Stealthy's NL/BB Hydro Grow

2 weeks i think. I was just at the pet store looking for some ph up/dn .

seems fine for now but ill keep an eye on.

Seriously feel like buying a digital ph meter though.

After my first couple days in the water. The hard sell the guy at the store made for the digital meter is making alot of sense to me. Having to do the liquid drop test multiple times to get it right is frustrating and time consuming.
Thanks Ive been looking for that I had went ahead and ordered it a little while ago so it should be here today or tomorrow.
Should I add a dose to the whole batch when it comes?

I had surgery this moring so if im not makin much sence thats why.

I get some pics later after I fee a bit better
Ok So Im up and about thought I was superman the day I had surgery and did way to much ended up getting pretty sick there...Guess they tell you to rest for a reason eh?

Anyways got some new pics and issues

Dont mind the whitish part of the leaf that was a ph issue that was resovled. Its the brown spots in the next two pictures im woried about.

Check out the brown spots on the leaf tips on the right. Anyone know what this is from cant find it in the abuse chart

I found this in the pests and problems thread, I don't know if it helps but check it out... the pic. didn't att. so you can just look at it in the Pests, problems... Wish you luck and lots of green Mojo to ya.:popcorn:

Hydro and Soil less Mediums

Potassium gets locked out of Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 4.0-4.5, 6.0-6.5.
Potassium is absorbed best in Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 4.7-5.3, 6.7-8.5. (Wouldn't recommend having a ph over 6.5 in hydro and soil less mediums.) Best range for hydro and soil less mediums is 5.0 to 6.0. Anything out of the ranges listed will contribute to a potassium deficiency.

Solution to fixing a Potassium deficiency
Any Chemical/Organic nutrients that have potassium in them will fix a potassium deficiency. Again Peters All Purpose plant food 20-20-20, will cure the potassium deficiency , Miracle grow Tomato plant food, Miracle grow All purpose plant food.( Only mixing at ½ strength when using chemical nutrients, or it will cause nutrient burn!) Some other supplements of potassium are: Wood ashes, which are fast absorption, Kelp Meal, which is medium absorption, Greensand, which is slow absorption, granite dust, which is slow absorption. Sulfate of Potash, Sulfate of Potash Magnesia, Muriate of Potash, which are medium absorption. FOXFARM GROW BIG HYDROPONIC CONCENTRATE, which is fast absorption. (FFGB can bring your ph down as well) Earth Juice Meta-K, which is fast acting. (Can bring down your ph as well) Leaves will never recover, but the plant will show recovery after about 4 to 5 days when using a fast acting nutrient.

Note: Wood Ashes, can make your ph go up a bit, so please monitor your ph when using it.
Now if you added to much chemical nutrients and or organics, (which is hard to burn your plants when using organics) you need to flush the soil with plain water. You need to use 2 times as much water as the size of the pot, for example: If you have a 5 gallon pot and need to flush it, you need to use 10 gallons of water to rinse out the soil good enough to get rid of excessive nutrients.

Picture 1 and 2 shows a Potassium deficiency
Thanks, Sisco
That was the page I was looking for couldnt remember what it was called I put it in my sig (mostly for myself) to help others find it.
There is so much useful info here to bad it isnt organized better.

You posted the potasium deff but to be honest it looks to me like Phosphorus deff.
Obviously I can see the plants slightly better than you all can lol. either way a little bloom should fix both issues...
But how much to add? Guess Ill start small I have no desire to fry em lol.

And while I was looking at that I noticed a spot that looks like calcium deff but it might be old so Ill just keep an eye on it.

BTW my ph is steady around 6 my tester only goes down to six so I err on the side of caution and lower it till 6 and stop.

Again thanks for posting that.
Thanks, Sisco
That was the page I was looking for couldnt remember what it was called I put it in my sig (mostly for myself) to help others find it.
There is so much useful info here to bad it isnt organized better.

You posted the potasium deff but to be honest it looks to me like Phosphorus deff.
Obviously I can see the plants slightly better than you all can lol. either way a little bloom should fix both issues...
But how much to add? Guess Ill start small I have no desire to fry em lol.

And while I was looking at that I noticed a spot that looks like calcium deff but it might be old so Ill just keep an eye on it.

BTW my ph is steady around 6 my tester only goes down to six so I err on the side of caution and lower it till 6 and stop.

Again thanks for posting that.

I have a question about posting the address for a thread. How do you work that?
Same way you do for your sig there.
Copy the URL you want, write some explanatory text for the URL, highlight the text like your going to copy it but dont copy, then click the insert link button, paste the URL you copied earlier, click ok.
Insert Link button is the one that looks like a little globe.
Oh BTW I added 6ml of GH bloom 0-5-6 Think thats enough to correct it? I had originally added 40ML for 7.5 gals.
TDS at 750 which I would think is high for the little buggers but No burn as of yet and they are taking off....
Ok well looks like that helped the brown spots have changed a bit since I added the Bloom they went from a dark brown with almost a wet look to a lighter dry looking brown.
they havnt gotten any bigger either which is a good sign I think.
I acquired a 70 watt HPS security light from a company who contracted me. basically they had taken parts off to repair others and were tossing the leftover new ballast igniter and socket. I took it and they gave me a bulb to go with it.
I think its green mojo lol....
Operation take me higher is now in effect.
I raised the light to get some hight on this buggers they are really taking off now but the nodes are so close and plants are still to short for my liking.

The major reason is Im going to put some reflective foam around the base of the plants and over the top of the rez to keep the rez temps down and decrease light into the rez too obviously.
Just need about an inch vertical growth on two of them.
rez temps about 72 no issues so far but Id like to get them down.
light is so close to the top of rez right now its obvious that it will lower as they grow.
But im going to replace the crumpled mylar with foam on all walls for sound as well as reflective purposes.
Hey very nice cabinet bro.... liking the hood idea, what material did you use to make it? might do one for my smaller cab. Check it out ;)

Hey very nice cabinet bro.... liking the hood idea, what material did you use to make it? might do one for my smaller cab. Check it out ;)


I assume your talking about the light reflector material?
Its aluminum coil thats used in siding I bent it using the edge of my bench and a 4"x4" block. the corners are attached with rivets.

I do allot of work with aluminum coil so this was fairly easy for me to do by eye. Hardest thing is getting the angles right. If you look at mine the sides are 90 degrees to the top but there are 2 bends so basically you want to use 2 angles that equal 90, 45 degrees is the obvious choice there. you can incorporate as many bends as you want really but for the sides to be perpendicular to the top they need to equal 90.
If you want measurements I can get them for you if your going to make one.
So My plants seem to be showing defficencies with a ppm of 760... so I raised it to about 950 or so they seem to like it the next rez change is wednsday Ill probly up it a bit more then.
I'm no expert so please take this with a grain of salt, but given the very young age of your plants the issues you're seeing may be nutrient burn - your ppm seems very high to me. From what I've read ppm for very young plants should be around 300. When mine were a little older than yours I upped the ppm to 550 (also thinking I had a nute deficiency) - they got yellowish and the leaves started curling down. Once I backed off to less than 300 the plants seemed much happier.

Again, I'm certainly no expert but if you don't see a fairly dramatic improvement in a day or so I'd suggest flushing the res and getting ppm's below 300 for a week or so. Just a thought...
Thats what I though but to be honest the first nutrient issue I had the browning of the leaves stopped as soon as I added some bloom and growth doubled what it had been for 2 days then they started getting spots which by the guide in my sig is cal deficiency.
I figured they would be fried at these PPMs but they seem to require it.

Im actually debating changing the rez early because Ive added a stuff a bunch of times and although Im keeping notes its getting tough to keep track of whats going in there.
At least if I change it I can up the amounts and know that it wont be deficient in one thing or have an excessive amount of others.
Ok so I worked on my magnetic light rail today heres how it went.

First I went to my hardware store and pick up some materials all they had for magnets was these ceramic fridge magnets...

I took a peice of aluminum angle cut it to length and epoxied them on.

Then I installed the rail in the cab on both sides I used plastic spacers and a washer

After epoxy tried I test fitted it


It works!
Here you can see the light on it to be honest though these crappy mags arnt enough. If I was to bump it it might slide down because its fairly close to the magnets capacity to hold

I will prolly order some real magnets online somewhere soon.
But its still a success in my book.
Almost forgot
I lined the top of the rez with mylar to stop the algae that started to bloom.

I also took the mylar off the sides and replaced it with 1/2" foam insulation I didnt get to the back or the doors yet but I will soon. You can see it in the pics.

I also flushed the rez cleaned out the algae and refilled it with fresh nutrient solution.
Added a air pump and 12" bubble stone.
The roots grew far enough down to sit in the water I figured I should aerate it now.
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