we get a little smell from the plants and she freaks out ha...
hey sisco. yah I know you were one of the two lol just kidden.

anyone know How hi should I let them get in veg when I only have about 30 vertical inches? Id say they are a good 7 inches or so now
Awesome so far. :grinjoint:

I would do the switch soon if you only have 30 in, maybe around when they are 10 or so.

Good thing you are limiting height though,
because I ran that setup and they got too big and root bound.

Great job !

ok So they will really put some height on during bloom eh?

Also Ive heard of people going 36 hours of dark first then 12/12 Whats up with that can I just switch them to 12/12?
Hey Stealthy - checkin' back in... Regarding when to switch to flowering, are you planning to ScrOG (aka Screen Of Green)? With such limited vertical space I'd highly recommend it. Given your craftsmanship skills I'm sure you could set it up in no time. I'd guess you'll want 8 or 9 inches between the top of your res and the screen - so you've got a few days before things get urgent. If you do ScrOG conventional wisdom says you'll let the screen get about half full before switching to 12/12 flowering. That'll mean vegging a while longer, but you'll get waaaaay more bud.

I know what you mean about feeling like you're talking to yourself here on this forum. I guess we can't all be Munki - ha ha! But give it time and keep documenting your process. If it helps even one more grower it's worth it.
Actually We need bud so im going to try to clone soon then harvest as soon as there ready.
then I might try the flower straight from seed method with some no-name free seeds I got. but if the clones live I will do the scrog first.

Oh BTW I threw together a carbon filter for the smell sorry no pics I was short on time but I made it out of a peanut-butter tub an my wifes sock. works good I will get pics of the finished product soon as I find cam again.
Ok So I got some new pics of Larry from yesterday first I like to post the old pic 6 days ago


New Larry



Pictures are of different sizes trying to find the best quality image the site will accept.
I would take a pic of my other big one but its so crowded you can tell whats what unless I remove one.

I got some cloning stuff coming in next couple days. otherwise I would have trimmed the lowest branches already its a jungle in there
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